The CEO Who Hates Me

Chapter 158

Cecile couldn't help as her tear fell from her eyes at that moment. That child was supposed to be Ryu's older brother by now.

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She often visited his grave, making sure he wouldn't feel alone wherever he was. She kept asking for forgiveness because she wasn't strong enough that time and because she was weak, the baby too suffered and died.

She never heard her baby cry as soon as he came out. She was hysterical and passed-out at the same time because of her weak body and she had lost too much blood during delivery.

When she woke up, the first thing she looked for was her baby. But Mr. Go told her the sad news that her baby was too weak and barely breathing.

According to Mr. Go, the doctors did their best to revive her baby but all in futile. Mr. Go managed everything for her baby's burial because she was still weak and needed a bed rest to recuperate at the hospital.

She cried hard for days. She felt that she was cursed to suffer. Her world crumbled that she asked God for several times why she had to experience all those hardships.

The Go Family had witnessed it all, Mr. Go in particular, how miserable her life was...

Until one day, the news about Karl Ken reached her. Her family had informed her regarding the help they were receiving from the Ken and how Karl always asked news about her and if she was doing good.

Mr. Go was the one who had convinced her to accept the arranged marriage. He said he wanted her to have a new life, a life with someone who could give her everything she needed and a good family on top of that, a family that was untouchable.

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He told her that if she will be a part of the Ken family, she will no longer experience being trampled easily like before.

She knew Karl and she had a hunch why he offered the arranged marriage.

She wanted to forget all, bury her past and everything together with her dead child.

She realized that Mr. Go was right. She should focus on the future... and that's what she did.

Cecile wiped her tears and smiled...

In spite of everything, she considered herself still blessed to have Karl and Ryu. The Ken Family has been good to her and she couldn't ask for more...


Ryu saw Arya in the garden...

"You're still here? Mom thought you are resting already." He said smiling as he pulled his wife to his embrace and give her a peck kiss on her lips.

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"Yeah ... I'm resting while admiring the beautiful garden of grandma." Arya answered smiling but then she furrowed her forehead when she noticed that Ryu looked weary.

She cupped his face and asked, "Love what's wrong? Something's bothering you. I know that look..."

Ryu sighed, "Guess I couldn't hide anything from you."

Arya pouted her lips, narrowed her eyes and said, "Why? Are you planning to hide something from me?"

"Not really but I prefer not to make you worry and focus on our marriage life instead like giving me little Ryu and little Arya soon," Ryu whispered on her ear as he picked her up and carried her.

Arya was startled but her legs wrapped automatically on Ryu's waist while her arms encircled his neck.

"Put me down you naughty... Mom or Butler Omni might see us and its embarrassing." she whispered then she bit his ear.

"Don't worry they will close their eyes if they see us. Haha..." Ryu said laughing while he carried her inside their room.

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As soon as the door was closed, he pinned Arya on the wall while he continued to kiss her full red lips. He loved her so much that he could almost forget other things whenever he was with her.

"Ryu," Arya breathed.

"Hmm?" Ryu mumbled while he pulled Arya's panty down under her summer dress.

He was still kissing her body with clothes while his hand worked its way on taking off his own undergarments.

Arya helped him with her hands while she moaned as Ryu played and kissed with her neck.

"Tell me everything after this okay. We promised not to hide anything from each other... Whatever it is, tell me..." She said but then gasped when she felt Ryu slid his manhood inside of her unexpectedly.

He was having her while they were standing. They stared at each other while Ryu moved inside of her.
She wrapped her arms to his neck and wrapped her legs to him once more when she felt him held and supported her buttock with his hand.

She was lost, her eyes smoky, dark with burning desires as she bit her lip. Ryu was giving her so much pleasure with his teasing movements inside of her while her dress was still on.

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Groaning, Ryu slid deeper. He thrust in long, liquid strokes, silently demanded she follow his lead as her back arched.

He watched her skin gleam with sweat in the light.

Arya's moans tightened, her body clenched in rhythmic echo of his own heartbeat.

Twinning one hand in her hair, he accelerated his speed while Arya's humming made him go crazy.

He could feel every inch of her clenching muscles, feel the sweet, sticky heat of her around him as his thrusts deepened and quickened.

It wasn't enough. Her gasps, her moans; It shattered every part of him in an orgasm that had him thrusting up, thrusting hard, raking himself over that spot inside her and sending her wildly crying out as they both reached their climax.

Ryu smiled slowly when Arya gasped and shivered.

"Love, put me down to the bed. We looked awkward like this," Arya murmured. She was still panting ah her arms clung tightly on Ryu's neck.

Ryu was still inside of her and he heard him laughed...

"Okay, but I wasn't done yet..." Ryu murmured before he sealed her lips once more.

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