Catherine was in her house watching the television in their living room when she saw the flash news regarding the death and headless body of Jerome! She was truly shocked! Her body was trembling due to extreme surprised and shocked. Her phone was beeping non stop! she checked all the messages, they all came from John, Mark, Sherry, and Grace. All the people who knew Jerome was trying to reach her at once to share to her the bad news.

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She replied to all of them except John, telling them she had seen the news on TV too!

"OH MY GOD!" exclaimed Thelma who was watching the news while in the process of preparing their dinner, she was also registering shock on her face just like her daughter!

Catherine and her mother looked at each other in horror!

"Who killed Jerome and why!?" asked Thelma her face was drained of color.

Catherine was silent the whole time trying to digest everything in her mind. She remembered too well what really happened in the warehouse. She remembered how Jerome's face was swollen red with her continuous slapping, she felt a pang of tremendous guilt gnawing at her conscience now that he was dead. She was half doubting if John ordered Jerome's killing, he might have all the intention to kill him due to his being overprotective over her safety but a tiny feeling inside her mind insisted that John is innocent. In the warehouse during his captivity, she made it clear to John that she wants Jerome to be freed to continue living as a free man. She was expecting John would obey her request. But how on earth did Jerome suffered a cruel death---beheaded? by whom?

She was thinking about how his family accepted and deal with the sudden news back home? They must have been truly devastated right now and crying their hearts out due to Jerome's untimely passing. She closed her eyes trying to install calmness in her mind and not entertain panic.

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One main reason why she doesn't want to put Jerome in jail is because the police might prove deeper into the case and they will discover her mother's cooperation with Jerome in drugging her. If the law enforcer will try to establish attempted r-ape case against Jerome her mother's dark secret will also be dragged out in the open, it's gonna take a heavy toll on her mother's health which she can't afford to happen besides many people will learn of how horrible her mother is. So, freeing Jerome is the best solution to everything. If she only knew this would happen, she would have brought him to the Police Station herself, he might still be alive until now.

The Police were asking for anyone to come forward and bring any information that can help solve the case quickly. She's one of the last people who saw Jerome when he was still alive, she could help the case even in tiny detail, but if she does, that would mean implicating John and his 3 bodyguards into the investigation and it's going to be a roller coaster nasty ride for everyone involved!

She was thinking of the '3 bodyguards families,' their wives, children and their families. It's going to be a large scale investigation and could send John and his 3 bodyguards into prison judging how the events will unfold. She could play the main witness but will her conscience would allow her to do it? There is a 50% chance John and his 3 bodyguards didn't do it, if they were wrongly accused then she has a lot more heavy load of guilt to carry on for the rest of her life because she destroyed their lives.

She groaned in despair. She could stay unaffected and remain silent for the good of everyone involved but then she has to constantly battle the guilt in her conscience thinking Jerome was silently condemning her in heaven for not telling her side of the story to bring light to his cruel passing. Which is which, right now at this point in time, she chose to remain silent to protect the people she holds dear to her heart. John and his 3 bodyguards, whether they are innocent or not she should keep her mouth shut. After all, everything happened because they were all trying to save her from Jerome's evil intention.

Everything started with her...

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Because of her!

She released a deep sigh.

She texted Grace, asking her if she already found a job for her, her cousin replied yes, she got two available jobs for her. She wanted to know what are the available jobs and where? The farther the place the better. As early as possible she wanted to get away from this place, away from the memories of Jerome and away from the bad things that happened in the last few days, her only option was to flee...

What terrifies her the most were the thoughts of the Policemen eventually finding their way into her doorsteps and began questioning her for information about Jerome since the neighborhood always saw Jerome in their house visiting her frequently. My God, she needs to run far away from this place as quickly as possible!

Thelma walked towards her daughter in slow motion...

"Catherine, who killed Jerome? Did John killed Jerome?" her question came out from her mouth without much thinking which left Catherine stunned and panicking. Good thing Thelma's voice was low enough that nobody can hear.

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"Huh---? Mother? Why did you think John killed Jerome?" she asked, her face hardening.

"W-who else will have the intention to kill Jerome?" the elderly woman asked again.

Catherine looked into her mother's eyes. "Mother, you'd better keep your mouth shut! John and Jerome have never seen each other. Besides, you should stay away from all of this. Just in case the Police will start gathering evidence and interrogating people tell them nothing if you start talking they might know that you and Jerome were collaborating to put a r-ape drug in my drinks!"

It was too late for Catherine to stop her mouth...

Thelma's mouth was agape...her whole body trembled in astonishment! How did her daughter know about it? Did Jerome tell her before he died? Did John and Catherine kill Jerome?

Catherine saw the horror in her mother's eyes. "Calm down, Mother! John and I didn't kill Jerome. We are not killers and murderers!"

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"But how did you know about me and Jerome collaborating? I highly doubted that Jerome will tell you openly about it. Unless you and John have done something to him?" Thelma still insisted.

"Mother, if you want me to forgive you regarding your willingness in helping Jerome putting drugs in my drinks then you'd better tell nothing to the Police! You understand me, Mother?" she said in a hushed tone.

Thelma finally understood everything.

"Did the two of you killed Jerome?" Thelma asked her daughter one final question.

Catherine looked seriously into her mother's eyes trying to convince her to believe in her words. "No Mother, John and I have nothing to do with his death! What would we gain from his death? We are not crazy people who would just waste our precious time killing someone. Jesus Christ, Mother! we are not killers or cold blooded murderers! Have you forgotten I am your daughter? Do you think I could gain anything by killing Jerome? I have to say it again for the last time, John and I have nothing to do with Jerome's death. Period!" Hope her mother will already stop pestering her about Jerome's death it's making her edgy and panicky!

Thelma believed every word that her daughter's had said to her, she finally goes back to the kitchen to continue preparing their dinner.

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