The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 176: 176

He has lots of questions but not a single answer can be found. He released a deep sigh, he was about to stand up when his phone starts ringing, he got a call!

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When he answered the call, he saw that the caller is Grace! He grinned.

"Hello, Grace! Long time no hear!" he said jokingly.

"Hello, John! How are you?" she asked.

"My heart is dead because your cousin canceled our wedding again for the second time," he said in a sad voice.

"I'm sorry John. What really happened to you and my cousin? My cousin didn't tell me anything. Can you please enlighten me," asked Grace eager to know the truth.

John was thinking of a bargaining chip. "Hmm, I will tell you everything but will you tell me first where is Catherine's right now?"

Grace was silent for a while, debating if she will tell John the truth or not. "Tell me what went wrong first, then I will decide if it's worth telling you her location..."

John was disappointed with Grace reply. "Okay, I will tell you something, but I want to know first what is the nature of Catherine's job? Is it safe? Is it hard? Tell me something about her new job."

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"You don't have to worry much, she is in good hands. She would be handling 6 people and managing 3 stores on a daily basis. The stores consist of Laundry Shop, Meat Shop, and Burger Shop, all 3 shops had its own crew. It's an easy and light job."

"What about the place she was staying? Is it safe?"

"Yes. It's a two-story building. She lives on the 2nd floor and the 3 stores were situated on the ground floor. The building has two security guard, each has 12 hours shift, 24 hours a day, so I can honestly say that she is safe all the time. Please stop worrying about her. She is doing well in her new job," explained Grace.

"Thanks for the information Grace."

"Now tell me why you and my cousin break up? Why the wedding was canceled?"

John was debating what to tell Grace. A lot of factors drove Catherine away such as Jerome's betrayal, her mother's betrayal, Jerome's sudden death, her attempt to sever his manhood and what else? Maybe there's something more that Catherine didn't tell him?

"For the record, we didn't break up. I love your cousin so much, I didn't break up with her. The wedding was canceled because she runs away all of a sudden, but if you can lead me to where she is right now I can still convince the judge to marry Catherine and me on a special request. That is why you need to tell me where she is right now so that I can bring her back, pleaseee?" begged John.

Grace sighed. "You still didn't tell me anything, John, while I already tell you a lot," she said a bit disappointed.

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"I am willing to tell you everything, Grace, as long you can lead me to her exact location right now. The things am about to tell you are sensitive issues. Much better if Catherine will be the one to tell you everything, but as I have said earlier, I am willing to reveal everything as long I will see her again." John was trying hard to convince Grace to spill Catherine's location.

Grace, on the other hand, was in deep thoughts. Whatever the truth is, her cousin was determined to go and spend her life away from everyone else. If she will tell John about Catherine's whereabouts her cousin will get very upset and might run away again, she can't afford that to happen. She will honor her cousin's request no to tell John about her location.

"I'm so sorry John, Catherine asked me not to tell you her current address."

"But Grace, I love you cousin so much! I wanted to see her!"

"I know, I ask you to stay away from her for at least one year. Respect her need for space. Let her sort out her feelings for you. Maybe she just wants to live alone for a while. Don't worry as long you still love her and she still loves you then I will bring you to her location, wait after one year, please! I'm sure after one year her head is already cleared up and she is ready to see you again."

John doesn't like to wait for one whole year, that's too long! Many things can happen in one year!

"Grace, one year is too long! What if she will meet new suitors and enter a new relationship with other men?"

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"If she enters into a new relationship with somebody else then she's not meant for you," said Grace.

Aaarghh! John clenched his teeth. This can't be! He sighed deeply clearly frustrated with Grace's remarks.

"Can you please make it at least 6 months? I am willing to wait for 6 months, just not one year it's not acceptable to me!" he begged again.

Grace was silent again. "Okay, six months but then on one condition..."

"What is it?" asked John eagerly.

"I will tell you her location after six months but you can never talk to her personally, you can not show your face to her, you can only watch her from afar. At least it won't be too hard on your part, then after the whole year is over, you can now approach her freely. But you must promise me that you won't ever tell my cousin that I am the one that gives you her address. If you are willing to follow all my rules then you will see her again after 6 months."

John smile was broad. For the first time since Catherine run away, he has a reason to smile. Although six months is quite too long for him to wait, but he is willing to compromise with Grace as long he will see her again!

"Yes! I'm willing to follow everything, Grace. I will wait for six months patiently to see her from afar. Then again wait for another six months to finally see and talk to her," blurted John in an excited voice.

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"Good! So, everything is settled now? Are you okay with the setup?" asked Grace.

"Yes. Thank you very much, Grace, for your understanding!"

"Don't mention it. By the way, I would like to say thank you very much for the rice and the groceries. You don't have to do it!" said Grace.

"It's okay. I consider Catherine's family as my family also. Just a small gift from me."

"Just don't do it again, John. You will go bankrupt!" laughed Grace.

"Nah, it's not a big deal. Can you please tell Catherine that I love her and I missed her so much?"

"Yes I will," answered Grace. "Bye John!"

"Bye, Grace!"

Their conversation ended in a positive note.

John felt relieved that hope was not lost at all. He will have George continue looking for Catherine, maybe he can find her early, much better if that's the case. He wanted to see Catherine again as early as possible! Just in case George fails to find her then within six months he got to see her again even from afar.

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