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Tan Hua too very naturally fell asleep as if the room was her own room.

The bed was too soft and warm! She couldn't resist the gravity released by the bed!!

And so just like that Tan Hua fell asleep without experiencing heartthrobbing moment with Nan Shen.

Author: ? i wanna quit!!

12 a.m

When Tan Hua was having a nice dream about being back to her world, eating delicious food and enjoy her life....a faint noise rang throughout the room.


The noise came from the window. Nan Shen house was quite tall and had good security system but somehow all of them didn't work at this time.

Second later....a shadow of someone could be seen quietly entered the room.

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The person entering the room was skillful as that person didn't make noise at all.

The person walked slowly until he arrived near Nan Shen bed which was occupied by Nan Shen and his doggo, Tan Hua.

The person then squatted down and looked at the peacefully sleeping Tan Hua with twitch on his forehead.

THIS GIRL IS SLEEPING SO SOUNDLY ON A MAN' BED?! When he was so worry seraching for her at the zoo...this girl surprisingly just sleep like that?! ??

This mysterious person was none other than Shen Ling who had just found Nan Shen house after Tan Hua send him the location right before she slept.

Shen Ling thought Tan Hua suffered injustice and bully from the evil Nan Shen. He had prepared to be a hero in the middle of the silent night by rescuing the trapped princess when who knows.....what he saw was something enough to made him want to choke Tan Hua to death.

This girl very casually fell asleep on that devil's bed. SHE WAS A GROWN-UP WOMAN OI!! How can she slept very casually without any worry right beside a man as evil as Nan Shen?!

This wasn't right. He had to woke Tan Hua and get her to their house as soon as possible!

"Psst! Tan Hua!" A very familiar voice of Shen Ling sounded through Tam Hua ears.

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"Mnn...." Tan Hua rubbed her ear which Shen Ling whispered to and raised her left hand unconsciously.


Shen Ling: Σ(゜゜) T-tan Hua...slapped him?!

The hand hit Shen Ling face accidentally while the one who did that, still haven't realize anything wrong. She was busy pulling Nan Shen blanket closer to her body to warm her self.

Tan Hua felt unsatisfied having only a little part of the blanket so she wriggled like a worm to get more part.

....still haven't felt right.

Tan Hua then tugged Nan Shen blanket and rolled her body inside like an egg rolls.

Nan Shen who suddenly felt a little cold when the blanket being tugged over to Tan Hua side, unconsciously did the same with what Tan Hua did.

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Nan Shen tugged on the blanket which Tan Hua wore and snuggled his body in it, seeking warmth. Nan Shen turned his body facing Tan Hua as he wrapped himself with the blanket.

Tan Hua face was now facing Nan Shen face and both of them were in a little tug war of tugging blanket, completely unaware of the God who had just been slapped by Tan Hua.

Shen Ling: ???? TAN HUAAA!!!! How dare she ignored him like this??!!

Shen Ling mind had almost explode seeing Tan Hua keep on sleeping while having tug war.

It seemed that he couldn't wake up this little dumb doggo!!! Then....he should just kidnapped her by force!

Shen Ling tugged the blanket Tan Hua wore and tossed it to Nan Shen body. When Tan Hua whose body was exposed without having the blanket covering her, she unconsciously tried to find the blanket back.

But before Tan Hua could reach for the blanket, Shen Ling had scoop her body like scooping ice cream and carried on his arm like a princess.

The next second, Shen Ling went out from the window bringing Tan Hua with him to went back to their house.

Tan Hua was kidnapped! By Shen Ling!

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Unfortunately the poor devil was currently sleeping like a baby, unaware if what happened to his little doggo.

The next day in Nan Shen room.

It was 6 a.m in the morning and the morning person, CEO Nan, had woke up. He rubbed his eyes lazily as his fluffy brown hair was in mess like a bird nest.

He tossed his blanket aside while still half-asleep. Then he went down from his bed, went to the toilet to brush his teeth and took a bath.

He still didn't know that Tan Hua wasn't in his room anymore. The bed was already empty with only the blanket left laying alone there.

10 minutes later...

Nan Shen had fully awake and had just finished his bath. He then looked at the bed and was about to woke up the lazy doggo when he realized....the bed was empty!

H-his doggo disappear!! Huo Huo isn't here!!!

Where did he go?!

Nan Shen quickly went out from his room and asked his humanoid servants about Tan Hua. Maybe the boy was having breakfast or morning exercise....but the results he get...was disappointing.

Tan Hua was nowhere to he seen! That boy disappear! Don't tell him...he was kidnapped??? ?

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