The CEO Who Hates Me

Chapter 181: 181

Shawn was sitting in his office with a wide grin on his face, making him look more handsome and charming with a faint blush on his face.

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He looked at the marriage certificate that he and Denise got after they registered their marriage secretly. He was happy and felt a sense of responsibility that he had never felt before.

It hadn't been a long time since he met Denise the first time. He did all he could to keep away from her, to not fall for her charms. He couldn't believe that he ended up getting married in return.

'When did I start liking her? When did it all start?'

His trail of thoughts went back to the first day he met her. She came in his life like a hurricane and swept away his sanity with her.

He was not sure but probably it was that evening at the party when Denise crashed into his life, and kissed him to claim her right on him…

That time he was startled at first and electrocuted with her soft lips pressed on his own… slowly he thought they were his own and were really good to taste… sweet and soft…

That day actually marked the beginning of his unconscious love for Denise.

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Though he knew she did all that for some other reasons but somehow, he felt good that someone had claimed him as her own… it felt like there was at least someone who wanted him.

She piqued his interest, but knowing the whole scene and her connections with Ryu and Arya he also tried to ignore his own hearts voice.

However, fate had actually destined them to be together. Today, they were bound in the unique bond of marriage.

His grin widened and thoughts started to drift in the memories of their intimate night together…. the whole day of love making… her moans and his insatiable hunger for her.

Shawn sighed...

Going out with her was possible without alarming anyone about their marriage, so they had agreed to be together as much as they can during their free time.
'I must make sure to have more free time in my schedule now...' he mused.

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He actually assessed himself after he dropped Denise to her home if he will be happy by just meeting with her in their free time… guess no!!!

He wanted to sleep with her in his arms every night and wake up with her by his side, cuddled in his embrace every morning.

'He actually misses her...'

He in fact even questioned himself a number of times if it's just because of lust that he wanted her by his side, but no… it's not lust.

He likes her scent, her soft body in his arms… the feeling of being loved by her and being her possession. Yes, she owned him forever now.

He couldn't tell how much he could protect her from all the problems but he was sure about one thing, he would keep her by his side no matter what happens.

Lost in his thoughts he caressed his marriage certificate kept it in his inner suit pocket, close to his heart.

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Halfheartedly he started reading his documents and suddenly he was startled when Old Man Skull suddenly barged into his office.

"Put on that damn television," he instructed his secretary.

"Watch that! And tell me, what are your plans about that? Our guy in the media tipped me that there is news regarding the new project of the Cooper Entertainment in partnership with the biggest entertainment worldwide about a one month long program for young achiever CEOs and he said your name might be included in the list." Old Man Skull said with a creased forehead as he stared at Shawn.

He wanted to see Shawn's expressions to know if he was already aware about it. And based on what he saw, it seemed he did not know about it earlier.

The entertainment news started. Both men watched it with attention…

["Cooper Entertainment had signed a contract with Mountain Peak Production for a reality show that will feature young achievers CEO from well known companies.

They say that this show is well anticipated by the viewers because they will be able to see handsome CEOs inside one house and how they will interact with each other.

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Among the list of the names they are anticipating are the CEOs of SL Group and RK Holdings who are currently very hot topics for not only the business world but even for all our young ladies… these two CEOs are also termed rivals because of the competition going on between companies not only in business but also in physical attributes and their capabilities in handling a large group at a young age.

This is the highest trending topic today online for most of the girls and there's even an online poll going on about who among the young successful CEOs they would love to watch on the television for the said reality show."]

After the news report, Old Man Skull signaled the secretary to turn off the television and leave.

"So that said poll online, I heard Ryu is on the top followed by the CEO of Cooper Entertainment himself and you are currently on the 3rd spot. Tell me, are you going to join that show?" Old Man Skull asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Hah! You know I hate this kind of stuff so why would I join that stupid show?" Hissed Shawn.

Then the intercon rang and Shawn answered it at the loudspeaker and it was his assistant speaking in a hurried tone.

"Sir CEO Ryu Ken is on television for an interview, I think you need to watch… Also, Cooper Entertainment called and would like to set an appointment to meet you..."

Old Man Skull laughed and said, "That Ryu is really quick. I'm sure it's connected, that interview is about the reality show since he is at top right now in the poll. Let's see what he have to say in that interview..."

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