The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 239: 239

John was thinking of a nice place to bring Catherine. He wants to bring her in an Eco Park nearby. The 'La Mesa Eco Park' comes to his mind, it is a great place for nature-lovers. It's located in Quezon City, open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Aside from it's sprawling lush greenery and concrete pavement that's good for walking, biking and strolling, it also has a swimming pool area, and offered many fun activities for the whole family such as bike riding, swimming, fishing, horseback riding, trekking, bird watching, wall climbing, zipline, boating lagoon and many more.

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He called Catherine on his phone.

"Hello, my love..."

"Yes, John..."

"Cath, get ready, later at 3:00 PM, I will have Ramon fetch you. We will go to a park nearby. We will be visiting the La Mesa Eco Park! I'm sure you will love that place," said John.

"Okay, I'm excited to go there. I heard of that place here in Quezon City but I wasn't able to go there yet," said Catherine, she was bubbling with excitement.

"I'm sure we will have lots of fun in the park later. See you later, Cath. I love you!" John murmured.

"I love you too! Bye," replied Catherine.

Catherine was excited to see John again. It's been three days since they last saw each other. She's been missing him already. Although they texted and called each other several times every day she still misses his presence.

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His call today wanting to see her and spend time with her brings gladness to her heart. These past few days she was thinking he was beginning to lose interest in her. She was just paranoid!

She smiled brightly at the mirror in her bedroom. She will dress sexily today to impress him! She will wear the red plunging neckline blouse that shows her ample cleavage and the short mini skirt that shows plenty of skin. She was smirking into the mirror.

She still has three hours to kill time.

She entered the bathroom and took a long shower. Then she went downstairs to perform her job on the ground floor.

At 2:00 o'clock PM, she went upstairs and starts preparing herself. She applied plenty of lotion to her skin and donned the plunging neckline blouse and the short mini skirt on her body. She let her long brown hair loose and slid her feet into the one-inch black sandal. She put all her stuff in her shoulder bag. She applied eye shadow on her eyes, then some foundation and then blush on, for finishing touches she applied red lipstick on her lips. She doesn't like applying makeup on her face before, but ever since she discovered that John was meeting women behind her back, she embraces cosmetics to hide away her insecurities and enhanced her assets.

Done beautifying herself, she looked at her image in the mirror and she feels satisfied with her bold looks.

She exited her room and stayed in the living room to wait for John's arrival. To kill time she watches music videos on TV. A few moments later the doorbell starts ringing.

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John is here!

Her heart was jumping with joy!

She went down the stairs and opened the door quickly. She was greeted with a bouquet of red and pink roses. She accepted it and catapulted into John's open arms.

"Hi are you?" asked John, he planted a kiss on her lips. Three days without seeing her is like a year already.

"I'm fine, wanna go upstairs first?" she asked.

John entered the door and closed it behind him. As they climb the stairs he noticed how provocative her attire was!

"Jesus Catherine! You are dressing up like you are going to do a modeling stint for a fashion show. For Christ sake! We will visit a natures park not a dance floor!" he grimaced at her attire.

Catherine was a bit annoyed by his remarks. She was expecting he will get pleased with her sexy attire. But she bit her lip and calmed herself. "Why? You don't like my attire? It's sexy, right?"

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John nodded his head. "Yes, you look super sexy, I do appreciate the effort you made just to impress me, but honestly you don't have to do that. Now, go back to your room and change into jeans and a t-shirt, bring also your jacket."

Catherine pouted, she didn't move an inch and she doesn't feel like obeying his orders today. She spends much of her time beautifying herself so she's not in the mood to change her attire.

John saw the sexy pout on her lips, he pulled her into his body gently and claimed her lips in a searing kiss that took their breath away.

"I love you so much, Cath. You don't have to change yourself, okay? I love the way you are. I love your simple self. You don't have to look sexy just to get my attention because you're all I've been thinking all day and all night long," he spoke softly.

Catherine smiled radiantly on his declaration of love, her heart was jumping with joy. "Okay, I will change into something simple," she finally obeyed his order and entered her room to change attire.

John sat down on the sofa and holds the remote control of the TV to browse looking for a sports show.

Fifteen minutes later, Catherine emerges from the door dressed in blue denim jeans and a simple blouse.

John looked at her, he was liking her simple attire. "That is much a better attire compare to your sexy attire earlier," he commented. The truth is, he doesn't like seeing other men ogling at his girlfriend in a public place. Besides, her sexy attire will be the main events in the Eco Park, he doesn't like that kind of attention surrounding them.

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"Let's go now!" he said. He turns off the TV and rose to his feet. He intertwines their fingers and planted a loving kiss on her forehead.

"I miss you so much, John!" she whispered softly.

"Miss you too, Cath! You will sleep in the Jade Tower with me tonight, okay?" he said with a thick desire tugging at his voice.

She smiled alluringly at him. "I miss your bed," she murmured silkily.

John let out a chuckle. "You miss my bed, not me?" he looked at his girlfriend with hypnotizing eyes.

"Of course I miss the owner of the bed more than the bed itself!" she purred and giggled like a schoolgirl.

John pinched her nose and hugged her tight. "Let's soar to the highest heaven tonight, okay?"

"Okay," she answered in an excited voice.

Then they went downstairs to proceed to their journey, heading to the Eco Park.

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