~Six Months~Pregnancy~

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John and Catherine arrived at the OB-Gyn clinic for a 6-months prenatal checkup.

Today is a special day because they will finally get to learn the gender of their first baby. While Catherine had no idea what's going to happen, John was already feeling excited.

The OB-Gyn lead the couple to the Ultrasound Room, a Medical Sonographer who is a specialized healthcare professional that performs diagnostics medical sonography, was already waiting inside the room.

The OB-Gyn instructed John to make Catherine lie on the exam table. John guided Catherine to lay down in the bed, she obeyed him without complaint.

The Ultrasound technician aka Sonographer put an ultrasound gel on Catherine's abdomen, a few seconds later, the conductive medium or transducer was already transmitting image of a fetus on the screen. The technician's hands were moving the transducer across the abdomen to scan and capture images of the fetus inside the womb, according to the images, the fetus was healthy, no birth defects, the fetal growth was good, the fluid and the function of the placenta was also checked. The baby's heart beating can also be seen and heard, the baby's heart rate was normal.

The baby's gender was finally revealed by the screen and it's a boy!

John was grinning from ear to ear while observing and listening to the ultrasound technician's explanation about those images that appeared on the screen.

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John was elated when he found out that their first child was a boy! OMG! He can't contain his happiness, he wanted to shout at the top of his lungs that he's a father now! Being a first-time dad was a euphoric experience for him. He already felt an intense fatherly connection to the fetus inside Catherine's abdomen.

Every fiber of his being was feeling super happy and he was rejoicing!

He can't wait to see his son, soon!

John was now fully assured that the baby was growing and developing normally.

A few minutes later...

John and Catherine were already exiting the clinic's entrance, they walked towards the vehicle where Ramon was waiting for them. He opened the passenger's door so that John can assist Catherine inside. When Catherine was already settled into the seat, John sat beside her.

"Ahem, what is the gender of the baby, Boss?" asked Ramon.

"It's a boy!" John answered, grinning happily.

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"Congratulations, Boss!" said Ramon. He then started the engine and navigated the car out of the clinic's parking lot. "Where are we going next, Boss?" he asked.

"Let's go to the nearest shopping mall. I want to buy more maternity dresses for Catherine and then some baby's clothes as well," said John excitedly. He planted a loving kiss on Catherine's forehead. She just looked at him in the eye without showing any emotion.

The drive to the nearest mall took thirty minutes because they encountered heavy traffic on the road. They arrived at the mall at 4:30 PM. John instructed Ramon to accompany them inside the mall.

They went to the maternity dress section, one of the salesladies assisted Catherine in fitting the maternity dresses. John was able to pick ten maternity dresses in different colors and designs. Then they went to the adjacent section where the baby's clothing was being displayed.

Catherine's eyes were just staring at the baby's clothing without interest. Her right hand was intertwined securely with John's hand.

John and Ramon were inspecting baby clothes for a newborn baby boy. Just to make sure they have chosen the appropriate clothes correctly, they asked the saleslady's help and suggestions.

By 8:00 PM, they already finished shopping.

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They entered one of the restaurants located inside the shopping mall and ordered foods for their dinner. They ordered rice, Bacon Slab, Irish Beef Stew-a beef that was marinated with dark beer to bring out the unique flavor, a Homemade German Meatloaf and Gourmet Tapa, Crispy Liempo and Lemon Chicken, their deserts include Blackout Chocolate and Red Velvet Cake, they ordered one pitcher of ice-cold soda as well.

When the dishes arrive into their table, Catherine was the first to hold the spoon and began tasting all the dishes to Ramon's amusement and John's delight.

John finds it amusing every time Catherine starts eating, she eats like a pig, always hungry, good thing she didn't grow much too fatter or else her OB-Gyn will begin scolding him for tolerating her obscene appetite.

Ramon was grinning from ear to ear when Catherine started eating.

"Eat now Ramon, don't mind Catherine much, she always eats like that. But she always stops when she is already full," explained John.

"Wow, her appetite for eating is very contagious, Boss!" said Ramon, he then starts filling his plate with rice and different dishes.

They began eating in comfortable silence...

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With Catherine already ahead of them, she was now attacking the Red Velvet Cake without any intention to share it to the two men.

One hour later, they already devoured all the foods, nothing left on their plate. They rested in the next fifteen minutes before they exited the restaurant heading for home.

Ramon was carrying all their purchases while John wrapped his arm lovingly around Catherine's shoulder.

They went to the parking area and entered the vehicle.

While a few meters from the mall's entrance, Ella was watching the vehicle fading from her eyes. There was sadness in her eyes. John and Catherine looked so perfect together, especially that they already had a baby. She had seen how John takes good care of Catherine, she followed them in the maternity dress section, in the infants clothing section, and outside the restaurants as well, but she refrained from entering the restaurant, she was just observing them at a safer distance.

Ella walked silently towards her car parked nearby. The chauffeur opened the door for her. As she entered the vehicle she ordered the driver to take her home. She already becomes a stalker due to her obsession with John. She wasn't acting like this with her previous crushes or boyfriends.

Just that every waking hour, she was always thinking about what will John do next. She wants to be by his side all the time and have-first hand knowledge in all his activities. She was burying herself deeper now into the abyss of her obsession towards John.

Sometimes she was afraid where her obsession will lead her in the future?

That night in her bedroom, Ella, wrapped John's jacket around her naked body. She has been making love to John's jacket so many times that she can no longer count. She was going deep shit crazy obsessing over him and yet she can't stop!

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