John was staring at his cell phone...

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Why Catherine is not answering her damn phone!?

He was getting furious and worried at the same time.

Why Catherine is not answering her phone? Her phone was working fine earlier. Was she still there inside the disco bar? He told her to go home! If she's home now she won't turn off her phone, probably she's still inside that venue with her friends and she got fed up with his constant calling and turn off her phone or somebody turn the device off...?

If somebody turns off the mobile device it could mean one thing....danger!

Allan can't be called to locate Catherine...

If he calls Romeo or Sandra to go to Cavite City, one hour drive is far too long...

He won't be able to call Catherine's own mother, her mother doesn't own a mobile device.

It doesn't help that Catherine was with Jerome! The more he thinks about it, the more his heart was beating frantically inside his rib cage! If she will get drunk, would Jerome take advantage of Catherine? Of course, he might and he would if he is desperate enough!

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God! John shut his eyes tight, wanting to erase the obscene images that popped out in his mind, he saw Jerome banging his woman repeatedly. He won't be able to bear it if another guy would touch Catherine's body! The thoughts make his blood boil...he would kill Jerome with his own hands if he dares do something bad to Catherine!

He had a gut feeling that something wrong is about to happen to Catherine!

Every fiber of his being was felt like being shredded into a tiny pieces, he felt like his intestine was being squeezed hard due to the maddening intensity of agonizing anticipation of what might happen to the woman he love in the hands of his rival...

If only he could fly and be there in the venue in an instant he would be there by now...!

Sweats of dread and worry appeared on his forehead. With trembling hands, he swipes at his cell phone and called a number...


Jerome was having a good time and the destiny seems to be cooperating with him because the sweet mellow music continues to play for the next fifteen minutes, allowing him the chance to play out his fantasy. His hands continued caressing Catherine's breast under the table while she's dozing off. His other free hand was already inside his trousers cupping his erection, rubbing it, giving himself pleasurable masturbation right inside the disco venue. While he was at his shameless deed he saw other couple kissing and cuddling in the dark. It now becomes a big orgy inside the disco venue, what he saw around him only heightened his need to devour Catherine's body. He smiled broadly. As he continues fondling at her breast he was also busy rubbing himself until he reached orgasm in no time. With a flushed face, he withdrew his hands away from her breast and pulled his hands away from his underwear and reached for the tissue to clean his fingers.

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Five minutes later...

The music finally switched into a lively dance number and the lights once again flash bright neon colors inside the disco room. He saw Mark and Sherry dancing to the lively beat. Mark was doing his part supporting him by making sure Sherry won't get in the way of his plan.

He took his mobile device from his backpack and called the taxi driver.

"Where are you? Why it took you ages to be here!" he said in a grumpy tone clearly irritated by the driver's tardiness.

"I'm still dropping a passenger on the next corner. I will be there within in ten minutes."

"Okay. Make it five minutes or else I will hire a new taxi!" he growled at his phone and put it back inside his backpack.

He looked at Catherine's sleeping form, drooling and imagining what will he kiss first once they are already inside the motel both naked, her kissable lips, her breast, her neck? Hmmm...he can't wait to devour every inch of her body. Crap! he was getting aroused again! Where is that damn taxi!

He doesn't know how long Mark can hold Sherry's attention.

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As he was looking at them dancing on the dance floor and saw Mark's head signaling him to exit the venue. He had no choice, he can no longer wait for the damn turtle moving taxi driver! He immediately dumped Catherine's shoulder bag inside his backpack and attached it securely on his back, he then pulled Catherine gently into her feet, her eyes opened slightly...

"Where we going?" she said in a low voice.

"We're going home, Cath. I will take you home," he said softly.

After hearing him said 'home' she closed her eyes again as if she can't keep her eyelids open for a whole one minute.

Jerome pressed her body close to him and then they descended down the stairs in a slow manner. He was being careful not to drag her but they need to hurry up, every minute's counts! He almost has to carry her but he refrains from doing so because people might notice something is not right with her.

He was only able to sigh in relief when they reached the entrance of the disco bar. He was cursing himself because the taxi he hired was still not in sight, just when he needed one the most! He pulls several taxicabs yet they seemed to be filled with passengers aboard them.

A taxi was coming from the west side of the street, he grinned from ear to ear noticing that it's the taxi he hired! Finally! He planted a kiss on Catherine's forehead truly elated and excited!

The taxi stopped in front of them, the driver got out quickly and opened the passenger door for them to enter, after the couple was comfortably settled inside, the driver went back to the driver's seat and began driving again, they were now on their way to the nearest drive-thru motel.

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Catherine's beautiful face was pressed firmly on Jerome's chest, his arms were wrapped around her body securely, he can feel her warmth breathing on his chest. He loves holding her like this so close to his body. He kissed her forehead. In his mind, he felt extreme happiness and excitement 'coz this is the most loving and tenderest moment he ever shared with her. Before the night is over, Catherine will become his woman and no one can take her away from him!

No one!

He looked straight ahead, looking forward to a steamy romantic night with her. He took his jacket from the inside of his backpack and cover their body with it. He can't wait to devour her, he might as well start now! Once their body was covered by his jacket, his right hand went inside Catherine's pants, he slowly unzips her pants and once his fingers found an opening he inserted his fingers inside her underwear, high voltage of desire and lust shoot throughout his body once his fingers come in contact with the surface of her core. He groaned, he was about to insert his middle finger into the opening of her mound but then out of the corner of his eyes he saw that the taxi was heading into a gasoline station and was about to park...

"Don't stop the car!" he yelled at the driver truly enraged.

The driver looks at him with a puzzled look. "My bladder is about to burst out! I need to pee!" said the taxi driver and went ahead to park the taxi in the gasoline station parking area. The driver hurriedly got out of the taxi and walked towards the comfort room.

Jerome was swearing profanities under his breath.

He withdrew his right hand from the inside of Catherine's underwear and run his fingers through his hair a bit frustrated. He zipped back her pants. The driver is taking so long to come back! What took him so long!?

Jerome was feeling anxious, deep inside he knows that every minute that he spent outside with Catherine a lot of things can interfere with the completion of his plan!

Where is he? Dammit!

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