The CEO Who Hates Me

Chapter 175

The morning rays entered the room and lit every corner of it with its brightness.

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Denise woke up when the sunrays fiddled with her eyes and she moved a bit. She saw a hand on her waist, reminding her of previous night. She looked at the person sleeping beside her and was amazed to see the handsome man looking ridiculously sexy even in his sleep.

She smiled and touched his face softly with her hand and then tried to get up but Shawn's arms were still holding her tight…

She did not mind the heavy weight of his arm on her waist; she liked the feeling of waking up cuddled in his embrace with her head on his bare chest.

She could smell his body's fragrance being so close to him, being able to see his beautiful handsome face in the morning and she loved the fact that like this, she has the liberties to even hold him tight in her arms, keep him only with her, forever….

She just loved this feeling, the feeling of Shawn's close presence lying in the bed together tucked in each other's arms.

She smiled in satisfaction before she gently pulled up Shawn's arm and released herself from his embrace. She kissed him lightly on his cheeks and lips and got down from the bed as she tried to stand up she felt her body ache down there and the realization that she had her first time with Shawn made a blush travel on her cheeks.

She smiled and stood up still in a little pain and walked towards the bathroom.

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She freshened herself up and took a quick shower and wrapped a big towel around her body and came out to search for something to wear in Shawn's closet. She checked his clothes and found few of his T-shirts kept there. She picked a longer one and draped it over her. Because all her clothes needed to be washed and she had nothing else to wear so she just wore his clothes and felt a very different feeling arising in her heart.

She felt a sense of belonging to him…


Denise held her grumbling stomach that reminded her how hungry she was.

She could not eat her dinner also all she ate since yesterday evening was a mere snack because she's supposed to go home and have her full course there last night.

But eventually, she got eaten up by Shawn instead.

She chuckled on her own as she walked to look for Shawn's kitchen.

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She was feeling very happy from inside and smiles kept on creeping on her beautiful lips over and over again whenever she thought about her night with Shawn.

Denise opened the refrigerator and was surprised to see a lot of food she could cook inside it. She was humming happily as she cooked an omelet and toasted bread for herself, some easy to prepare food she could make fast and sat down on the dining and dug in.

After she finished, she prepared a hangover soup for Shawn…

He was heavily drunk yester night and then she planned to wait for him to wake up naturally since she was sure he will be awake late since he was drunk and tired because of last night.

Denise felt her warmed cheeks bashfully as she recalled last night's wonderful experience. The love making session was a long one and Shawn had drained her energy completely by taking her using various tricks…

Later he also fell asleep and was still sleeping….

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Denise also didn't wish to part away from him but, it just so happened that she was hungry so she got up even though she did not want to yet.

Denise looked around; she started to stroll around inside Shawn's house looking each and every room and taking a peek at every place. It's a two storey house and not as big as a mansion but it had a great ambiance, a perfect peace and quiet, like you will have a relaxing stay whenever you were here.

She brought her coffee and got up to walk around.

And as what she expected, outside on the back side of the villa in the veranda, the cool breeze and amazing view took her breath away.

She put her coffee down so she could raise her arms and feel the breeze. She tiptoed and smelled the fresh air.


Shawn woke up with a heavy head ache. He sat up on the bed and slowly remembered everything that happened last night. He almost thought it all as a dream but then he saw the crumpled sheets, clothes of a girl on the floor and when he stared at the blood stain on the sheet of his bed.

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He knew he was not dreaming… all that had actually happened.

Then he recalled everything, he remembered it all, every details of what had happened between him and Denise last night. Her kissing her and his flipping her on the bed, their long kiss, her moans, his losing control of himself and making her cry with pain by entering her, the pleasure that they both got.

He actually tried to control himself but it was hard. His body was longing to have her last night.

He smiled at the thoughts of her moans and felt aroused again…

Shawn shook his head when he also recalled how he blurted out about getting married to Denise, the sooner the better.

His smile tuned into a frown when he thought of the Old Man Skull. Would it be right to drag her in all this? Denise cannot be used as a bait by Old Man Skull for his revenge.

He massaged his temples...

How could he create such a mess as this? How could he do something that would force an innocent woman to his dark world? The darkness of his life felt lesser when Denise was around but will bringing her into his darkness be fair with her?

'No, Denise is innocent and pure hearted. I will have to protect her no matter what. I will never let her suffer because of me…'

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