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~Tagaytay City~

*Fernandez Family's Rest House*

Danny was in the living room, waiting for Ella to come down.

Three hours later...

Dinner time, still Ella was a no show downstairs.

Danny was getting annoyed, Ella has no plan on leaving his room. He called the caretaker and instructed her to bring foods to his room upstairs. "Rosie, please bring some foods for Ella in my room," he said.

"Yes, Sir," the caretaker nodded her head and left the room heading to the kitchen to prepare the visitor's foods.

Danny went to the dining room to eat supper.

Thirty minutes later, Rosie the housemaid, went upstairs to collect the dishes.

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"Wow, thank you for the delicious dinner, Rosie! I love it, so yummy!" Ella said praising Rosie's cooking.

Rosie smiled brightly. "You're welcome, Ma'am," she answered.

"Has Danny been bringing other women here?" Ella began asking questions.

Rosie shook her head. "No Ma'am, he mostly spends time painting on his canvas, ride the horses, do fishing in the fish pond and go swimming in the lake nearby. He always goes alone. I never saw him with a girl before except you, I mean, you're the only woman who manages to stay in his room," she replied.

Ella giggled. So, Danny is not a man whore, she likes that!

"Can I bring out the dishes now, Ma'am?" asked Rosie.

Ella nods her head. "Okay, let me help you."

They loaded the empty plates and cup in the dish tray.

When Rosie was about to go out of the room...

"Rosie, where's Danny right now?" Ella asked.

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"He was in the living room in the sofa, waiting for you to come down so that he can enter his room," said Rosie, smiling.

"Rosie, please tell him to come upstairs now because I want to talk to him. Tell him that I will never leave his room unless he will talk to me," Ella said.

"Okay, I will tell him, Ma'am," Rosie said and exited the room.

On her way to the kitchen, Rosie sends Ella's message to Danny. "Sir Danny, Ma'am Ella told me that she won't leave your room unless you will talk to her," she said and resumed walking towards the kitchen.

Danny refused to go upstairs.

He stayed in the living room watching television until 11:00 in the evening. He's very much sleepy now and he wants to sleep in his bed, but there's a poisonous sexy cobra in his room!

He swore profanities under his breath.

He drags his feet upstairs and entered his room. He was not prepared to see the shocking scene he saw inside his room, Ella was lying naked in his bed, without a single covering on her body, his eyes feasted on her pink nipples, down to her sexy taut tummy and to the captivating mound nestled between her legs that can arouse delirious carnal pleasure from any man, he choked on his saliva, drooling, his body reacted right away upon seeing the heavenly naked beauty in front of him. The hot temperature of the room went 100 degree Celsius. Then he directed his eyes to her face, she was studying his expression, she gave him a sultry look and she smiled seductively at him.

"Come lie down beside me Danny boy, let's start painting the night red," she giggled.

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Danny released a deep sigh and walked to her side in the bed. He reached for the blanket and covered Ella's naked body. He pulled a chair and sat down on it facing Ella. His face turned serious, now that her sexiness was fully covered he can think clearly with his head.

"Ella, what is your purpose in coming here? Are you here for the land again?" he asked.

Ella looked at him straight in the eyes. "Would you believe if I said that I miss you?"

Danny rolled his eyes. "Stop humoring me, we both know that we had breakup sex the last time we see each other," he said.

Ella wrapped her fingers around her tresses and bit her lip. "Then let's do the makeup sex, am so ready for you," she said.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

The corner of Danny's eyes crinkled, and then he laughed. "You're such an impossible woman! Do you think makeup sex can erase all the pain you subjected me to?"

Ella pouted her lips. "Danny, let's not waste our time please, let's just kiss and make up. I'm so sorry for hurting you, I'm here now to make it up to you," she explained.

Danny was studying her pretty face trying to see if she was telling the truth or just lying. "So, what exactly you want from me? You want to have sex with me so that I can donate the land to your charity project? Is that what you want?"

Ella shook her head. "Believe me or not, I'm here because I miss you and I wanted to start a serious relationship with you. I'm not forcing you to donate the land to my project although that was my first intention when I come here. I seriously want to give our relationship a chance, let see where will it lead us in the future. Let's just forget the land first and let's just focus on us together. We're not getting any younger, right?" she said.

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Danny was speechless.

He longed to hear something so beautiful like this from her and now that he finally heard it clear as the sky from her mouth he's getting a hard time believing her.

"I don't k-know what to s...say," he stammered. There is only one way to test if she was telling the truth or not.

Ella taps the bed. "Come here, lie down beside me and let's cuddle, let me hear your conditions if you had any," she said softly.

Danny was still refusing to get into the bed, then he laid out his conditions into the open. "First, you will stay for one month here with me in the rest house so that we will get to know each other better. Second, prove to me that you are here not for the land but me alone. Third and my final test, while we were having sex, you won't use any contraceptives, I want to have a baby with you so badly," the longing and yearning in his eyes shone like diamonds.

Ella was stunned by his last condition, did he mentioned a baby? He wants them to have a baby? At this stage of her life, was she mentally ready to have a child of her own? Was she ready to become a mother? Images of her carrying a cute baby in her arms suddenly materialize in her mind, wow, she's getting excited to see her baby, why not? Then she smiled beautifully at Danny.

"Yes to all your conditions, Danny. Let's makeup now and start making our baby's body," she smiled at him with her sweetest smile.

That was a wonderful moment for Danny, hearing her voicing her acceptance that she was ready in making their baby. A bright smile appeared on Danny's lips, he's feeling happy right now. He immediately discarded all his clothing and he shifted on top of her, skin to skin, his lips and breathe fanning her face.

He stared into her pretty eyes, smirking, his eyes were full of anticipation. "Shall we start now?" he whispered huskily. He plunged his erection greedily inside her wet core and stays there inside her vaginal wall for a few seconds then he initiated an 'in and out' rhythm. The speed of his thrust was deep and penetrative in a back and forth motion as he claimed her lips for a sizzling kiss that took their breath away.

A few seconds later, a series of nonstop pleasurable screaming escapes from Ella's lips, she moaned aloud every time Danny penetrated her deeply. Danny joined along with her moaning with his panting and grunting as they were enjoying their gratifying sexual intercourse to the fullest.

They made love all night long to their heart's content.

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