Ella arrived at the Infinity Jade Tower building, she was feeling furious when the guards won't let her enter the building.

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"Guards, you don't know who I am? I can send you all to jail for this!" she shouted angrily at their faces.

"Ma'am, we're sorry, we are instructed by Sir Romeo, that you will no longer be allowed to enter this building. Please, understand us, we are just doing our job!" said one of the guard.

Damn Romeo! Ella swore profanities under her breath. Why is it that he's giving her a hard time now?

One of the guards called Romeo on the radio to inform him that the woman is back and wanted to enter the building and she was now causing a scene outside the entrance of the building.

A few moments later...

Romeo exited the elevator and walked briskly towards the entrance where Ella was currently trying to enter by bullying the guards.

"Ella, dearest!" he smiled at her.

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"Romeo, how dare you! Why you blocked my entrance into John's building?" asked Ella furiously.

"Because my dear, John doesn't want to be disturb from his work. Besides, you will just come here to pester him with your unnecessary attention and seduction. For Christ sake! Bring your obsession somewhere. People here are busy working to earn a living. Unlike you, your favorite hobby is flaunting your beauty you don't have to worry about money. John is a busy family man working for a living. So please, go home and do something productive in your life!" Romeo almost glared at her.

Ella was shooting daggers into Romeo's eyes.

"Where is that man who begs me to go into a blind date with his best friend? You and that person were now totally different," commented Ella in a sarcastic voice.

Romeo smiled at Ella. "I told you beforehand that it's just, meet and greet blind date in the cafe! Yet you insisted to meet John in his flat because you had an ulterior motive! I didn't know you would go the extra mile to seduce my friend, causing...cau...," he stops midway on his sentence upon realizing that he might reveal something to Ella on what truly happened to Catherine after that night in the pool.

"What---? Continue what you are trying to say---?" said Ella. "Are you trying to say that John's girlfriend committed suicide and was currently suffering from Dissociative Amnesia, is that what you are about to say to me?" said Ella with a smirked on her face.

Rome's eyes almost got out from his socket. "H-how did you know all these?"

"Because I hired an investigator to spy on him," confessed Ella with a triumphant smile on her face.

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"Whaaat?! How dare you spying on my friend?" said Romeo.

Ella shakes her head. "Seriously Romeo, I don't want to waste my time on you! Let me pass so that I can see John. I wanted to see John right now! I will continue to make a scene here if John won't see me!" she demanded.

Romeo runs his fingers through his hair in exasperation. He went back inside the building and called John from his phone.

"What is it Romeo?" asked John.

"Bro, Ella is here at the entrance wanting to enter the building, she roasted the guards!" said Romeo.

"Huh? What does she want this time?" John asked.

"She wanted to see you of course! Then she told me that she won't go home unless you will see her," answered Romeo, his eyes were looking at Ella waiting outside the entrance.

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John sighed on the other end. "Just let her enter the building. Tell her am waiting for her at my office," he said.

Romeo was surprised. "But bro, I thought you no longer wanted to see her, she is nothing but trouble!" he protested.

"I know, Romeo. I think I can handle her this time. After what happened between me and Ella, I got to know her a little bit more. So, yeah, let her in," he was finally willing to see Ella.

Romeo grimaced. Is John warming up to Ella now? He was astounded by his buddy's decision to see this bitchy woman again.

"Okay fine. I will let her in," replied Romeo.

He walked towards the entrance and signaled the guards to let Ella enter the building.

Ella entered the entrance with a wide grin on her face. "See, John allowed me to enter the building and see him!" she said in triumph.

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Romeo ignored her, this woman is now getting on his nerves. She used to be a sweet woman, fine and regal, now her true colors were showing off.

Ella grinned from ear to ear and sticks her tongue out at Romeo and winked at him mischievously. She then entered the elevator heading to John's office on the 13th floor.

Jesus! Such a wicked woman! Romeo grumbled to himself.

While inside the elevator, Ella checks out the makeup on her face using the small mirror she dug out from her shoulder bag. She was feeling a bit stressed out earlier when the guards and Romeo won't let her enter the building to see John. They're such mean people! Thank God, John was willing to see her and she was now going to his office, hooray! She was beyond elated. OMG! She's very much excited to see the love of her life! The man with great abs and six-pack! The one and only John.

She giggled in happiness.

She strolled casually along the hallway where cubicles were lined up and employees were starting to notice her presence again, she sashayed her hips sexily and walked head high with a smirk on her face. As she passed by on the cubicles, she can feel the employees' curious eyes glued at her back. She was basking at their attention, the reason must be because they only see a few women visiting John's office.

Let them stare with envy! She told herself.

Right now, she feels like a VIP in John's life.

She then proceeds to take the stairs that will bring her to John's elevated office.

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