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Catherine's body was now weakening due to the intense feeling of orgasmic desire assaulting her senses. Her body was now burning brightly as the sensation of smoldering passion devoured her entire senses. She closed her eyes, surrendering to the flame of desire, enjoying his pleasurable thrusting inside her core, while moans of ecstasy escaped her lips in succession.

John wrapped Catherine's legs around his pelvis region to enhance the gratifying erotic union of their lower bodies.

Then he continues pumping his hard rod into her core with intense pleasurable erotic movement, his sexual appetite was rising to a boiling point fueling his deep thrusting inside her silky wall.

"...ahhhhhhhhhhh...," a loud moan of pleasure escapes Catherine's lips even though she tried hard to stop it.

"... ummm....ahhh...I love youuuu... Cathhh...," he murmured huskily into her ears, he was panting hard now.

He smiled in jubilation, he still has great sexual power over her body, and he feels good about it. He released deeper pleasurable hard thrust inside her vaginal wall with the sole intention to give her intense euphoric sensation every time he hit her G-spot...

A few seconds later, their body shuddered in an intense climax. They both experienced earth-shattering orgasm simultaneously.

They were both gasping for breath due to the ground shaking intensity of their sexual intercourse. John lies down beside Catherine in the bed for a few minutes, he then reaches for her underwear and put it back in her legs up to her pelvis and pulls down her maternity dress to cover her exposed shapely legs.

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They become silent listening to their uneven breathing.

Twenty minutes later, due to tiredness Catherine slowly succumbs to the lure of sleep and shut off her eyes.

John listened to her even breathing alerting him that she was now in a deep sleep. He slowly took the blanket away from her hands and stared at her beautiful face.

It's now clear as the bluest sky in the heavens above, the way she acted earlier while they were making love was an indication that she finally regains her senses. She can't stomach seeing him face to face or talking to him again because of her extreme hatred for him, that is why she hides beneath the blanket!

A serious conversation is what they both needed tonight, she must flush out all the hatred from her system so that her pregnancy will be smooth sailing to avoid complications in the future.

He got off from the bed and donned all his discarded clothes to his naked body. He then gets back in the bed and lies down beside her, staring at her face.

A few moments later, Catherine stirred from her sleep and slowly opened her eyes. She comes into direct contact with his piercing gaze.

Her hands moved quickly at a lightning speed...PAK...PAK...PAK...PAK...! delivering a rapid left to right slapping on his face!

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John was unable to block her hands from making a contact with his cheeks.

He was stunned to see the degree of hatred on her eyes!

"How dare you violating my body! Taking advantage of me as if you owned me! After what you have done cheating behind my back with that woman in your pool, you have no right to detain me here! Let me go you bastard, asshole!" she hissed in his stunned face. Her legs flew and her feet delivered a hard kick into his abdomen, John fell out of the bed into the floor in a heavy thud, his agility was excellent though, he landed on the floor with his two hands and knees.

Not satisfied, Catherine hurled the pillows at him, hitting him in the face! She was looking for more object to throw at him, unfortunately there's no more object within her reach that she can use to throw at him.

"I hate you so much, John! I hate you so much! You killed my heart. You're such a maniac, a dick head! You can't even be contented with me. You have met those women secretly behind my back? Why? Am I not enough for you?" tears were now streaming down from her face.

Her body was wracked with uncontrollable sobs.

John was shocked and stupefied. "I'm so sorry, Cath! I never meant to cheat on you. I was just tempted for a few minutes, I'm so sorry I lose control during those few minutes. But I want you to know that I would never go all the way with that woman. I will never enter a relationship with her. You are the only woman I ever love. I never seek those women in the first place, when you run away and abandon our wedding, Romeo thinks that it's about time I meet new women on a blind date. I agreed to it when I'm still having my plastic surgery just to shut him up, I didn't expect we see each other soon, besides I have no intention to enter in a relationship with those women. You are enough for me," he tried hard to convince her to believe in him.

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She shook her head in disgust.

"No need to explain, John. Our relationship ended the moment you sink your teeth on that woman's breast. You have no idea how painful it is to see the two of you locked in an intimate embrace. You are greedily sucking at her tits! It's so damn painful. I will never forget that scene. I could never forgive you. We're done! We're over! Let's go our separate ways!" she said in a cold hard voice.

"No! I won't agree with our break up! Let's get married Catherine just for the sake of our son inside your tummy. You can learn to forgive me once you decided to marry me, pleaseee...," he begged.

"No way! I won't marry a cheater like you! Go back to that woman and marry her, you two deserve each other!" she shouted at him.

John runs his hands on his hair feeling tormented inside. The situation that he dreaded the most was finally happening to them, the downfall of their relationship. He will still try to win her heart again and her forgiveness. He just can't give up on her, especially that he was the one who made a very grave mistake in their relationship.

"I'm sorry, Cath. I can't let you go especially that you are carrying my son inside you. I'm still hoping that before our son will be born in this world you can already learn to forgive me and please...give me a second chance. I will make it up to you, Cath. I will never give up on us! I will never stop loving you..."

He paused for a minute and looked at her calmly.

"Because of these same reasons, I had to detain you here inside my property because I know what's good for you and to our son," said John.

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"Give me back my cell phone! Dammit!" she shouted at him.

"No. I will hold your phone from now on. Every text and call must pass through me first," he said.

"I hate you, John! I don't want to see you ever again. Get out of the room! Now!" she screamed at him, her eyes were flashing flames of anger into his eyes.

John sighed heavily, feeling sad and forsaken by the woman he loves, he picked up the pillows from the floor and put them back into the bed.

"I will just sleep in the Infinity Tower tonight, but I will return tomorrow to see you," he said softly.

With a forlorn expression on his face, he walked unwillingly towards the door and opened it wide. Then he paused at the door and give her a loving look for the last time...

With a sigh, John closed the door behind him and exited the condo unit.

Outside the flat...

"Allan, Catherine has finally returned to her old self, she might attempt to escape this place, be vigilant!" commanded John.

"I will, Boss!" replied Allan.

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