When Catherine opened her eyes the sun rays were already shining outside the window of the room. John was no longer by her side. He must have woken up early.

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So this is the coal mining headquarters building. The room is tiny and the bed was just like the size of her bed in her room back home. When they sleep last night, John has to sleep on the floor good thing there was an extra foam and mattress. She offered to sleep on the floor but being the gentleman that he was, he refused her offer.

Because they were both tired from long hours of traveling they sleep soundly that night.

She blushed when she remembered what happened last night in that restaurant's private room. She stretched her body and then giggled. It's her first time making love with John in a public place, of all places, inside the restaurant! She's shameless!

She went inside the tiny bathroom, gurgled water in her mouth and splash water on her face. She combed her hair with her fingers and tied it into a ponytail at her back. She returned to the bed and sat down on it.

She will wait for John's return.

A wide smile was plastered on her face when she saw John entered the room, he brought breakfast in bed! Awww, how sweet!

John put down the tray of food in the bed. "Breakfast for my Queen!" he smiled lovingly at her.

"I love you so much, Cath!" he whispered into her ears and kissed her forehead.

"I love you more, John," she replied back.

She stared at the mouthwatering delicious dishes in front of her. so Yummy! There's garlic prawns, beef steak, chicken fillet, rice, and hot coffee. She was now salivating at the food in front of her.

"Let's start eating my love so that we can start romancing each other," he said in a playful tone and tugged gently at her ponytail.

Catherine grinned at him and planted a kiss on his cheek.

John picked up the plates and put some foods on Catherine's plate. Then he filled his own plate with foods and they began eating in comfortable silence.

After eating they went out and stay in the balcony sipping their hot coffee.

"The collapsed tunnel is fifteen minutes drive from here," said John, his voice trembled a bit remembering the recent horrifying ordeal.

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Catherine saw the cloud of distress in his eyes, she intertwined her fingers with his trying to comfort him.

"You want to see the collapsed tunnel?" he said.

She shook her head. "No thanks."

John caresses her cheeks.

"I have prepared a Thanksgiving mass in the ground of this building today after lunch. So, you will be seeing a lot of people about 360 of them and probably more. There will be eating, drinking and some dancing after the mass. It's a celebration of sort for the trapped miners and my successful rescue as well. I want everyone to get over the tragedy as early as possible. I already assigned the 23 trapped miners to other land-based duties, from now on they don't have to work underground again to avoid being constantly reminded by their traumatic experience. As for me and George, as long we will be back home in Makati City, everything that happens here will slowly be forgotten," explained John.

Catherine stood up and hugged John. "I'm so proud of you, John. I love you so much!"

John replied by kissing her hands.


That afternoon...

The invited Priest arrived and was greeted with a crowd of more or less 400 people. He wasted no time and start conducting the mass in a makeshift altar made especially for the occasion.

One hour later, the thanksgiving mass ended.

Mr. Fajardo made a short speech on behalf of John. Everyone cheered at Mr. Fajardo's message describing how the recent tragedy brings out the love, solidarity, and camaraderie on everyone's heart.

Then the rest of the staff starts distributing the cash gifts to the surprise of everyone.

The crowd shouted their loud 'thank you's to John who watched and waved at them from the balcony, standing beside him was Catherine.

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After all the cash gifts have been disposed of, the sound system played lively music and the caterer starts offering foods to the miners and their families. Foods and drinks were available throughout the afternoon and lasted in the early evening.

Thirty minutes later...

The crowd finally disperses and go home for the night with pleasant smiles on their faces.


John and Catherine were still standing in the balcony, looking at each other. They just finished eating their dinner right there in the balcony.

"Wow, the moon is very bright tonight!" exclaimed Catherine.

"I know of a place where the moon looks beautiful and romantic at this hour. You want to see it?" he whispered in her ears.

Her eyes twinkled with anticipation and excitement. "Yesss, take me there please!"

