Ella was furious that Romeo isn't keen on helping her to get closer to John. But she just can't wait on the corner, she needs to do something! Last two weeks ago, she already hired a private investigator to check and spy on what's the current update on John and his girlfriend's condition. She had difficulty believing that John and his girlfriend were still in good terms after she caught her boyfriend kissing another woman's breast. If she was on that girl's shoes she will get ballistic with rage and broke up with her boyfriend right away.

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There's something Romeo is hiding from her, so, she decided to hire a private investigator so that she will have real inside information about the current condition of John's love life.

Ella was inside the Cafe Montana, talking with the private investigator. She had given him two weeks to gather information regarding John and his girlfriend.

The investigator gave Ella an envelope containing photos and written information about the condition of John's girlfriend.

Ella gives the investigator his paycheck.

"All the information is inside?" asked Ella.

"Yes, Ma'am. If you like my services and you want to hire me again, you know am just a phone call away. Thank you!" the private investigator put his paycheck inside his sling bag and exited the cafe.

Ella opened the envelope and stared at the photos. Several photos that were taken were of John's solo picture, some with her girlfriend who was wearing a maternity dress sporting a baby bump, they were taken outside a clinic and inside a park. It seemed Romeo was telling the truth.

She began reading the written report.

Catherine Ramirez is the complete name of the girlfriend, she's currently three months pregnant and resides in MysticBay Twin Tower, John's other property. She was recently hospitalized because she committed suicide and got diagnosed with Dissociative Amnesia.

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A smile broke on Ella's face!


John was vulnerable right now, sad and lonely without a female company. Hmm, he might seek her company if he will get depressed with the current condition of his girlfriend. Why not take the chance to get closer to him when he was in his most vulnerable condition?

Well, if she can get John's affection and love and they will get married in the future, they can always adopt the baby or support both the baby and the mother financially month after month until John's child turns 18 years old.

But she won't dwell much on that issue as of this moment. She will think of an idea first on how to get closer to John and the rest will follow.

With all the information in her hands, she exited the cafe exhibiting a wide smile on her face. She knew already what to do...


The Following Day...

~Afternoon, 3:00 PM~

Romeo make a rounds to all the guards in the building, showing them Ella's photo from his phone, telling them that if they see the woman trying to enter the building they must block her entrance and tell her that she is not welcome in the building and if she still insists to go inside, they need to call him right away so that he can talk to the woman.

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Romeo approached the two guards assigned at the main entrance of the building.

"Guards, if you see this woman here, don't allow her to get inside the building, okay? If the woman insists on going inside, call me immediately," explained Romeo.

The two guards looked into each other eyes scratching their head.

"What's wrong?" asked Romeo.

"Sir, that woman already entered the building ten minutes ago. She was wearing a body fit colored red dress. We thought that woman is a movie star! She looks ravishingly beautiful!" said one of the guard, grinning.

"What---t?" Romeo's eyes bulged. Damn, he was too late! And he knew already where Ella was right now, probably already inside John's office. Dang!

He turned around heading for the elevator area and swipes at his phone to call John.

"Hello...," replied John.

"Bro, Ella was already inside the building, I think she was heading your way. Just want you to be aware of her presence," warned Romeo.

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"I know. She's inside my office right now," replied John in a calm manner.

"Huh?" Romeo groaned. "What shall we do? Shall we call for the cops to take her away?" asked Romeo.

"No. No need for that, I think I can handle her myself," said John.

"A-are you sure?" asked Romeo, doubting his buddy's words. The last time John and Ella were alone, something bad happened.

"Yes, am sure. Leave it to me. I will call you later," said John.

The line went dead.

Romeo sighed heavily, he was suddenly becoming restless. What could happen again this time? He rides the elevator and entered his office waiting for John's call.


John and Ella were staring at each other's eyes.

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Ella looks beautiful in her attire, she was elegantly dressed as if attending an afternoon tea party. She keeps smiling alluringly at him.

John coughed a little.

"So, Ella, why are you here?" he asked.

She was surprised that he was not angry at her. "I came here to apologize. I'm sorry about what happened the last time in your swimming pool," she said in a low voice.

"Apology accepted, you can go now," he said and dismissed her.

Ella refused to get out of the room. "I would like to see your girlfriend and apologize to her personally, she must be very angry towards us. I will explain to her that we're just carried away and we don't have any relationship, that I just lied to her. I want to apologize to her personally," said Ella trying to make her voice and face sincere.

John sighed deeply.

"No need, Ella. I and my girlfriend were both fine, we made up after that incident in the swimming pool. No need to waste your time apologizing to her. Just move on...," said John.

Ella knew he was just lying. But she pretended that she didn't know anything about what happened after that incident in the pool area.

"You can go now, Ella. I still have so many things to do in my office," John dismissed her politely.

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