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"You faint after a seagull drop it's poop on your head" Tan Hua sighed again and told Nan Shen the truth while worrying whether the man would faint from shock again or not.

∑(O_O;) s-seagull poop?! Faint?? Wait what about the confession??

"I...I faint after I saw the seagull poop??" Nan Shen stood up again as he couldn't believe his perfect confession plan was ruined by a mere seagull poop.

Wait it's not a mere. It's huge case!

"Yes big brother you did faint" Tan Hua shook her head seeing Nan Shen looked so shocked. Now she was curious what was he going to say to her before he faint?

It looks pretty important...

Hearing Tan Hua word, Nan Shen really couldn't help but grab his hair and pull it out of frustration. How could this be?! He didn't confess yet and he fainted!

It's already night now the right moment to confess was gone! It was gone! The plan he made...was all in vain. Nan Shen was so shocked that he fell back to the bed nearly making Tan Hua had heart attack because of it.

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"Big brother?? What happened are you alright??" Tan Hua was panicked seeing Nan Shen face was pale and he fell back to the bed.

Was the fact that he got seagull poop shocked him to this extent?!

"I...I'm tired..." Nan Shen felt all his energy slowly left his body when he realize his confession plan had fail. He already planned this for a week ago. He was sure it would go well. was all ruined because of a seagull poop!

"Doctor said you are too tired. You have to take a good rest!" Seeing Nan Shen was still alright, Tan Hua sighed in relief.

She was afraid Nan Shen got serious illness since the doctor said the man was too tired from work thus making his body weak.

Hearing that, Tan Hua recalled what kept Nan Shen busy was not only his usual work but also her brand. Knowing this, a sense of guilt appeared in her heart as she watched Nan Shen sleeping face.

Hhhh okay forget it Nan Shen is awake now everything will be alright.

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Tan Hua didn't know that Nan Shen became like this also because he planned for a week vacation resulting him work overnight for a few weeks already.

It's a good thing Nan Shen haven't been admitted to the hospital seeing how he overwork his body like this.

"Let's eat dinner first" Nan Shen indeed feel tired and want to sleep but then he suddenly felt hungry. It's already 7 p.m so he really should eat dinner.

"Well let's eat together. I haven't eat too..oh Mi Shu and Ren Yuan won't be joining us. They are away for other business" Tan Hua stood up from her chair as she helped Nan Shen to stood up.

Truthfully she didn't know where the heck those two went off. She was actually invited to go with those two but thinking she would be a third wheel and Nan Shen haven't woke up, she refuse.

Still...those two seemed fishy! It must be Ren Yuan who asked Mi Shu to go out maybe they were having a nice dinner on top of luxury cruise?

"Mn..." Nan Shen really felt like an idiot. He had been planning to brought Tan Hua to a luxurious dinner on a cruise while enjoying night view yet with his body weak like this he couldn't go anywhere.

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He could only eat in hotel with Tan Hua! Okay this is not romantic at all (╥﹏╥)

Nan Shen mood was really at the bottom but then he suddenly notice Tan Hua was wearing a cute soft purplish sleeveless one piece with golden belt on the waist looking really elegant for the night.

(´ ▽`)..o♡ Awww she is so cuteee

Nan Shen mood slowly became better just by seeing Tan Hua. Currently the girl made up her hair into a simple bun on top of her hair which Nan Shen never seen before adding more good feeling to the man.

Well even though he couldn't eat fancy dinner with this girl just seeing her face was enough! (_´ω`)

Hotel restaurant.

"How is the food?" Nan Shen asked Tan Hua carefully as they eat the steak on the table.

"It's delicious!" Tan Hua haven't eat meat for a long time now and since she have change to eat expensive steak again, she was moved to tears.

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Oh my Nan Shen was the best boss she ever had! (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡

Seeing Tan Hua eating like a squirrel, Nan Shen really couldn't resist the urge to took picture of this girl.

Oh my this girl is so cute! Okay he have to get a photo of her while she eat.


Nan Shen took his phone and aimed it at Tan Hua yet the man himself pretended that he was doing a selfie.

"Selfie?" Tan Hua tilted her head with meat inside her mouth making her cheek bulged like squirrels as she muttered to her self.

It's really rare to see Nan Shen took a selfie...? well nevermind let's continue eating!

Poor doggo didn't know the cunning devil was currently having his fun taking pictures of her for a few times already.

Truly a fake selfie!

This novel is uploaded to with many free chps if you steal my novel at least include the link there! ┌П┐(►˛◄'!) -Zehell2218

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