The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 66: 66

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Reba eyed Catherine appreciatively while she was sitting in front of her in her office.

"Catherine, you are in charge of cleaning the Presidential Suite #1 right?"

"Yes Maam," answered Catherine right away.

"We have a VIP client today for that specific suite, he will arrive in the late afternoon. I want you to clean that room thoroughly, free from dust, change the cover, etcetera and make sure the room is well stocked with essentials, okay?"

"Yes, got it Maam!" she answered energetically.

"We always provide a personal assistant to our VIP clients on suite #1, so this time you will be this client's beck and call the entire duration of his stay, in short, you will become his personal assistant and assist him with everything. Make him happy and satisfied with our services so that he will keep coming back to book the rooms in our hotel and in return he would easily recommend us to his friends and family circle. Can you do that?" asked Reba.

"Yes, Maam! No problem!" she replied smiling.

"Okay good! You can go now!" Reba sends her away smirking.

Catherine exited Reba's office and went straight to the stock room to get her trolly and gather all the essentials that she needed and requested by the room occupants in the 4rth and 5th floor.

She will just clean the Presidental Suite #1 a bit later, probably at 2:00 PM or 3:00 PM in the afternoon.

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After finishing her rounds in the 4rth floor, she went back to the supply room and get fresh bedsheets, blankets, and pillows that have been recently washed.

She will just change the bedsheet first then carry out some dusting later, at least if the client changes his mind and suddenly check in earlier, he will come to a bedsheet that is super clean. As for the rest, it's not dusty anyway, so she will just slacken for the time being. But later on, she realized that she just can't do that, she needs to clean the room early because it's a VIP client, she can't afford to make any mistakes.

During lunchtime, she and Sherry shared a pleasant lunch together in the cafeteria. Discussing how lucky they are to have given the chance to work in the hotel, the work they have come to love and cherish.

After the lunchtime period is over, she went straight to Presidential Suite #1 and starts wiping the dust from the surface of the furniture, vacuuming the floor, scrubbing the tiles in the bathroom and arranging nicely the throw pillows in the sofa in the mini living room.

Satisfied with the result of her cleaning, she was tempted to lay down in the freshly changed bed, she smiled to herself. She will just doze off for about fifteen minutes and then get out of the room fast, just in case the client will arrive. She turns on the air conditioning system to its full capacity and the room starting to get colder. She gets rid of her hotel uniform, with just her blouse and jeans she lay down in the bed smiling. She wrapped the lavender scent blanket around her body.

Catherine was sleeping soundly inside the bedroom when the client arrived...

John went inside the suite holding the bouquet of red and pink roses, followed by Ramon who holds the pink box with the wedding gown inside.

Ramon placed the pink box in the sofa then he put the chocolates in the box's surface and exited the door quietly to go to back to the parking area and retrieve the traveling bag which contains some of John's clothing in the car's compartment.

John went straight to the bedroom and grabs the doorknob and opened it gently.

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There she is! The love of his life, Catherine!

Her lovely Catherine, his beautiful wife, sleeping soundly like an angel in the comfy bed.

John walked slowly to her side, he peered at her face. Her eyes were a bit swollen from crying. But nevertheless, she was still beautiful than ever. He placed the bouquet of roses in the bedside table.

He didn't bother to wake her up, he just let her finish her sleep. He went out of the room, picked up the pink box and the chocolate from the sofa, then he re-entered the bedroom and placed them beside the bouquet of roses.

He decided to take a shower first, he stripped his clothes and went inside the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, Catherine stirred from her slumber...

When she opened her eyes, the things that greeted her vision was the red and pink roses, the pink box and the chocolates in the bedside table. Her brows knitted together, that was never there earlier! OMG! Is the client already here? As in---inside the room? She straightened about to get off the bed, the door of the bathroom suddenly opened and the guy wearing a bathrobe emerged...

"How's your sleep, my wife?" John smiled at her.

"J-John? W-why are you here?" she asked puzzled.

