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Romeo entered John's office quietly holding some documents in his right hand. He saw the weariness in his best friend eyes, he doesn't have to wonder why because as long John can't find his missing wife he will forever feel a broken man inside. Romeo was doing his part in trying to help find Catherine in his social media accounts and even enlisted the help of his relatives and his wife's relatives to spreads out the information of her disappearance, still it yields no result.

It's kind of frustrating and disappointing that Catherine still can't be found until now and how more tormenting it is for John. Sometimes he believes that an extraterrestrial being abducted Catherine and brought her to the other planet or another dimension.

"Bro, you look awful today," Romeo commented.

John barely looked at his buddy, his attention remained fixed on the city's skyline. "I miss my wife so much, bro," he said, tears welled in his eyes.

Romeo sighed and sat down on the chair facing his buddy. "I know how you feel bro, it shows in your face," he replied.

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"Do you think she's still alive, bro?" John asked.

Romeo was losing words to say, John's question was painful to answer but requires honesty. "Maybe yes and maybe not, but as long there her body can't be found, we can say that she's still alive. Common bro, be strong for yourself and baby James. You still have your son, make him the source of your strength and inspiration."

"I do. But baby James is not enough, I want my wife back! I want things to return the way they used to be. How long do I have to wait and be tortured like this?" he asked, the anguish was overflowing in his face.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Romeo was visibly shaken by the magnitude of pain he saw in his buddy's face. "How can I share your burden bro? Please tell me," he muttered sadly.

John winced in pain, he shuts his eyes trying to stop the tears from falling down his face. "Only God can help me bro, yet he was not doing anything to help me, I don't know what his plan for my wife," he lamented.

"Maybe there's a reason for all this. Things happened for a reason," that's all Romeo can say to his grieving friend.

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They were surrounded by thick silence for a moment.

John looked at Romeo. "I have another problem, bro," he said.

"What is it?" Romeo asked.

"It's about Joseph, he was trying to harass Caroline. They had a heated argument last night. If my brother continues to harass Caroline, I am forced to ban my brother from entering my home ever again," John explained.

Romeo sighed. He knew Joseph was always bad news ever since Dahlia's days. "So, it's all about a woman again, this time? Don't tell me he likes courting Caroline or he likes hitting any woman that is associated with you? Or he just wants to make your life miserable like he always does? Which is which bro?"

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John massages his temple. "I think, all of the above, bro."

"I wish he never returns, I'm delighted with Uncle Hector and Auntie Clara's come back, but when it comes to your brother, meh, I don't like that brother of yours!" Romeo went on. "Joseph is a pain in the ass, to begin with," he pointed out.

"Speaking of my brother, I need to give him a job so that he no longer had lots of time to harass Caroline," John said.

"That's a bright idea, bro!" Romeo approved.

"Where should we assign him to? I need it to be somewhere far," John said, drumming his fingers on the surface of the table.

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"Hmm..." Romeo was thinking for a moment rubbing his jaw. "How about we assign him to manage the construction of Hacienda Catherine? That way he will have no one to torture there, the abundance of plants and trees in that place can calm his quick-tempered attitude. What do you think bro?"

John smiled for the first time that day. "Your idea is excellent my friend, problem solved!"

"When are you going to send him there?" Romeo asked feeling happy that he had helped his friend in a little way.

John stretched his legs below the table. "I will talk to him later. I will call him to come to my office this evening. I'm just hoping he won't make a big fuss about my decision considering that he doesn't like to live in the countryside. It would be hard to convince him but I will do my best so that I have one less problem to worry about," he said.

"Good luck!" Romeo said. "I'll be going now, bro. By the way, I need those documents after two hours," he pointed at the folders on the table and quickly exited the room.

John swipes at his phone, he began typing a message for his brother, instructing him to come to his office at 6:00 in the evening on the following day.

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