Chapter 87: It Doesn’t Seem to Matter That Much

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“Well then, Kanata-sama, let’s meet again tomorrow.”

“Yeah. Alphana, do your best with the Harvest Festival preparations.”

“Yes ♪.”

After school, Alphana headed towards the imminent Harvest Festival meeting.

Kanata conveyed they would meet again tomorrow, and Alphana’s delighted smile was truly heartwarming.

“The festival is just around the corner, and Alphana is desperate to make it great. I’m sure Kanata’s words will be a great source of strength.”

“I hope so… but I can’t help with that.”

Kanata replied to Maria’s words in that manner. 

At first, it was still fine, but the Harvest Festival was a special event. It was a festival conceived by the church itself. There were also events and information that couldn’t be leaked, so unfortunately, all they could do now was look forward to the actual event.

With that in mind, Kanata looked at Maria.

“We’re together like this, but has anything really changed?”

“Well, not really. But they say complacency is the greatest enemy.”

Even though Isla’s magic was undone, there hadn’t been much change while they were still at the academy. Perhaps because it was an unchanged sight for the students and teachers, there wasn’t much need to be particularly cautious.

“When I heard it from Alphana, I was surprised and still feel that way. But nothing has changed for us, so it’s easy to let our guard down.”

“Well, there’s no point in worrying too much. I told Alphana the same thing, but Maria, try not to overthink it too much, okay?”

“I know. Fufu, could it be that you’re feeling lonely?”

Kanata averted his gaze from Maria, who smiled mischievously.

While Maria playfully pressed her index finger against Kanata’s cheek, she chuckled and shook her shoulders.

However, there was something else.

Even though Maria and Alphana were by his side, Anise was a presence that stood out more than them due to her talkativeness.

“Hey, what are we going to do now?”

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Her clingy presence was truly significant to Kanata. 

It was to the point where she grabbed more attention than Maria and Alphana.

As for what they would do next, Maria sighed disappointedly.

“Actually, I have to head to the castle now. My father and mother have summoned me.”

“Is that so?”

“I don’t know what it’s about, but I have to go for now.”


Saying they would meet again tomorrow, Maria turned her back and walked away.

Kanata and Anise watched her as she left, but since Kanata didn’t have any specific plans, he planned on returning to the dormitory… Well, Anise definitely wouldn’t allow that.

“Can we go now?”


“… Oh, really?”

No, it seemed like it was completely fine.

Having been slightly disappointed, Kanata said his farewell and tried to leave, but Anise stuck closely to him.

If Kanata stopped, Anise would stop, and if he started walking, she would follow.

“Um… Anise?”

“What’s up?”

“Well, I’m going back.”

“Yeah? I was thinking of coming along ♪.”

Kanata looked dumb with his mouth open.

It seemed Anise interpreted his question of whether it was okay to go back as something else entirely. She seemed to have misunderstood it as an invitation to accompany him back to the dormitory.

“No, this is where we say goodbye.”

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Anise made a visibly dissatisfied expression.

It’s not that he disliked the idea of inviting her to his room, but there are more people around now compared to when Alphana came before, and there are certain circumstances to consider.

Although her face showed discontent, she nodded, indicating that she understood and didn’t have any ulterior motives to truly trouble Kanata.

“I don’t want to cause too much inconvenience, and I really, really want to be with Kanata more, but I’ll give up on going to your room.”

She said that, but if she had animal ears, they would undoubtedly have drooped down.

She hadn’t made a friend yet, and Kanata and the others were the only ones she could talk to comfortably in this royal capital.

“… I see. Then, let’s stay together a little longer. I’ll show you around the city too.”




Anise jumped up and down in joy.

The sight of her large bouncing chest was quite the spectacle, but Kanata placed his hand on Anise’s shoulder, telling her to calm down.

“Alright, then, let’s stroll around casually.”

“Got it. Fufu, a date with Kanata ♪. A date with Kanata ♪.”

“… Jeez.”

Even so, if she’s happy like that, Kanata can’t help but let a smile escape.

Afterward, Kanata headed to the castle town with Anise.

“Compared to the Empire, it’s… peaceful.”

“Wait, isn’t this how towns usually are?”

“That’s true for now. But the cityscape in the former Empire was quite terrible. Discrimination against commoners by the nobles was an everyday occurrence.”

“… Is that so?”

Kanata hadn’t personally witnessed those scenes, but perhaps there were discriminations like the ones he had seen in manga and anime from his previous life.

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“But you know what? It was Kanata’s words as Haishin that changed the Empire.”

Anise told him that it was he who changed the Empire.

It was quite refreshing to hear about the changes from a local perspective, and it made Kanata realize the significant influence his words had.

“Well, I’m not that big of a presence. I’m just a guy who found something fun to do with streaming.”

Kanata had no intention of changing the world. He still held the belief that as long as he could enjoy streaming, that was enough.

Anise seemed to understand that well, as she didn’t start talking about Kanata’s great achievements.

Afterward, Kanata continued strolling through the town with Anise.

They bought snacks at the shops Kanata often visited, and although he wasn’t exactly suitable for escorting a lady, Anise seemed happy throughout the entire time.

“Speaking of which…”

“What is it?”

While taking a break, sitting on a bench, Kanata suddenly had something he wanted to ask.

“Did you start liking Haishin from the very beginning, Anise?”

“Of course I did!!”

“I’m glad you asked,” Anise enthusiastically started to speak.

“When I listened to your first stream, something in me changed. It felt like a turning point in time, you know? I had this intuition that I would regret it if I missed out.”

“Really? That much?”

“Yeah. And I wasn’t wrong. I quickly got hooked on your streams and wanted to meet the person behind them more and more… Fufu. My dream came true ♪.”

Kanata found it somewhat heartwarming to see how genuinely happy she was.

Come to think of it, even in his previous life, many people fantasized about meeting famous streamers and becoming close to them. While Kanata didn’t have such strong desires, that’s precisely why he could understand Anise’s feelings.

“Well, I’m glad you feel that way.”

“Yeah ♪.”

Kanata hoped to continue his streaming activities, not stopping for the sake of people like Anise who look forward to them.

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Now, as they were talking like that, something happened.


“Yeah? Oh, Mira.”

Suddenly, Mira was standing behind them, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

While Kanata was no longer surprised by her sudden appearance, Anise instinctively distanced herself from Mira and showed a sign of caution.

“Kanata? Who is this girl…”

“It’s fine. Mira, introduce yourself.”


With an energetic response, Mira faced Anise.

“Nice to meet you, Anise-sama. I am Mira. Um… I’m also originally from the Empire, but I live in the royal capital because I want to be by Kanata-sama’s side!”

“Huh? You’re from the Empire?”

Anise’s guard was instantly lifted upon hearing they were from the same Empire. 

It seemed the connection of coming from the same hometown called for common topics of conversation. Afterward, Mira and Anise quickly hit it off and became friends.

Somehow, the three of them ended up outside the royal capital, and for some reason, Mira and Anise were facing each other.

“… How did it come to this?”

“It’s obvious, right? An encounter with the legendary assassin, Raven! I absolutely want to have a match with you!”

In fact, Mira had also revealed that she was Raven. 

As Anise was aware of the legendary assassin known as Raven in the Empire, she was greatly surprised. However, with her inclination towards battles, she desired to fight against Mira.

“For now… let’s make sure nobody gets injured, okay?”

“Got it ♪.”


However, regardless of how it happened, this battle was bound to be a spectacle. 

On one side, the legendary assassin, and on the other, the Ice Witch who would shape the future of the Empire… The outcome of their fight was truly uncertain.

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