John sat on the bed and caresses Catherine's cheek with the back of his hand. Lol, his beloved Queen was still sleeping soundly. Hmm, this can't be! They need to finish everything tonight so that they can continue with their lives and leave this horrific incident behind them. Everything must end tonight...

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He runs his finger on her sexy back then he tickles her side. "Catherine wake up!"

She opened her eyes slowly. "Oh, w-what time is it now?"

"It's past 1:00 AM," he answered.

"Are we going home now?" she asked, sitting upright in the bed wrapping the blanket around her nakedness.

"Yeah in a while...," he said in a husky voice. He sneaks his hand inside the blanket and grabs her bottom and squeezed it hard a bit, playfully.

"John, please stop!" she swatted his hand away from her bare bum. She smiled at him and granted him a wet kiss on his lips.

Then she starts ignoring him, she reached for her clothes and donned them on her body one by one. She already finished dressing and started combing her tresses into a ponytail.

John watched her adoringly truly mesmerized by her movements.

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"What are you staring at---?" her eyebrows rose.

John smiled at her in a loving way. "You never fails to amaze me. Every little movement that you do can put me in a trance. I love you, Cath!" he murmured.

"I love you, too!" she planted a kiss on his lips again, but he was quick enough to catch her mouth and plunge his tongue into hers, they engaged in a passionate kiss for a few minutes.

John was getting turn on again. Crap! He wants to devour her again. He pushed her body back into the bed. He unzips her jeans quickly and lowered her pants down her thighs. He also unzips his pants and freed his hard erection, he lowered her panties and immediately inserted his rigid shaft into her moist core...and rammed onto her heavenly crotch over and over again...he plunged his manhood inside her and then withdrew it and then plunged again and withdraw and and out...he did just that in the next few minutes and he was elated watching her reaction knowing she was loving every second of his bedroom expertise.

"...ahhh...ummm...ahhh...Johnnn...," her moaning was like music in his ears, so silky and velvety.

"Do you like what am doing to you now, Cath?" he smiled at her dreamy face. It's so easy to turn on Catherine, she was indeed molded after his own heart. She's not only the love of his life she is also his soulmate in bed. There will be no dull moments with her, every day there is always a roller coaster of intense desire boiling between the two of them. He can't wait to spend the rest of his life with her and continue exploring those exquisite folds of hers inside.

" much, John... ahhh...ummmmm..."

John's lips claimed her mouth for a searing kiss, together they soar past the galaxy of a million stars, soaring high in the highest peak until they hit their climax and fall back to earth flustered and breathless with well-spent desire smeared on their faces.

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Wow, that was a fast, earth-shattering pleasurable quickie!

They looked at each other's flushed faces and grinned at each other.

John put back his flaccid manhood inside his underwear and zipped back his pants. He also does the same to Catherine's underwear and jeans. This is what he like the most after their lovemaking, she will allow him to dress her up. He derives great pleasure putting back her panties and her jeans on her shapely legs.

He took a few moments to calmed his is the time!

After a few moments of composing himself, he held Catherine's hands between his palms gently.

"Cath, I have something to tell you...," he said.

She noticed that his face turns serious and there is something more... a brief flashing of dark light on his eyes...

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"What is it?" she asked feeling a bit alarmed.

"You remember the birthday party of Grace last night? You haven't seen Jerome at the party last night, right?"

She nodded her head. "Yes..."

"He wasn't in the party when you arrived in your cousin's house because he already sneaked inside your house using his own duplicate key and waited in the toilet armed with a knife to carry out his attack on you! Good thing you forego dropping by at your house last night, instead you proceed to your cousin's house which is a wise move on your part. One of my men, entered your house using the key duplicate that is made solely to protect you, you remember it, right?"

She nodded her head again, still bewildered with the mystery of the whole thing...

"S-so, if your men caught Jerome, where is he right now?" she asked a growing lump was forming in her throat.

"He is being tied to a post in the adjacent room. I want you to decide his fate tonight. We could turn him into the police station me and my men will give statements against him, then, of course, you can also give your statement, there will be an investigation. It's gonna be a little bit unpleasant at first but we will eventually leave this incident behind us."

Catherine was feeling nervous all of a sudden. So, Jerome has been planning something bad behind her back all this time? How dare he? She trusted him so much as a friend! She was feeling hurt and betrayed at this very moment. But she needs to gather her strength and face him right now while she still had the courage so to do so.

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"Take me to him!" demanded Catherine in a furious manner.

John walked towards the door, Catherine followed him.

They entered the room where Jerome was currently detained.

Catherine walked slowly towards Jerome.

John watched them under his eyes.

When she finally comes face to face with him. "Jerome, is it true? All of this is true?" she asked in a trembling voice.

Her words came out of her mouth like a sharp sword, piercing through Jerome's heart!

Jerome bowed his head in shame and guilt. "I'm so sorry, Cath. Please forgive me, I am sorry for attempting drugging you several times with a r-ape drug with your mother's knowledge and cooperation right inside your house and for attempting to do you bodily harm last night in your house while the rest of your family was celebrating Grace's birthday party. I admit to all my sins and am asking your forgiveness. I promise that I will never bother you again. You will never see my face again after tonight, just give me a chance to repent my evil ways. Please don't put me in jail! I beg you...!"

Jerome doesn't need crocodile tears, he did tear up with real tears along with his confession. The reasons were too apparent now, first, because it's he finds it too shameful and he was guilty beyond reasonable doubt, and second he regretted everything he had done to her, as if he just awaken from a deep twisted sleep in the fiery bottomless pit of hell and realized the horrendous act he had just committed to Catherine. If he can turn back the time he wouldn't choose this road to hell...

Catherine's body was trembling with the severity of his admission. She can't believe that her very own mother has cooperated with Jerome to harm her! This is all too much for her to accept! Good thing they didn't succeed! She finally remembers during those specific nights that she feels sleepy all of a sudden and she can't understand why when she wakes up in the morning? So during those times, she was being drugged and her mother knew all about it? Tears were streaming down her face...Jerome betrayed her! her own mother betrayed her!...who else betrayed her?

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