That night Catherine chose to sleepover in John's flat for the first time, she wants to show to her mother that she is adult enough to decide for herself.

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John was delighted of course with Catherine's decision. His naughty mind has already planned some entertaining activities for both of them.

They watched some horror movies first in his mini theater, Catherine kept screaming while watching the horror movie to John's amusement.

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Especially that the theme of the horror movie is about a group of teenagers who were camping in the forest. Among them was a couple who are stranded in a forest far away from their companions. Earlier in the story, the couple was having a skinny dipping in the lake not far away from their camp. Then they were having sex right there in the open air. While they were at the peak of their pleasurable activity, some dark shadows were watching them a few meters away.

The shadows kept advancing until the unsuspecting couple was surrounded by the shadows. Blood-curdling screamed ensued that reached the other campers nearby, then total silence can be heard after the scream ended. The next scene was of that a hundreds of dark shadows encircling the campers, their bonfire suddenly blown dead by the wind that suddenly came out of nowhere, branches of trees were swaying as if some heavy objects were descending upon them, and then total darkness enveloped the entire area where the campers were huddled together at the center, frightened to their bones. Under the veil of the pitch black darkness, another round of terrifying screams that lasted for a few minutes sprung in the air, as if somebody was being butchered left to right.

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The next scene unfolded early morning. One lone survivor, a woman can be found walking in a daze lost in the forest. Blood was smeared all over her body. After a few minutes of walking, she found a house in the middle of the forest, a smoke come out from the chimney. She knocked on the door, asking for help. Nobody answered, she had to push the door and it opened right away. She entered the house, what she saw inside made her vomit, the smell so putrid she vomited the last remaining food in her stomach, body parts were scattered all over the house, blood was smeared everywhere. Before she fainted, a dark man holding an axe suddenly appeared behind her grinning...fresh blood was dripping from his mouth...

Catherine has to beg John to end the film abruptly because she can no longer stomach what will happen to the woman next...

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"Are you sure you don't want to watch the ending?" he asked smiling at her.

"No thanks!" she said.

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John obeyed her request to wipe her revulsion of the horror movie, they watch comedy film next. Catherine kept laughing with the comedy film. While John kept staring at her amused by her quirky behavior while watching movies.

Done with watching movies, he taught Catherine how to play billiard, she was an awful learner, billiard balls were flying all over the table unto the floor, he gives up after twenty tries.

They made love a few times more before they finally call it a night and they fall asleep on each other's arms, falling in love with each other more than ever.

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