One Month Later...

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John and Ramon went shopping for Catherine's maternity dresses. John only bought 2 cotton dresses just to see if it will fit Catherine's body, if it fits perfectly on her frame then he will buy more in different designs and colors. The saleslady told him that it was a size fits all maternity dress.

Next...they went to the infants' clothing section...John was smiling when he runs his hands on the soft fabric of the infants clothing. He was already imagining himself holding a cute baby in his arms singing to the baby a piece of sweet and soothing lullaby and he will put the baby to sleep afterward. The beautiful thoughts almost brought fresh tears to his eyes.

God finally rewarded him with a child of his own even though he was a big sinner towards his girlfriend.

He will have to ask the help of the nurse first on what are the clothes and things to buy for a newborn baby. He would start buying them on Catherine's 7th months of pregnancy. Next, they went to the grocery section to buy cans of milk for pregnant woman and other important necessities for Catherine.

John also drops by at the pharmacy to buy Catherine's prenatal vitamins. After buying everything they were ready to drop their purchases in the MysticBay Twin Tower.


While in the MysticBay Twin Tower...

Agnes, The Psychotherapist was looking at Catherine's face, trying to find some kind of a sign that she understood everything she said to her. She had a hard time handling Catherine's case because she won't reply to anything she asked or said.

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They were currently sitting side by side on the sofa, facing the beautiful marvelous ocean view.

"What is your name?" asked Agnes.

Catherine just continues staring at the beautiful ocean in front of them, no emotion, no recognition, her eyes were fixed on the glass wall, her eyes had the glazed and empty quality to it.

Agnes shook her head several times. All her patients can talk and converse with her, Catherine was entirely on a different level compare the rest of them.

"How old are you, Catherine?"

"What is the name of your mother?"

"What is the name of your younger brother and sister?"

"What is the name of your twin sister?"

"What is the name of your cousin?"

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"What is the name of your boyfriend?"

Catherine didn't utter a single word as if she hears nothing at all.

Agnes already asked a lot of questions to the woman in beside her, yet she was not responding at all. Catherine buried her memories so deep that she can effortlessly ignore everything around her. If these keep going on, her condition might turn to worst and she won't be able to return to her normal self once her whole system will get used to her current frame of mind.

Agnes stood up and picked up something from her shoulder bag. It's a plastic snake toy, she will try to throw it to Catherine hoping the surprise and fear factor can trigger her speech back.

She counted 1...2...3...and immediately throw the snake onto Catherine's lap. To her utter disappointment, Catherine didn't even blink.

Agnes sighed, her little experiment was an epic fail!

Then she picked up a DVD and played it on the flat-screen television, it's a compilation of horrific movies, gore, torture and killings combined that can elicit a scream and extreme fear from anyone who was watching it. The DVD contains extreme torture like cannibals, zombies, saw and other film snippets that were hell-raising and gut-wrenching scenes that will leave anyone shaken to their core. For more intense effect, she instructed the nurse on duty to turn off all the lights in the living room and the other areas of the flat so that the only thing Catherine will see is the horrific spine chilling scenes playing on TV.

Thirty minutes later, Agnes was expecting a scream that never comes, still no reaction from Catherine. John once told her that Catherine doesn't like watching horror movies.

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Agnes released a deep sigh. They already have a total of eight therapy session yet nothing productive comes out from each session. This completely baffled Agnes. So far, Catherine is one special case that she comes across. Most of her clients that was diagnosed with Dissociative Amnesia can talk, their speech was okay. But Catherine was different. She can move her body parts, walk, eat, drink, but she keeps to herself all day and all night long. She completely lost interest in talking. She doesn't smile. She's like a walking zombie...except she doesn't bite.

Agnes, stop the DVD from playing since it's not effective. The magnitude of Catherine's case was puzzling and disturbing to her. She had to devise ways how to bring her speech back. It will be hard to reach and help her if she won't start talking and communicating with her. Catherine needs to accept and overcome the pain of her boyfriend's betrayal openly as possible and then move on, instead of shutting herself into the deepest parts of her consciousness.


John arrived at the Twin Tower bringing all his purchases for Catherine. He was able to talk with Agnes first after she ended her therapy session with Catherine.

"How is it going, Agnes," asked John interested to know the progress of Catherine's therapy.

Agnes sighed. "Sad to say, I haven't met a breakthrough with her yet. She just doesn't want to talk, no recognition and response at all from her part. Earlier I made some exercise with her, asking her personal questions about her family yet she didn't answer even a single question that I have thrown at her. Then I also threw a snake toy into her lap, yet she didn't even scream in fright. I also have her watch disturbing, gore and horrific movie snippets for thirty minutes yet she was not feeling afraid at all. She just stares at the movie scenes playing on the TV screen as if they were nothing to her at all."

John sighed. "In that case, maybe, we should throw a real snake on her lap," suggested John in a joking manner just to lighten the heavy gloomy mood that was surrounding them.

Both Agnes and John laughed at his lame joke. Then they discussed further regarding Catherine's condition.

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A few minutes later...

"John, I have to go home now. My next therapy session with Catherine will be this coming Thursday," said Agnes.

"Okay, Agnes, thank you!" John said and he escorted Agnes towards the door.

Once Agnes was gone, John went to Catherine's side and sat beside her on the sofa.

Minerva, the nurse, went to John's side. "Sir, can I excuse myself for a minute, I will just buy some things in the store nearby for my son's school project," she said.

"Okay, take your time, Minerva. I will spend time with Catherine for three hours before I will go home," replied John.

Minerva exited the flat to proceed to her errands outside the building.

Back in the living room...

John starts caressing Catherine's arms and hands trying to show his love and affection to her. "I love you, Catherine," he whispers passionately in her ears. "Please come back to me. Please!" then he starts sobbing on her side. He can't stand her prolonged silence it's killing him inside.

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