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Four months have passed after Catherine's disappearance.


One Saturday afternoon.

John surveyed the entire area of his condo unit in Mystic Bay Twin Tower. Temporarily, his family will have to stay here for the time being after they arrived from the US. They could always buy a new house with a nice lawn if her mother would like to do gardening as a hobby. The problem with condo units, they don't have a backyard that a resident can plant and grow flowers and trees in abundance. It's just a flat cemented pavements almost everywhere, well, there's a few trees and plants on the swimming pool area though, but that's all there was to it.

He hired two lady cleaners to make the whole area sparkly clean. Not an ounce of dust can be seen from the surface of the furniture and appliances.

John glanced at his bodyguard. "I think there's nothing to add in this place anymore, am I right, Ramon?"

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"This place is already perfect, Boss!" Ramon answered.

They sat on the sofa in the living room, resting for a while.

John sat on the very same spot where his missing wife usually sits, from that spot, he can see the endless ocean view in front of him, the sunset always look beautiful but this time it failed to cheer him up 'coz his heart was still bleeding for his wife. It's hard to appreciate the wonder of nature right now because his heart can no longer enjoy the beauty around him, ever since his wife's disappearance he struggled to contain his loneliness and sadness unless Catherine comes back in his life, things will never be the same again for him.

He was lost in his thoughts for a moment.

Then the beeping of Ramon's phone broke his reverie.

He looked at him.

Ramon checked his phone. "Just my wife, reminding me to eat my dinner on time," he said.

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A faint smile tugged on John's lips. He missed his wife, missed her delicious cooking, missed her giggles, her lively laughter, her scent and her overall presence in his life. He lost his sunshine, his better half, he'd rather preferred that he was the one being abducted and not his pregnant wife, all that happened to him in the past few months was horrifying and torturous that he has to numb his emotion all the time just to keep going and living every day, this one of the darkest stages of his life that he needs to overcome.

"No fresh leads yet? How about that mysterious guy?" John asked.

Ramon shook his head. "Nothing so far. I have called and texted that number a lot of times, the same number that mystery guy used to text us about grandpa and that sickly boy. It looks like that mysterious person used that sim card for one time only and discarded it after using it. He was meticulous in his planning and execution. He makes sure nothing can tie him up to anything."

John nodded his head in agreement. "He was using his brain to the fullest. Do you think he has Catherine?"

Ramon was not able to answer right away. When he had finally spoken he was confident with his statement. "The more I think about it, the more I realized that he doesn't have Catherine, just my analysis though. It doesn't look like a kidnap for ransom type of thing because kidnappers usually demand ransom money right away. This is puzzling, to be honest," he voiced his opinion.

John fixed his stare on the ocean view. "This mysterious guy does not leave Catherine's things on the same person and in the same location, he doesn't communicate with us directly. That is why it's so hard to track him. He doesn't want to leave a trail for us to follow, I feel like he was just playing a mind game with us and he was so good at it."

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"Yes, he was extremely good!" Ramon agreed.

John reached for the remote and power on the TV, but he muted the sound. "By the way how's the grandpa and the boy thriving in their new surroundings?" he changed the topic.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Grandpa was now able to see clearly after the cataract surgery, he was happy and according to the staff in the home for the aged, he was adapting well to his new home, he treated everyone like his friends, he smiles and laugh lot, he found a new purpose in life and a sense of belongingness as part of a big family," Ramon narrated.

"That's good!" John commented. "And how about the boy?"

"The boy is doing well in Boys Town. He learned how to read and write properly and he was eager to learn anything, he has this huge appetite for learning and likes to read a lot. He was friendly to the other abandoned children and willing to do chores and task assigned to him without any complaint. The staff can see a bright future waiting ahead for the boy."

John closed his eyes for a brief second. "The mystery guy changed the miserable life of these two people for good using Catherine's belonging. Do we have to be happy for grandpa and the boy, Ramon?"

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Ramon was stupefied by his boss's question. Does he feel happy about grandpa and the boy? Of course, he was, but it's so damn ironic that their lives changed for the better because of a woman's disappearance, things in this world indeed work in mysterious ways. He was afraid to answer the question because the topic they were talking about is very sensitive and emotional for his boss.

John looked at Ramon intently.

"You can't answer Ramon because you are afraid I will feel hurt?" he asked.

Ramon nodded his head slowly. "Yes, Boss."

"Don't be. I am also happy for grandpa and the boy, they badly needed our help," John said, he breathed deeply trying to ignore the heaviness of his heart. "Worst come to worst, at least something good comes out in all of this," he added.

They stayed inside the condo unit for a few minutes and left thirty minutes later for another aimless wandering in the city looking for something and anything that could give them hints of Catherine's whereabouts.

It's already midnight and John still refusing to go home.

Ramon drove the car aimlessly around the city without complaint, he was just too eager to accompany his boss's lonely and futile wandering just to find his missing beloved wife.

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