Caroline stripped her clothes and donned the white princess cut dress, tied up her long black hair into a bun hairstyle at the nape of her neck. She slid the golden ring into her fourth finger. She was surprised that it fits perfectly well with her fourth finger and the dress also clung to all the curves of her body in a perfect manner, as if the dress was exactly tailored fit for her.

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She looked at herself in the mirror! Wow, she's the perfect image of an elegant beautiful bride!

So, her identical twin sister is getting married? To whom?

She was curious and wanting to know the identity of the lucky guy. She exited the room to ask her mother about the identity of her sister's future husband.

"Mother...look at me!"

Thelma's head turned around and shock instantly registered in her mind upon seeing Caroline wearing her sister's wedding gown! What the hell!

"Who told you to wear that!? Take it off immediately! Right now!" shouted Thelma furiously.

Caroline rolled her eyes and ignored her mother's outrage. "I'm just trying to fit it, don't be so stingy, Mother!" she grumbled.

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"The hell you just fit it! Get it off! Your sister will get angry if she finds out that you wear her wedding dress. You shouldn't touch other people's belongings without their permission!" Thelma continued lambasting Caroline's bad behavior.

"Mother, what is the name of my sister's husband to be? And where did they meet?" she asked suddenly.

"They meet in the village while your sister is selling fish and vegetables in the wet market. She was going to marry John the current owner of the Hacienda La Margarita."

Caroline's mouth twitched in irony, of course, her sister is going to marry her rapist after all!

"She is going to marry her rapist! I don't know if I will feel happy or sad for her," said Caroline absentmindedly.

Thelma's eyes grew bigger upon hearing the word 'rapist.'

"W-what did you say---!?" Thelma asked alarmed.

"I said she is going to marry her rapist..." she repeated her words. Suddenly she realized her mistake too late, the incident was supposed to be a secret, Caroline brought her hands to cover her mouth, horrified of what she had just revealed to her mother.

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Thelma edges closer to her daughter, her face turned white drained of color, Catherine had been r-aped by John? As in her good daughter had been sexually molested by that ugly monster? That is why she has to marry him? Now she knows why her daughter has to marry that ugly guy! The rage starting to boil up in her mind.

"Tell me more how this r-ape happened? When and where? Why I didn't know about it? Why your sister didn't tell me anything about it!?" Thelma's tears were now streaming down her face. She can't stomach that her good daughter had been r-aped and about to marry her rapist, all this revelation was like a nightmare straight out of a horror movie! She was beyond horrified.

"Start talking, now!" Thelma screamed at her daughter in rage.

"Catherine and I were about to rob Hacienda La Margarita of some valuable things to earned some money, but we were caught by John's bodyguard while doing it, Catherine allowed herself to be r-aped by the owner himself John in exchange for our freedom. It's either offers herself or we will get thrown in jail for robbing the house. That is the time John r-aped my sister..."

Thelma can't believe what she just heard. "Who initiated the robbery? Who is the mastermind!?" she asked glaring at her daughter.

"It's," answered Caroline meekly.

"You! You have always been the one that initiated all the trouble! How can you drag your sister into your dirty games? You bitch ungrateful child!" totally engulfed in rage, Thelma's hands delivered a stinging left to right slap on Caroline's cheeks, her continuous slapping was leaving red marks all over her daughter's face.

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Caroline nearly tumbled on the floor thanks to the wooden bench she was able to grab onto it or else she will fall to the floor face down, she was deeply rattled, shaken and unprepared, unable to protect herself from her mother's hard and violent left to right slapping of her face. She caresses both her swollen cheeks, tears were now emerging from the corner of her eyes.

Thelma sat down on the bench, her body still trembling with rage.

Suddenly the door opened and Catherine just came in from work, she closed the door behind her, she was frightened when she saw some people milling outside their door because of the commotion they heard inside.

Her eyes were growing bigger upon seeing Caroline wearing her wedding dress and her wedding ring! What the fuck! Anger instantly crept into her being. She walked towards Caroline and was trying to remove the dress from her twin.

"Get off my dress! You have no right to wear it!" she screamed in anger.

Caroline was laughing hysterically now...and refused to cooperate.

Thelma rose to her feet and walked towards Catherine and give her good daughter a hard slapping on both her cheeks. "This is for you for lying to me, for attempting to cover up that rapist boyfriend of yours! You almost got me fooled Catherine!"

Catherine was shocked to receive such hard slapping from her mother. What did she do wrong this time? OH MY GOD! Her mother already knew about the r-ape thing! She threw Caroline a death glare! She went to her side and slapped her twin's cheek left to right. "How dare you!" she shouted at her.

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Caroline continues laughing as if gone crazy, not minding that her face was now swollen from continues slapping by her mother and her sister. She suddenly finds everything hilariously funny, then scenes from her escapes from the hideout with Greg flashes in her mind, she laughed harder.

Furious, Catherine saw that her twin sister was not affected by her slapping, she tried again to take off her wedding dress from her twin's body, but she struggled hard because Caroline was not cooperating, she pulled the dress harder until it starts breaking down in the hem, she exerted too much effort that her beautiful wedding dress was now torn to shreds destroyed by her own hands.

She gasped in horror! Oh My God! She destroyed her own wedding dress! Then she started crying, painful sobs wracked her entire body. She destroyed her beautiful wedding dress! She wailed in agony and pain.

By this time, more neighbors were starting to get curious by the commotion happening inside the rented room. Thelma saw the gossiping neighbors' faces outside the window, she went to the kitchen, filled the glass pitcher with water and threw the whole contents to their unsuspecting faces, then she closed the window with a loud BANG! she heard profanities and grumbling originated from the people outside.

Thelma watched her two daughters, one continues laughing hysterically and the other one sobbing uncontrollably. She released a deep sigh.

She walked towards Catherine and hold her arms. "Stand up Catherine and go with me!" she said in a cold voice.

"Mother, where are we going?" she asked between tears.

"We will be going to the Police Station to file r-ape charges against John! There will be no wedding happening between the two of you! John deserves to be thrown in jail for r-aping you!" Thelma has already made up her mind after knowing the terrible truth she can no longer accept John as her son in law.

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