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Arya asked Ryu to watch a movie with her and she chose a touching love story which was mostly not preferred by man according to research.

When she told the title of the movie she wanted to watch, she saw Ryu's glazed and disapproving look.

"How about we watch some comedy or action movies or horror?" Ryu asked plainly. He doesn't like watching dramas and love stories stuff.

"But I want to watch it with you." She said with pouted lips.

Ryu sighed and instruct one of the helper to play the movie entitled "The Notebook". During their watch, Arya tapped Ryu's shoulder from time to time to wake him up because she was noticing he was yawning often and his head was leaning on her shoulder at some point.

While watching, Arya kept on commenting.

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"That man is so stupid, why would he wait for the girl to go back. The best he should do is to find another love interest and move on. Just move on with that attorney." She said with a twitched mouth.

Ryu smirked. 'Why don't you just tell it to me directly?' he thought while looking doleful at Arya who was focussed in watching. He was not dense. He can feel it and he was getting Arya's actions and words.

He was startled when Arya suddenly turned her head to look at him directly. Her eyes were narrowing as she said, "Why are you not watching? Don't just stare at me and watch."

Then she asked with a serious tone, "What if I leave you out of the blue? What are you going to do?"

Ryu frowned and answered her with a question instead, "Are you going to leave me?"

The cozy ambience of the movie room suddenly became cramped. Ryu's taut gaze caused Arya to shiver unexpectedly.

She was about to open her mouth and say the word 'YES' confidently but Ryu abruptly pulled her nape and kissed her lips harshly.

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Arya tried to push him but Ryu's arm was strong as he locked her completely to his embrace.

"Ryu, you are hurting me!" she hissed when Ryu let go of her lips and bent down to kiss her neck, biting and sucking it hard.

"W-what's wrong with leaving y-you? Relationships are like that. T-that's why I keep on reminding you not to fall for me so you will not get affected so much when that time h-happens!" she spoke dire straight slightly stuttering.

She felt Ryu's tight grip on her shoulders as he looked closely to her eyes. "One more word from you about that nonsense and you will not leave this island forever!" He spoke threateningly.

Arya's tear suddenly burst out from her eyes. She got scared hearing those words.

Ryu's gloomy aura suddenly became soft as he loosened his grip on Arya's shoulders.

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He hugged her gently and said, "Shhh, I am sorry. I really understand what you are trying to convey. I get it okay. Can we just please stop this nonsense already. Stop pretending because I knew everything."

Arya froze. 'He knew everything? What does he mean by that?' she thought nervously. She felt Ryu gently pushed her so he can look closely at her face. He wiped off Arya's tears with his thumbs and stared to her eyes.

Arya looked so confused with his words so Ryu sighed.

He was actually waiting to hear the truth from Arya herself but it seems like she had no intention to tell him everything at all. Maybe it would be best to lift that burden from her and tell her that he knew everything.

He released a very long deep sighed before he started to speak. "I knew everything already. I heard your conversation on the phone that day when I slept at your apartment."

Arya was slack-jawed as she listened to Ryu. "Why are you telling it to me only now? Did you know I plan to even fart on your face just to turn you off so that you will not fall deeply to me and will not get hurt in the process?"

This time, Ryu laughed out so hard as if nothing dreary happened between them just a while ago.

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"And you really think that would turn me off easily?" Ryu asked.

Then he added, "I even accepted the fact that I am a battered boyfriend, farting on my face was just nothing."

Then Arya's face looked trouble once more. Now that Ryu knew it, what will happen now? How about her family?

Ryu seemed to read her face and spoke, "Don't worry, I have my men looking after your family and there's nothing suspicious reported so far. I am checking this matter to see who dared plan something like this to mess up with me."

"I am still afraid. I am not sure what to do right now Ryu. My family was still in between so please understand me if in the end I have to choose."

Ryu hugged Arya as he whispered, "I will make sure that things will not come to that. I will make sure that you don't have to choose."

He will do his best, using all his power and money to bring down the perpetrator at any means.

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