Chapter 97: She Was Indeed A Goddess

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“I’m really sorry!!”

“No… Um, please lift your head!”

Isla was gracefully bowing down in front of Kanata.

Several days had passed since the Harvest Festival, and Kanata was going about his daily life as usual when Isla suddenly appeared before him. 

Kanata had asked her to lift her head precisely because he knew why she was apologizing like this.

“You shouldn’t bow your head so easily as a goddess! Actually, now that I’ve thought about it, I should be the one thanking you, right?”

“… Why?”

Kanata explained to Isla after she raised her face.

In the first place, there were aspects regarding how Kanata should interact with Maria and Alphana he hadn’t considered, and the reason those things didn’t become apparent was due to Isla’s magic.

While he was grateful for Isla’s help covering the areas he should have been mindful of, he had no complaints about the magic wearing off.

“Well… thank you, Isla. In a way, I think this incident was actually good. Otherwise, I would have remained unaware of your concern for me.”

“… Kanataa!!”


Feeling moved, Isla embraced Kanata, causing him to momentarily lose his breath. However, Isla quickly let go as if startled.

Clearing her throat, Isla composed herself and continued speaking, with her tone shifted.

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“This time, it was my mistake… Or rather, I underestimated Kanata’s power. Well, if you put it that way, it’s not so bad for a goddess to ascend, right?”

“How’s that?”

Isla chuckled, covering her mouth with her hand, and approached Kanata again. Large wings sprouted from her back, enveloping Kanata, and her arms wrapped around his back.

“I’m even more tempted to claim your soul now. While you’re in this world, I’ll entrust you to them. However, after you complete your natural lifespan, you’ll stay by my side for eternity.”

Isla whispered into his ear.

Although Kanata couldn’t see her expression at that moment, her eyes were filled with immense affection and possessiveness.

After that, with her magic once again active as before, Kanata’s secrets remained safe from being exposed so easily.

“As for the events of the Harvest Festival… should I keep them in their memories? Your appearance had quite an impact on people, positively, that is.”

The incident at the Harvest Festival was being discussed among the masses in a favourable light. 

Some say he arrived to assist the troubled princess and the saint, while others believe he intended to admonish them, as he considers them his family.

While some aspects of those stories did apply to Kanata in a way, he was mainly upset because they had tried to ruin the event by mentioning his name.

“Well then, Kanata, I’ll take my leave now.”

“Yeah. Thank you, really.”

“… Goodbye.”

Isla fluttered her wings in excitement, unable to hide her joy, and then she disappeared. 

Even though she was still wearing Haishin-sama’s shirt as usual, the aura she exuded felt truly divine, and Kanata once again realized that she was indeed a goddess.


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With Isla gone, Kanata sighed deeply and lay down on the bed. 

The Harvest Festival had ended, and there were no other planned major events in the capital for a while. The magic to protect Kanata’s identity had been activated again, allowing him to relax and live as he did before.

“… But, this kind of mindset won’t do.”

Kanata shook his head, realizing that being too lax despite Isla’s magic was a lesson he had learned.

“It’s alright to continue as before. Though my powers are involved, as the one who guided you to this world, I want you to live freely. Don’t restrict yourself too much because of this incident, okay?” 

This was what Isla had told Kanata at some point.

Perhaps Isla, who always watched over the world below, liked watching Kanata doing what he pleased: living freely.

“… I guess it’s probably best to take it easy after all.”

Kanata shook his head, deciding not to overthink things. 

Though he had time to ponder since he wasn’t streaming today, he thought it might be important to continue living in the way he had been, just as Isla requested.

Being cautious in moderation and enjoying life in moderation. Kanata nodded, thinking that might be the best way.

“Alright, for now, I’ll go to sleep. Starting tomorrow, I’ll be back to my usual routine!!”

Thanks to Isla, Kanata was feeling a great sense of ease. 

However, he had mentioned planning a major event, which meant he would soon need to discuss it with many people and exchange opinions… But Kanata was looking forward to that as well.


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Some time passed, and significant changes occurred in Kanata and the others’ daily lives.

The Principality took the lead in developing a communication network. Although it could only be used by the upper echelons of the country for now, real-time communication with distant countries was established.

In other words, it was somewhat like modern-day teleconferencing, but thanks to this, there was no need to write long letters anymore or rely on the tremendous magic required for one-way communication of words.

Eventually, the technology was expected to spread among the people, and they were working on developing devices that would allow communication between smaller terminals.

“So, it’ll be like a smartphone, right?”

“A smartphone?”

“Oh, it’s nothing.”

Of course, people in this world did not know smartphones, and when Alphana, who was nearby, asked about it, Kanata shook his head, saying it was nothing.

Since Isla’s magic once again enveloped the world, Kanata’s daily life quickly returned to normal… Well. He remained cautious in various ways, but for Maria and Alphana, it seemed like a long-awaited moment had finally arrived.

“Maria is busy with her duties at the castle… Fufu, so today, I have Kanata-sama all to myself ♪.”


Kanata was currently resting his head on Alphana’s lap, just like they did in the past, but the setting was a room in the church, a place Kanata often visited.

As soon as their time at the academy ended, Alphana took his hand, leading him to this room where they could talk and be affectionate with each other.

Not only were they indulging in each other’s company, but they were also discussing their future plans together.

“Regarding the event in the Empire… I’ve thought about it, and it might be a good idea. Normally, I’d want you to reconsider, but if the Emperor is a fan of Kanata-sama, then it should be fine.”

“Indeed,” Kanata chuckled.

The Emperor’s strong impression itself could be considered trustworthy in a way, and Kanata didn’t feel any lies in what Alphana was saying. So, when he goes to the Empire, the Emperor’s support would undoubtedly be a significant advantage.

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“In that case, we’ll need to communicate and coordinate with each other in various ways.”

“Yes, you’re right… fufu.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Well, I just thought it was a good idea after all.”

While gently stroking Kanata’s head, Alphana continued speaking.

“Spending days like this with Kanata-sama is truly a treasure.”


Kanata’s cheeks flushed red at the smile on her face.

It wasn’t like he was trying to hide anything, but after having some distance between them, he felt a sense of loneliness and a longing for their presence.

What Alphana just said was something that resonated with Kanata as well, and he, too, felt her presence even more than usual.

“Ah… Kanata-sama?”


Unconsciously, Kanata reached out and placed his hand on Alphana’s cheek. Both of them seemed to be taken aback, but Alphana was the one who moved first.

She leaned in closer to Kanata, lowering her face.

“… chu~”

In a way, the time they spent slightly apart seemed to be the time they needed to take a step forward. 

Now, at this moment, Kanata was finally about to face the feelings stirring within him.

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