Chapter 90: Being Majestic Seems to Be the Best After All

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“Well then, let’s do it again today!”

While various speculations were spreading, Kanata decided to continue streaming as usual.

As Kanata started the stream, viewers quickly gathered, and as expected, the flow of comments was predictable.

: Does Haishin-sama live in the capital!?

: If I go to the capital, can I meet Haishin-sama!?

: Haishin-sama, please answer!

: You guys, stop bothering Haishin-sama so much.

: Just watch the stream quietly.

: Don’t you guys care?

: But… you guys are bothering him.

Many people asked without thinking about anything, but there were also comments that showed concern for Kanata, not inconsiderable in number.

There had been similar troubles in his past life… Not that he did anything wrong, but he had watched famous people face this kind of questioning many times as a viewer.

(… I think I understand now how hard it’s for people to hear things they don’t really want to hear.)

While thinking about such things, Kanata opened his mouth without changing his usual manner.

“Geez, it seems there are various speculations going around about me, someone shrouded in mystery until now. But I will continue the livestream just as I have been. There may be people who are curious, but… Well, it’s not like it will change anything either way.”

He did not show any worries and didn’t shrink back.

Kanata believes that if he remains majestic, the people around him will naturally be swept along and stop caring. That’s the basic idea.

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“Well then, let’s do it as usual~!!”

After that, Kanata transitioned to the usual fan mail corner.

There were still many probing words about Kanata in the comments, but as time passed, the stream returned to its usual state as if nothing changed.

In the end, Kanata’s belief was not wrong.

(Well, I understand the feeling. I’ve also thought many times about wanting to meet a streamer in real life.)

Although Kanata doesn’t intend to become arrogant about becoming such a presence, it’s still not a bad feeling to become popular.

However, that’s why he needs to be vigilant.

For Kanata right now, the days spent as Haishin can be said to be supported by many people, including Maria, Alphana, and many other supporters.


They reached a place he alone would have never reached without the help of many allies, with Maria and Alphana at the forefront.

Haishin merchandise is a prime example of that, but it should have been impossible to realize without the help of others, even if Kanata came up with the idea.

“… That’s right. Hey, everyone.”

: What’s up?

: What’s the matter?

: Haishin-sama, tell us anything!

: We’re with you!

: Who are you guys?

Amidst the accelerating comments, Kanata chuckled and muttered something like this.

As mentioned earlier, it was something that came to mind on the spur of the moment, and whether it could be realized or not was still uncertain.

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“I’m here, as Haishin, but just talking nonstop by myself is boring. The reason I’ve been able to continue like this is all thanks to the listeners. That’s why I thought it would be nice to consider a large-scale event to express my gratitude someday.”

After Kanata’s sudden words, there was a momentary silence in the comments, followed by an overwhelming acceleration in the flow of comments untrackable by human eyes.

“Well, I don’t know if it can actually be done. So, take it with a grain of salt and don’t take it too seriously, okay?”

However, these words undoubtedly raised expectations among the listeners to some extent. Kanata mentioned a large-scale gratitude event, and while they don’t know what it will be, Kanata is determined to make it happen.

Being in front of a large crowd as Haishin is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, both in the past and the future.

“Well then, let’s continue with the fan letters~!”

For now, the event was put aside for another time, and Kanata began reading another letter.

[Haishin-sama, excuse me!

Recently, something strange happened to me, so I wanted to ask about it and decided to send this letter.

You see, I’m quite a well-known adventurer… but recently, I had a mysterious experience.

As my companions and I ventured deeper into the dungeon, we triggered a trap. Fortunately, only I was affected by the trap.

A dazzling light flashed, and for a moment, I thought I had died… but I found myself instantly transported to a strange world.]

“Oh… a mysterious world, huh?”

Kanata was greatly intrigued.

Of course, not just Kanata, but the listeners seemed quite fascinated by the idea of hearing about someone different from themselves.

[In that world, I encountered a beautiful elf. 

However, this elf seemed to view themselves as ugly. When I told her she was not ugly and actually very beautiful, she was surprised and started crying… 

And then, she directed a strangely intense and terrifying gaze toward me, with a mix of passionate admiration and fear. 

It scared me, so I ran away.]

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“… Heh.”

As Kanata continued reading, it became apparent that the elf, who had been complimented on her beauty, underwent a drastic change that was so terrifying that the listener couldn’t eat for several days.

Although it’s unclear what exactly happened deep within the dungeon, Kanata somehow understood what the listener had experienced.

“Perhaps the influence of that trap caused a momentary leap to a different world. And maybe it was a world where our concept of beauty and ugliness got reversed… or something like that?”

: Reversal of beauty and ugliness?

: What does that mean?

: I don’t really get it.

: This is the first time I’ve heard of it.

“Well, you see, it refers to a world where what we consider beautiful here is called ugly there, and what we consider ugly is called beautiful.”

In Kanata’s past life, the concept of beauty and ugliness reversal was established as a genre, often mixed with a slightly risqué theme and even the reversal of moral values.

Well, regarding this particular letter, Kanata didn’t take it too seriously, but they wanted to convey that such a world does exist.

: So, in other words… from our perspective, beautiful people are considered ugly?

: People we consider ugly are called beautiful… huh?

: So, beautiful people from our perspective aren’t being pursued by men?

: If we were to seriously tell that to someone who fits the reversed standards…

: Oh…

: Oh.

It seems the listeners have arrived at the truth. 

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Kanata, for one, enjoyed works of fiction that explored the concept of beauty and ugliness reversal. If they could go to such a world, it would surely be paradise every day.

However, if one were born into that world with its value system, it would be nothing but hell. Still, it was a slightly intriguing topic for Kanata.

: So, does that mean I missed out on the best moment!?

: The person is here!

: You idiot! You unexpectedly had a chance!

: You should have just obediently accepted it!!

: No way! I prefer strong men over women!

: … Oh, a woman?

: I’m a guy, though?

: …

: Haishin-sama, please continue.

Kanata decided to stop dragging out this topic, as it was no longer as intriguing. 

After going from an interesting discussion to an irrelevant truth, it seemed like a perfect ending, so Kanata decided to end the stream with that.

“I had a great time today! Oh, and thanks for getting back to the usual atmosphere partway through. Thanks, everyone!”

Conveying those words, Kanata finished the stream.

While there was some initial anxiety before starting, it became clear after actually finishing that being confident and majestic was the right approach. 

Indeed, information about Haishin’s whereabouts might be of interest, but what they eagerly anticipate is the time spent during the stream, no matter what.

“Ah, streaming is really fun, after all.”

Smiling and satisfied, Kanata drifted off to sleep.

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