The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 69: 69

Sandra just called her favorite caterer and she was ecstatic to know that the 30 person capacity function room was vacant the whole day on Friday. She immediately booked it for John and Catherine's wedding. She was browsing the caterer's website for wedding menu, she already has chosen menu # 5 as they contain all her favorite dishes.

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Now she was planning to hire the same decorating team that decorates her brother's wedding venue last month. There are many types of theme that she was currently perusing on their website. She was actually having a good time planning John's wedding event...but there is something wrong about all this....hmmm? What could it be?

Then she realized that she hadn't shared or even ask the bride's opinion! She hadn't think about it for even a few seconds. That's right! She already knew what to do.

She reached for her phone and called Catherine.


"Yes dear, remember me? It's me yours truly."

"How are you?" asked Catherine.

"I'm fine dear...Can we meet here in Makati City?"


"Because John asks my help for securing a venue for the wedding party reception for this coming Friday. I already secured the venue. But I haven't chosen the menu and the decoration theme yet. I want to see you today so that we can discuss the menu and the decoration. Can you please see me? so that we can conclude the details. I'm so excited about your wedding, girl!" Sandra continues gushing.

Catherine was gone silent for a few minutes.

"Hey, Catherine are you still there?

"Yes am still here, but John didn't mention me about the wedding reception..."

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"Ouch!" Sandra bit her lip. OMG! Is John planning to make the wedding reception a surprise for her bride? Dang! She and her loud mouth! What to do?

A few more minutes of silence ensued.

"Hello...Sandra, what happened? Are you still there?" asked Catherine.

"Yes am still here. OMG! Catherine, am so dead!" Sandra exclaimed.

"Why? What is wrong?"

"I guess I made a big mistake. I think John didn't tell you about the wedding reception because he intended it to be a surprise for you! Oh my God, me and my big mouth! What to do? John will kill me!"

Catherine laughed on the other end. "Hey don't worry so much about it. I won't tell him promised."

Sandra shrieked in happiness and relief. "Thank God! Wheewww! I'm saved! So, shall we meet later? what time your work will end? I have a car, I can drive and get you there. Where is your current location dear?"

"I'm going out at 5:00 PM in the afternoon. Marigold Hotel Cavite City. But I can ride a bus, you don't have to waste your time driving all the way here. Let's just meet in Makati City. I will just call you when am already there," suggested Catherine.

"No! I will drive all the way to Cavite City to get you. I miss driving outside the city. It would be nice to drive along the countryside and coastal area. I will be enjoying my ride for sure so don't worry about it."

"You sure?"

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"Yes, 100% sure! See yeah later Catherine! Bye!"

"Bye Sandra and thank you for the help!"

"Don't mention it, my pleasure dear! See yeah...."

The line went dead.

Sandra still has 3 hours to spare before she will drive all the way to Cavite City. She will have her beauty rest first.


Catherine stared at her iPhone. A smiled curled up in her mouth. She was so lucky to have a husband like John who would take care of everything for her. She didn't know about the wedding reception, maybe he meant it to be a surprise party for her but Sandra disclosed it to her accidentally. She smiled broadly. She was excited to see the venue! Just thinking about it excites her!

She was looking forward to meeting Sandra later.

Three hours more and she will be out.

She received a text message from John.

"Hi, love...I want to meet you here tonight in my place. I will have Ramon fetched you later. Okay?"

"Sorry, not tonight John. I'm going to meet a friend later after am finish with my work here."

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"Huh? Lady or guy friend?" he asked curiously.

Catherine smiled. "A lady friend."

"Okay. So, see you tomorrow instead?"

"Yes. Talk to you later, John. Back to work. I love you so much! Mwuahhh! byee!" she put her phone back in her pants pocket and resumed distributing essentials in all the rooms on the 4rth floor.


John stared at his phone, his brows furrowed. Who is Catherine's lady friend that she is going to meet later after work? How important this lady friend is?

He called Allan.

"Yes, Sir?"

"I want you to check who is the person Catherine is going to meet after she goes out of work. Report to me where are they going, follow them wherever they may go."

"Copy Sir!" answered Allan.

He ended his call.

It's just a lady friend, he knows that. He was just curious. He was getting a bit paranoid. He wants the wedding to get over soon so that he can finally call Catherine his legal wife.

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Catherine's shift finally ended, she sat down on the sofa of the hotel's lobby waiting for Sandra who called her earlier that she was on her way and will arrive at the hotel more or less fifteen minutes from now.

She swipes at her phone and texted John..."Miss you! Love you!"

She smiled while sending the message to him. They indeed come a long way together starting in the village where they first meet all the way into the city. John pursued her and within the next 3 days, they will be officially getting married. It's just sad that her mother disapproves of the marriage. But she was hoping that after the wedding her mother can finally learn to accept John as her son in law.

Before the sadness can fully flood her entire face, her phone rings, signaling of an incoming call. It's Sandra! She's already here!

She rose to her feet and sauntered towards the entrance of the hotel. She saw Sandra waving inside her Baic M20 maple red colored seven seater car.

Catherine strolled towards the car smiling at the older woman. She slid into the front seat.

"Hello Sandra, nice seeing you again!"

"Hi, look pretty as always! Let's go---?"

"Okay," she replied.

Before Sandra revive the engine to start the car, she gave her tablet to Catherine and opened the venue's website and the menu to choose from, including the decoration theme's website.

"While we're traveling, you can check out the menu and the wedding theme of the reception. I already secured the venue. So we have to focus on the menu and the theme. If you already have chosen the theme and the menu we will be able to settle everything for Friday's reception."

Sandra started the engine and was now navigating her car smoothly into the highway.

Allan was following them from behind on board his motorcycle.

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