"Okay. Wait a moment. I gotta call someone first if the area is already ready," he said winking at her.

John called George on his phone.

"Is everything ready there?" asked John.

"Yes, boss!" answered George.

"Okay. Were coming there in a minute," said John.

He called Ramon to ready the company's car.

John held Catherine's hands and guides her down the stairs that would lead them into the ground floor and into the parking area where the car was waiting.

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The drive towards the lake was quick!

George and Ramon got into the vehicle and drove away from the site to give their boss and his lady love privacy.

She stared at the lake spellbound...

"Wow, what a lovely scenery, the lake looks enchanting and magical!" exclaimed Catherine. She saw the tent surrounded by candles glowing brightly against the dark background, it's so romantic! she giggled in delight. A piece of steamy music played in the air. Catherine pinched John's side playfully.

"What are you planning tonight?" she asked in a flirtatious voice, an alluring smile appeared on her face.

He grinned from ear to ear. "Guess what?" he whispered.

Catherine runs towards the tent. She saw blanket and pillows above the mat, the inside of the tent is wide enough for three people. A stereo was in the corner, as well a cooler that contains drinks and some assorted snacks above a food tray.

She grinned and hugged John tightly.

"You like it, Cath?" he said nibbling at her earlobes.

"Yesss...I love it so much! It's so romantic here!" she said in a breathless voice.

"I'm glad that you like it!" he said feeling proud of his preparation.

He took out a black sexy bikini top and bottom from his backpack. "I brought this for you, wear it 'coz we're going swimming!" Then he also took out his swimming trunks.

John got out of the tent so that Catherine can change into her bikini. He stripped naked outside the tent and wore his swimming trunks. When Catherine emerges from the tent, he began salivating at her hourglass body.

Catherine suddenly run towards the lake taking him by surprise! He runs after her. "Wait for me my love!" he said laughing.

They swam in the lake to their heart's content.

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John approached Catherine from behind and began kissing her back. "Let's make love right here in the middle of the lake...," he whispered.

Catherine let out a seductive giggle. " yourss..Johnnnn," she purred.

John began romancing her from behind, kissing her back, kneading her twin breast, while his stiff arousal was hard pressed on her soft bottom. She arched her back feeling the heat spreading out all over her body.

"...ohhhh...ahhhh...John!" she moaned loving every inch of his touch, she likes how he can expertly tune her body to a peak of arousal.

Then John's hand descended into her bikini bottom cupping her core, after a few seconds of rubbing, he inserted his middle finger into her mound to Catherine's absolute delight and he rubbed it up and down on her private flesh.

Catherine's body shuddered in ecstasy.

After a few seconds of rubbing her core, he faced her and lowered his swimming trunks freeing his erect shaft. Catherine watched his erection with great anticipation, he lowered her bikini bottom, wrapped her legs around his hips and plunged his rigid shaft into her core, he made up and down plunging into her silky wall many times to her delight...

"Ahhh feels so good inside you...I can't get tired entering you over and over again...," he said while grunting and panting at his laborious activity. He cupped and pressed her bottom firmly so that he can continuously pump inside her.

Catherine wrapped her arms around his head loving the rhythm of his pumping.

"ohhh...ohhhh...aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh Johnnnnn!" she moaned in ecstasy.

"ahhhhhhh .....Cathhhhhhhhh..." he groaned and panted, his breathing speeds up signaling of his oncoming orgasm.

With one last hard thrust inside her, both their body shuddered and their mind freezes, wrapping their consciousness in a mind-blowing orgasm.

Then they locked lips savoring the last embers of desire and lust running through their body.

"I love you so much, Catherine!"

"I love you more...John!"

They exchanged sweet nothings to each other, their eyes glowed with happiness as a result of the intensifying union of their bodies.

That night, they sleep inside the tent feeling happy and contented in each other arms. Before the night is over they made love again and again until they got tired.

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