John was looking in Catherine's belongings, he found the bank account that she usually used to send money to her family every month. Then he opens her phone and checked her contacts, her contacts were usually females and her relatives, except for one male named, Mike! As he was checking her call logs with Mike, they were all friendly conversations, he has no reason to feel jealous at all.

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From now on, he will be the one holding her phone.

He knows that deep inside he doesn't want to be reminded of his fatal mistake with that evil bitch Ella! But sometimes he can't help it. He would always remember the extreme look of pain in Catherine's eyes in the swimming pool, it reminded him until to this day.

John finished all his work in the office for the day. He will go to the hospital today to see Catherine face to face. He already prepared himself mentally and psychologically for her outburst the moment she will see him. His face could trigger all the pain and trauma she felt on that night he cheated on her. He will allow Catherine to punch him or kicked him anywhere on his body so that she can express her anger towards him. He will accept all the hateful words she will throw at him. If it's the only way to lessen the pain in her heart then he is willing to go through all the pain just for her.

He missed Catherine so badly!

He missed her smile, her sweet meaningful text, and calls.

He missed her kisses, her strip dance, her giggling, her laughter and everything about her.

He missed the woman he loves so much!

John was getting excited to see her and talk to her again. He would drop by at the flower shop today to buy her favorite bouquet of flowers. She loves pink and red roses so much.

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After eating his dinner, he took a quick shower and changed into casual attire.

A few minutes later John and Ramon were already traveling heading to Quezon City, towards St. Peter Hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, John went to Dr. Cruz office first, and together they went to the second floor of the building where Catherine was confined.

Dr. Cruz went inside first to ready Catherine...

A few minutes later, she called for John to enter the private room.

When John entered the room, Catherine was already sitting in her hospital bed. She still had the bandage on her left palm.

John's eyes landed on her face, she was facing and staring at the wall, there was a daydreaming quality of her look, she looks space out and her eyes glazed over.

His heart sank further.

Dr. Cruz went to Catherine's side and talk to her...

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"Catherine, there is someone who wants to meet you...," she said softly.

She didn't move her head or give any sign of awareness, no indication that she heard what the doctor has been trying to tell her.

The doctor shook her head and sighed.

John steps into her line of view, their eyes meet, she didn't even blink an eye, and she continues to look at John with the same empty blank stare.

John was feeling sad, she was supposed to feel rage upon seeing him, but it seems she didn't even recognize him at all. Her eyes show no recognition at all.

This is very sad and heartbreaking!

The beautiful woman that was full of life was gone what was left now is an empty shell, John wasn't able to stop the tears from falling from his eyes.

Doctor Cruz and the nurse got out of the room to give the couple the privacy they needed.

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John was left in the room with the empty shell of the woman he loves. He holds her hand and intertwines his fingers with hers then runs his fingers on her hair lovingly. Then he started crying, he embraces her body tightly hoping that the heat of his embrace can carry the message of his heart into the deepest part of her consciousness and bring her back to her right frame of mind.

He now fully realized the extent of the damage of his cheating had done to Catherine's psychological being. He caresses the palm where the knife had cut her skin. The fact that she tried to kill herself, the pain she must have to endure that night was so painful, that's why killing herself was her only choice to escape the pain.

"I love you so much, Cath!" he whispered in her hears over and over again.

She made no movement to reciprocate his endearments, and his love murmurings were all wasted. She just sat in the bed like a marble statue, unyielding, uncaring, her eyes were empty, and no life.

This is his punishment for cheating on her, he pushed her to the edge of insanity and now he had to deal with this torture every single day for the rest of his life.

When John showed Catherine her favorite bouquet of flowers, her eyes was still the same, no action, no reaction and no recognition.

She was more like a living dead.

John placed his hands on her tummy, trying to feel the movement of his child beneath her tummy.

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"Grow faster baby so that you can help your mommy," he murmured softly into her tummy.

John released a deep sigh. With one last embrace and kiss on her forehead, he bid goodbye to her, he exited the room and talked to the doctor waiting for him outside.

The nurse went back inside the room to watch over Catherine.

"John, I will discharge Catherine three days from now. You will be communicating with her OB-Gyn and her Psychotherapist from that day onward," said Dr. cruz, she handed him the calling card of the OB-Gyn and the Psychotherapist.

"Thank you, for all the help and support, Doc," said John.

"Don't mention it," answered Doctor Cruz. Then the doctor walked away to visit her other patients.

John talked to George who was guarding the door outside.

"Call me, if there are new developments with Catherine," he said.

"Copy, Boss," answered George.

John proceeds to the parking lot of the hospital to where his vehicle was parked. He will go home to Jade Tower to think things over. He was deeply shocked and saddened by the current condition of his lady love. His heart was being squeezed hard inside his rib cage, it was so damn painful! Her pitiable condition shook him to the core. He'd never knew that the few minutes of sexual abandon while he loses himself sucking at Ella's breast can induce an extreme damaged to Catherine's psychological well being. It only takes one mistake and everything collapsed in heaps under his feet.

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