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"Here drink this," Arya gave a bottle of energy drink to Ryu who was now sitting at the sofa. Ryu held her hand to look at the ring on her finger.

"Just want to make sure you wear it." He said in a serious tone then he winked at her. Arya answered him by making a face.

"You watched and wait there. I will just get dress." She opened the television for him. However, Ryu pulled her on his lap instead.

"But you already wear your robe. That's good enough. Just stay here for a while." Ryu complained like a child and Arya can't help but laughed at him.

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"You're like a child. How old are you anyway and stop pouting that lips haha. You're such a flirt." She commented while blushing.

"I never flirt to anyone but you." Ryu grinned and hugged her tightly. He rested his head on her chest.

"Do you know that I don't believe in marriage? My parents got married because of an agreement between families so I'm practically born out of an arranged marriage and not made because of love." Ryu blurted out all of a sudden.

Arya touched Ryu's hair and gently caressed and stroke it as she commented, "So it's basically the same in dramas. But I heard that love can be learned and developed in a span of time so I'm sure your parents already loved each other by now, though you may not be made out of love, you are surely nurtured and grew up with their love."

Ryu smiled, Arya's remarks were true. He was dearly loved by his parents.

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He hated it, how her parents were like robots doing things out of pure duty for each other. If you looked at them, you can basically describe them as friends but definitely not under the category as lovers. It's probably why he was just an only child. They already stopped trying as soon as an heir was born.

That's why he doesn't believe in marriage. It was just a paper to tie down two people. It was meaningless to him until Arya came because he desperately wanted to tie her down beside him.

Ryu raised his head and looked at Arya then he asked out of curiosity, "Do you want to get married?"

Arya smiled at him and Ryu's heart beat raced irregularly with just that simple sweet smile of her.

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"Of course, I wanted to marry someday but not today," she answered in a jest. She can feel that something was bothering Ryu and it was about his family. She chose not to ask him but rather she will just listen well if he needed someone to talk with.

Subconsciously, Arya leaned down to place a gentle kiss on Ryu's forehead. "Don't think too much about it and just rest here for a while." She whispered as she pulled his head on her chest and gently stroke and caressed his hair.

"I wanted to bring you to my place. Let's live together." Ryu suddenly murmured before Arya felt his heavy breathing. He seemed to doze off on that position. Arya sighed then she quickly moved to get out from Ryu's lap as she gently placed his head and body down the sofa and put the square cushion under his head.

She heard her phone was ringing in the room, she quickly ran to pick it up hoping it was Kay.

She let out a sigh of relief seeing Kay's number on the caller ID.

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She told Kay everything and he was cursing several times on the other line.

Kay: Oh God, I'm not aware of that, I am really sorry Arya. I'm the reason you are in this kind of situation. I should have checked on it deeper first.

Kay's voice was so worried, she can even hear him crying while continuously cursing himself for being so stupid and not checking everything first.

Arya: Don't blame yourself. It's my choice Kay and besides your intention was good and just to help me out. This is beyond your control. No one probably knows what kind of Boss Rita has. I am even grateful because my little Reese was alive right now and lively. If I haven't got myself into that contract, Reese might be dead by now and my father will surely rot in jail for a very long years.

She heard a noise outside her room so she quickly bid farewell to Kay and hung up the phone. She walked outside to check on Ryu and he seemed to be sleeping peacefully it was just he lay on his side now.

Her sofa was big enough to fit them both so she ended up hugging Ryu from behind as she buried her face on Ryu's nape because she loved his scent so much. She kissed his nape as she said, "Goodnight." Then her eyes became heavy and she closed it with a smile on her face.

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