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Ramon swallowed his saliva down his throat. He must make sure his answer to her question is satisfactory or else she might go ballistic again.

"No. That was the only first and last time they were together. That woman is a slut, her sole intention was to seduce John. But I can assure you that they never go out and they never had a relationship," he said.

Catherine smiled bitterly. "Stop defending your Boss!" she chastised him. "Stop polishing your Boss's image as a holy saint in front of me! I'm not buying that!"

"But am telling you the truth. Romeo planned everything for John to meet those ladies, thinking that you will never go back to John after you run away. He doesn't want John to be lonely and suffering for so long because you abandoned him again. It's all for good intention, just that those ladies were all hell-bent in seducing John because he looks super duper handsome now even if he ignored them all." Ramon conveyed his long explanation to Catherine hoping she will believe him.

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She sighed deeply. So, it's all Romeo's fault! She was now fully convinced that Romeo and Phantom are of the same person that texted her about those ladies. Grrrrrr!

"So, Romeo was the mastermind behind those women? Not John?" she asked. One day she will make sure Romeo must pay dearly for trying to force John into meeting those women. She doesn't know what Romeo's real intention but from her point of view, John's best friend doesn't like her. Too bad, she likes her wife though Sandra, she was kind and sweet to her and treated her like she was her sister. But her husband is something else. Even if Romeo's intention was for John to meet new women so that he can learn to forget her, still, he becomes the main driving force that brought that bitch woman in John's life. Maybe she does have her fault too because she ran away, but she was just trying to take a breather, she will eventually see John again, in her terms.

Ramon observed that Catherine's face was in deep thoughts.

"Yes. John was never interested in meeting those ladies. He just meets them just to humor his best friend. Besides, those laddies already agreed to the blind date before you and John were back together on each other's lives," answered Ramon.

Ramon knew that this is one perfect opportunity for him to speak a piece of his mind to her. He had to grab the chance before it fades away...

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"Cath, I only have one request for you. Please, don't stress yourself too much and avoid getting angry all the time. If you love and care for the baby inside your tummy, you should avoid putting yourself into a fit of excessive anger. It will harm the baby inside your womb. Believe me, John loves you so much and if there's one person that can verify the validity of that statement it should be me. What happened on that night in the swimming pool is just a moment of weakness, but you should never condemn John for it for the rest of his life. He was just a human being, not a saint. The best thing you can do is forgive him and give him a second chance to redeem himself in your eyes," explained Ramon with all the sincerity that he could muster.

Catherine's face was filled with sadness.

So many things happened already, her heart was breaking into tiny pieces over and over again. How and when will her heartbreak ever end?

How she and John can go back to their beautiful love story that was now tainted with betrayal and cheating?

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She was able to bypassed and ignored those other women because she wanted to put her love for John first above the pain and jealousy she felt inside when she discovered him meeting those women behind her back. But the last woman succeeded in breaking her and John apart from each other.

She can no longer see John just like the way it used to be, in her mind, his image will always be associated with that woman's breast and the horrible things they did together in that pool! The woman's naked body pressed intimately on John's body while his hands firmly holding her to him while his mouth was sucking hungrily at the woman's breast. God knows what will happen next if she didn't arrive on time...!


She can feel the rage rising again in her mind and heart right now, she wanted to throw the mobile device on Ramon's face.

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"You can go now, Ramon. Thanks for defending your Boss. But nothing you say or do can change my mind. I hated your boss with every fiber of my being. I can't forgive him. Go now!" she started shouting at him.

Oh no! Ramon saw the way Catherine's fingers were gripping hard on the mobile device, her face turn red due to anger! Jesus! He exited the room in a hurry afraid that she will start throwing the new mobile device on his face.

Once Ramon was already out of the room, Catherine began sobbing. How can she forgive John when she always remembers that obscene events in the swimming pool area? How can she erase that particular horrible scene in her mind? His mouth on that woman's breast was forever embedded in her mind, dammit, it tortures her psychologically, emotionally and mentally every fucking day!

For once, she wanted to find a random guy and have that guy's mouth sucked at her breast in front of John and let see how will he react?

Dammit! She wants revenge! She wants John to experience the same pain and torture she was feeling right now!

She continues crying, wishing her tears will erase everything she had seen on that night so that she won't have to remember how painful it was to see her beloved boyfriend kissing the other woman's private parts. 

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