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The moment Catherine wake up that morning her rage was already boiling on a fever pitch! She wants to explode! After done eating her breakfast, her showdown began!

She started in the living room...

She got hold of the figurine statue of a pretty mermaid sitting on the rock, she throws it hard on the floor, it comes crashing into pieces...

Then next...her eyes saw the beautiful painting on the wall, she reached for it and does the same thing, she hurled it with a heavy force in the floor, furious that it didn't break into pieces, she picked it up again and hurled it back on the floor five times until it shattered into several pieces...

"Jesus! What are you doing!? Stop it right now, Catherine!" shouted Cora.

"I'm not yet done!" Catherine picked up an antique jar from the cabinet and then plunged it down, it broke into pieces the moment it landed on the floor.

Not satisfied yet...

She went to the kitchen and trying to find the knife...

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"Where is the damn knife?! Give it to me! Right now!" she demanded.

Cora was trembling in fear upon seeing the fire of anger emanating from Catherine's eyes. She knew the history of Catherine regarding her failed suicide attempt. She dared not look on the area where she hides the knife afraid that Catherine can detect where she put away the knife.

"Sir, John, took all the knife with him the other night, he was afraid you will attempt suicide again," lied Cora.

Catherine was seething in rage, angry that she can't have a knife, she picks up three glasses and throws it on the floor one by one, she smirked with satisfaction upon seeing the splintered fragments of the glasses scattered on the floor, she turned around and left the terrified nurse shaking with fright.

Cora breathed in relief after seeing that Catherine was already inside the master's bedroom. She opened the door and called for George the guard on duty.

"Oh my God! George, come here inside! Catherine went ballistic, she began throwing and destroying things everywhere!" said Cora.

George went inside to check for himself what are the things Catherine destroyed. He was kind of expecting this already, what just happened right now was Catherine's way of showing her rage towards John, she was making sure his belongings will be destroyed by her hands. He shook his head while taking photos of the broken and shattered pieces of figurine, jars, and art painting scattered on the floor.

Cora brought him to the kitchen...

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"She just destroyed three glasses today, she was angry because she can't find the knife!" said Cora.

George took photos of the shattered remains of the glasses on the floor. "This is bad!" he commented. "Where is Catherine!?" he suddenly asked. The thing he was worrying about is that Catherine might do something bad to herself and harm the baby in the process. There's two lives at stake here. It's a nightmare he can't afford to happen while he was carrying his duty. John put his woman and his son's life in his hands for him to guard and protect. His heart was beating frantically inside his rib cage.

"She went inside her room," answered Cora.

George walked towards the master bedroom in big stride and pressed his ears on the wooden door, trying to hear anything from the inside. He knocked on the door five times yet Catherine isn't opening the door.

"Are there any dangerous things that she can throw in there? I am afraid she might harm herself physically," said George, a flicker of worry appeared in his eyes. He pressed his ears again on the door.

"There's nothing she can destroy inside the room, no heavy object there, except for the bedside table and chairs and the TV," answered Cora.

"Good! Keep guarding here Cora, call me just in case Catherine will get out of the room," he said.

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George sauntered towards the living room and sat down on the sofa facing the view of the ocean, he called John from his phone.

"What is it, George?" said John.

"Bad news, Boss!" he said right away.

"W-what-happen to Catherine!?" John was feeling nervous and worried the moment he heard George mentioned bad news. He was deeply anxious about what happened to Catherine and their baby.

"Nothing happens to Catherine," replied George.

"Thank God!" murmured John. "Tell me what is the bad news!" he demanded.

"She broke the painting in the living room, destroyed the mermaid figurine and the antique jar. Then not satisfied she went to the kitchen looking for the knife and since she can't find the knife she picked up three glasses and hurled them all to the floor," explained George.

Oh no! John groaned since she can't vent her anger on him, she directed her rage into the innocent inanimate object. This is indeed bad news! He was afraid of what's gonna happen to the health of the baby if her rage keeps going on like this.

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"George, where is Catherine right now!?" he asked worriedly.

"She locked herself inside the master's bedroom. I instructed Cora to keep listening on what was going inside the room, and to inform me if Catherine will exit the bedroom," answered George.

John released a deep sigh. "While Catherine was inside the room, you and Cora will start removing all the things from the living room and the kitchen, anything that Catherine can easily pick up and throw, removed them all! Put all the things outside the door's hallway. I will have Ramon pick them up one hour from now. This is to make sure she won't be able to harm herself with those objects," instructed John.

"Okay... Boss," replied George.

"That's all for now. Call me if something happens again," said John.

"Yes Boss," answered George.

John ended the call.

He sunk deeper into the swivel chair and began massaging his temple. One by one, he checked the photos that George sent him. Although the things Catherine had destroyed were not that super expensive, they were all given to him by his mother, they all have sentimental value.

Sigh. Sigh...Sigh...and more sigh, escaped John's mouth.

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