The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 224: 224

They finally arrived at the Hacienda at 9:00 PM. The old caretaker Juan and Adela greeted them at the entrance of the ancestral house.

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"Good evening, Sir and Ma'am," the caretaker greeted the young couple.

"Folks, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Catherine," John said proudly.

"Hello...," she smiled at the old couple, they did not recognize her! They seemed to forget her already.

"Welcome to the Hacienda, Ma'am," said Adela smiling broadly at the young lady.

Ramon and George started bringing in their stuff into the living room of the ancestral house.

John laced his fingers into Catherine's hand and pulled her towards the stairs.

Catherine gulped back her own saliva as the memories of yesterdays all coming back to her mind. As she stepped forward in the stairs, she remembered that she crawled on this same stairs long time ago to find her sister Caroline who was already trapped in one of the rooms upstairs held by John's bodyguard at gunpoint.

Her feet were feeling heavy, she felt like she can't take another step forward. John noticed the changes in her behavior.

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"Hey, Cath, are you okay?" he asked, feeling worried about her reaction.

Catherine clutched at his hand and hold on to him for support until they finally arrived at the top of the stairs. John opened the door to his old room and switch on the light, they entered the room. As soon she was inside, all the terrifying memories of yesterdays comes flooding in her mind, her body shuddered upon remembering the moment John pointed a gun at her temple.

John looked at her face in alarmed, he knew that she remembered everything.

She looked at him with pain in her eyes. "Y-you pointed a gun at my temple! I'm so terrified that night...," she started sobbing, tears were falling down her face in torrents. "Y-you then r-aped me!" her voice broke down in agony. That was the most terrifying thing that happened to her that particular night. The things she went through that night usher her to a new era of her life.

John continues holding her in his arms, she was crying nonstop. He began rubbing her back in a gentle manner to soothe her turbulent emotion...

"Yes, I am guilty of everything that I did to you back then. I'm so sorry that I did those awful things to you, Cath. I wish our first meeting didn't happen that way. I wish our first encounter happened somewhere and the situation was pleasant and not terrifying to you, but destiny has been playing a cruel joke on us. Rest assured the worst things are behind us now. Allow me to spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I will put a smile on your face every single day. Next week this old room will cease to exist and along with it, the bitter memories of our first encounter will be buried forever in the world of nothingness. Please forgive me for what I have done to you that night, I'll take responsibility for everything," he continued rubbing her back tenderly, hoping she will stop crying soon because the sound of her crying was like a sharp knife that was stabbing his heart repeatedly.

John felt guilty for the twenty years old girl that he had taken advantage that night and that poor girl was crying in his arms right now. She was very brave back then, she never cried during those times he repeatedly assaulted her body and stole her virginity. He never felt pity for her that night he just wants to take advantage of her fresh young beautiful body. His addiction towards sex pushed him to take advantage of Catherine, he was behaving like a complete douchebag way back. But no matter how much he regretted those nights he can never turn back time. He can only make amends to her.

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Her tears already subsided, she was still supported by his arms, his t-shirt was already soaked by her tears.

John brought Catherine into the bed so that she can sit down comfortably and he can change his wet shirt.

There was a knock on the door, John opened it, it was Ramon bringing with him Catherine and John's traveling bag. John took the bags into his hands and closed the door. He starts arranging their clothes in the closets while Catherine was staring at his back watching his movements, teary-eyed.

John was aware of her gaze boring into his back. Done arranging their stuff, he discarded his t-shirt and donned a clean one. Then he picked up a face towel and sauntered towards the bed, he sat beside her. He began wiping the remaining tears from her face.

"Are you mad at me because of what happened to us in the past?" he asked softly.

Catherine smiled a bit while looking into his eyes. "No, am not mad at you. Loving you is a choice and I made that choice a long time ago. Instead of hating you, I slowly found myself falling in love with you. That is why I can't hate you. I cried because I just...just... remembered everything," she explained.

"Thank you so much, Cath for loving me instead of hating me. Sometimes I think I don't deserve your love, you're too good for me!" he planted a loving kiss on her forehead.

Catherine buried her head in his chest. They lay down on the bed and embraced each other listening to the beating of their heart.

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Two hours later...they fell asleep.

Only to wake up in the middle of the night, lusting for each other.

John's hand were already getting restless fondling Catherine's soft body parts, pleasuring her.

She giggled in pleasure. "John, aren't you tired of the traveling we've been through earlier?" she asked amused.

"Nope," he answered while his fingers busy stroking her crotch, trying to arouse her because he wanted to be inside her tonight. He wants to have steamy with her tonight.

He shifted on top of her and began grinding his pelvis on her core.

"...aaaaa...," a soft moan instantly escape her lips.

John unzips her pants and pulled it down from her legs. He discarded his pants as well, they were still wearing their upper garments and their underwear. John wrapped her legs around his pelvis. He then starts grinding his erection into her core to stimulate and aroused her, he continues doing it, faster and harder each time...he can hear her pleasurable moaning as she was now getting sexually stimulated by his grinding.

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He claimed her lips for a searing kiss, they kissed each other's mouth passionately, an intoxicating desire was pulsating in their veins, meanwhile, the lower part of their body was getting restless for more intimate contact. John can no longer bear the throbbing of his erection, he discarded his briefs and also her flimsy black panties, now they were fully naked, John poised his hard erection into the entrance of her moist core and pummeled it deep inside her.

"...aaaaaaaaaaa..." a moan of pleasure escapes Catherine's mouth.

John continues pummeling her core with his hard thrust again and again...he was now floating on cloud 9, the sensation he felt inside her brought him to the edge of paradise. He kept banging her mound until he finally reached her G-spot. Their body shuddered together racked by an erotic orgasm so pleasurable and so physically satisfying that a smile of elation broke in their faces.

After their pleasurable lovemaking, they were like Adan and Eve. Naked yet totally spent and sated.

"I love you so much, Cath," he whispered into her ears and lay down beside her. He got a satisfied smile on his lips. Every time he had sex with Catherine he always felt profound happiness enveloping his senses.

"I love you too, John," she murmured, her face was painted with bliss.

John wrapped the blanket around them and embraced Catherine from behind spooning her in the process.

They drifted into a peaceful sleep a few minutes later.

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