"I just check in today, just to see you," he went to her side and planted a kiss on her forehead.

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Catherine couldn't believe it! So, it's actually John the VIP client that Maam Reba was talking about?

John exited the room and went to the mini kitchen to get some frizzy drink in the fridge.

He came back inside the room bringing a soda with him. He drinks straight from the can and empties its contents. Then he looked at her, roamed his eyes all over her body hungrily.

Catherine was already sprawled in the bed ready for the taking. He groaned.

His eyes were now boring into hers. Dark desires flooded his dark orbs. His dick was starting to get rigid between his legs. He cupped his hard shaft and stroke it several times right in front of Catherine while she's watching him. He smirked when he saw her eyes widened.

Catherine gulped back her saliva.

John went to her side and claimed her mouth for a lingering kiss. Catherine moaned. For a few minutes, they were kissing each other fervently as if they have not seen each other for a year. His body fully naked beneath the bathrobe pinned her body to the bed.

"I miss you wife!" then he began nibbling at her earlobe...lingering there for a few seconds, then her mouth lowered down to her neck sucking and licking her skin, she moaned in delight. Her vision darted on the pink box, the bouquet of flowers and her favorite chocolate. She was curious about what was inside the pink box. Her right hand was trying to reach the box while John's mouth ravaged every inch of her body.

"Later wife..." he murmured. He realized that her attention was fully diverted to his presents for her. He needs to satisfy his need for her first. His arousal is already getting harder to contain between his legs.

She tried to reach for the gifts again, but John's heavy built prevented her from doing so. Then she felt his hands reaching down inside her blouse and starts pinching and kneading her nipple, they become hard instantly, hot liquid pool of desire shoots through her belly. John get rid of her blouse, he unclasped her bra discarding it, the moment her nippled was freed from its confinement he gives each twin peak good amounts of sucking and licking that produces loud moans from Catherine's mouth.

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John's hungry mouth traveled down to her navel and kissed every inch of her skin there. While his hands were busy unzipping her jeans and took it off away from her body, when all her clothing was discarded, John gets rid of his bathrobe. Catherine's eyes widened upon seeing his rigid manhood protruding mightily between his legs, she gulped her saliva back down to her throat. John smirked at her reaction to his thick aroused rod. He resumed kissing every inch of her exposed skin...down his lips goes on and lingers at the surface of her underwear. Then his mouth starts biting and pouncing on her "V"...not satisfied...he gets rid of her panties and delved her tongue right into her moist core...eating her...illiciting cries of delight from Catherine's lips, her fingers digging deeper into the bedsheets.

"Ahhhhhh....Johhhhh..." moaned Catherine.

Liking her reaction, John sucked at her slick walls sending mindblowing sensation to her body. When his desire can no longer be contained, he parted her legs wide and poised his rigid manhood into her moist core, then he rammed his rod right into her soft moist crotch...

"Ahhhhh...Johnnnnnnnnn" her voice was incoherent now.

John hammered his shaft into her core many times as he can and each time Catherine's moan becomes louder creating erotic music to his ear. He pumped harderrrr and deeperrr into her moist core reaching her G-spot three times, sending her body into an overdrive of mind-shattering sensation, in just a few minutes she reached her climax followed by John.

As the aftermath of their lust and desire starts fading away...they looked into each other eyes full of love and devotion to each other.

"I love you so much, Catherine!" he said.

"I love you so much, John!" she answered. Then she smiled tenderly while caressing his face. "I miss you so much!"

"I miss you too!" he smiled back. He got off her and went to the floor to retrieve his bathrobes and her underwear. John put the bathrobe back on his body and put back her underwear and her bra as well. He takes his time admiring her private parts while he donned back her lacy panties on her crotch and her sexy bra on her chest.

Catherine slid over, cuddling close to him and resting her head on his chest. John wrapped his arms around her back pinning her closer to his body. He bestowed a gentle kiss on her head.

They rested for a while, happy and contented in each other's arm.

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