The CEO Who Hates Me

Chapter 235: 235

Old Man Skull was getting irritated as the day passed by but he must manage to smile to the girl in front of him. If only he did not need the Ming's wealth he would have never wasted his time being attentive to Denise every now and then. She was getting on his nerves because of being nosy.

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This was already the third day that Denise almost always stayed inside his mansion to cling at Shawn for the whole day.

He wouldn't be surprised if one day she asked him to sleep in one of his guestrooms.

The two were always together for the wedding preparations.

He noticed that Shawn was acting like his usual self like he was often annoyed than not.

But for some reason, he could feel that something was off. He couldn't describe or name that feeling yet.

Then, his thoughts were interrupted by a ringing sound from his mobile phone.

"Good. Make sure to clean up everything well. I don't want any loose ends." He instructed, then smiled at Denise when he noticed that she was looking at him.

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"Alright, come back immediately." Old Man Skull ordered before he ended the call.

It was Brando, who took good care of the doctor, who was hiding away from his grip for more than thirty-one long years.

'You sure hide well, but still, I found you in the end.' He thought, as a smirk plastered on his face.

Then, he looked at Shawn, scanning him thoroughly with his narrowed eyes.

'Now, let me see what I should do with this disappointing brat!' He thought with an arched brow as he looked at Shawn's gloomy face like he was so bored while Denise looked at the catalog for a wedding dress.

"Dad, see this? I like this one. What do you think, I think I will pick this design. Shawn just keeps on nodding at every wedding dress, and I can't pick which design will best suit me at all." Denise asked as she approached him with a smile.

He returned the smile and commented, "I think that dress will look good on you too. Just choose what you feel is comfortable with you, child. I'm sure you will look stunning in any dress."

"Dad, I actually asked my father about this matter and he already agreed. Do you think you can allow Shawn to stay with us instead, while we are preparing for the wedding?" Denise asked timidly, then looked at Shawn as if making sure he was not listening to them.

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Then, she added with a low voice just enough for him to hear, "I think I will need to take advantage of him. I can only do that if we sleep together. I know it's a little bit off, Dad, but I just wanna make sure that he can no longer escape me."

Old Man Skull frowned at Denise's boldness, "No, Denise. I will not allow Shawn to leave this house! I mean, it's not a good idea and what will others think? You don't need to feel insecure! You will marry him soon and I will make sure of it!"

Their discussion was interrupted when he received another call. Seeing the caller ID, he immediately excused himself from Denise as he answered the call.

"What? Are you telling me that there's a new group, who you believe, is competing with our transactions? Damn you! Clarify it before you make a report to me! Competing or trying to do dealings with us, you asshole! Check everything first and get back on me with a detailed and complete report!" Hissed Old Man Skull at his man on the other end of the line before he ended the call, as his face burned with frustrations.

Ever since Rita left the group, he had a hard time getting things organized like what Rita was doing before… Those stupid men couldn't compare with the level of Rita's way of thinking and how she organized things for him.

He would get back that brain of hers under his wing and that's for sure. He just needed to wipe those Kens as soon as possible.

Then, he bid farewell to the couple because he needed to see for himself what that new group was up to. His man reported that the group was connected to a rich magnate and his men were still checking the reliability of the source.

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He wanted to play a little with his old-time friend Demon Don so he prepared something for him; a mini gift while the Demon Don was at the hospital.

'Let me return the favor for your previous gift… It's not something big compared to the blow that you gave at my one of my labs. I'm still being considerate this time...' he smirked and looked at his wristwatch. Then, he grinned, as his face showed bloodthirst contentment.


'Flash Report…

An accident has been reported.

The accident has happened with one of the family members of the Ken Family.

It was reported that there was a malfunction in the car, which made it crash into other cars around the area. The police were now investigating the aforesaid accident…

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At the moment, it is said that the victim was rushing to the nearby hospital where, as per the previous report, Old Master Ken is in confinement.

The complete report will be released at 7:00 pm during our evening news...'

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