The Tenth Night Part 1

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Sean was caught off guard for a moment.

Joyce looked at him with anticipation, just like every time she waited for him to express his opinion on the taste of the dish, or at least that was the way it seemed.

But Sean did not respond. He simply picked up the soft kitten again and left the shack where the dead bodies were kept.

Their investigation revealed that the villain would be a sand sculpture1 named Long Aotian in the otome manga. The male lead and female lead would soon come to the farm to further investigate, deepen their feelings for each other, and then kill the vampires hiding in the castle close by.

Joyce did not wait for Sean’s answer either. Although she was somewhat disappointed, she thought it was how he normally was. And it was because of this that she wanted to try and win back the knight’s heart from the Great Demon Dragon!


The beau… beautiful cat trick!2 

With this in mind, she looked at Sean who was holding her and going back into the carriage. She brightened up, raised her head… and rubbed the palm of his hand.

Such an intimate gesture made Sean’s fingers pause. He looked down at the kitten in his hands, then quietly pricked a small wound on his finger.

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Joyce was speechless as she looked at him. Once again she was misunderstood by that stupid knight who thought she was making a “blood-sucking request”. Deep down, she thought… How come he isn’t one bit romantic? And every time I do something, he thinks I want to suck his blood? No wonder he has the face of a male lead, but he is a supporting character! 

I don’t want blood!!

Even though she was accusing the knight for the way he acted, she still approached the wound on his fingertip and licked away the blood seeping out.

She seemed to be getting used to her cat form. She placed her smooth front paws over his wrist to protect the food and prevent him from moving his hand away.

It’s because the knight’s blood was so tempting that she would… Wuwuwu…

The faint moonlight slowly entered the spacious carriage and filled it with a golden light. Sean’s eyes on the young kitten were coated with a layer of soft light.

He looked at the kitten feeding on him and used his other fingers to tickle her chin.

This kind of move felt unfamiliar at first, but she got used to it. The gentle and soothing action made Joyce feel slightly cozy. She started to lower her lids and raised her chin naturally to match his actions.

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Gradually, she became drowsy. She curled up in his arms and found a comfortable position to lie down.

Although the little knight was very cold, his arms were very warm.

In her dazed state, Joyce thought… It’s good to be a cat. 

Joyce rubbed her eyes as the carriage slowly pulled up in front of the castle. Instead of jumping off Sean, she snuggled up to him and found a more comfortable position to be in.

Sean chuckled. He did not change her back to her original form and walked into the castle with the cat in his arms.

As soon as Sean entered the castle, he ran into Long Aotian, who was squatting in the courtyard looking for something.

Sean and Long Aotian had nothing to do with each other these days, so Sean didn’t want to greet him.

But Long Aotian saw him and stood up like he was guilty. There were a few pieces of weeds on him. His eyes moved around in panic and suddenly stopped when he saw the kitten in Sean’s arms.

“Didn’t you… throw it away?” Long Aotian asked as he stared blankly at the kitten.

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Sean’s eyes landed on him. He noticed the weeds on the top of Long Aotian’s head and slightly raised his eyebrow. “Today, I saw that she was very obedient, so I picked her back up.”


Long Aotian and the cat nestled in Sean’s arms fell silent at the same time. One of them did not know that she had been picked back up for being obedient; and the other did not know that the cat he had been looking for all day had run back into the arms of the man who abandoned her.

Long Aotian couldn’t help but look at the kitten in Sean’s arms with a complicated look.

It really is an unfaithful cat!!

Sean seemed to be in a good mood as he passed him and went straight into the castle.

Early the next day, Sean left for the farm to pick up the farmers. This time, Joyce did not follow him. Instead, she went to the large clearing outside the castle and organized the farm tools Long Aotian had purchased.

Long Aotian was standing next to her looking unhappy the entire time. He saw that Joyce was happily organizing the farm tools and complained, “Your Highness Joyce, how can you let the knight pick up the farmers by himself? What if he runs away?”

Joyce paused for a moment, and then continued with a smile. “Xiao Long, you don’t understand how to make the cold knight stay. It’s not enough to tie him up. It’s more important to tie his heart.”

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“Please call me Nicholas Long Aotian,” Long Aotian emphasized. He tried really hard to hide the disdain in his eyes. “So you really want to keep him in the castle? You… are you reluctant to trade him for the life of the Primogenitor?”

“No matter what, always be prepared,” Joyce said solemnly. “If the Great Demon Dragon refuses to make the exchange with us, then should we sit back and wait for our death? We should make the knight side with us! It’s the only way we can minimize our losses!”

“… Then, how can we make the knight side with us?”

Joyce looked at the villain next to her, whose intelligence was falling, and the feeling of overpowering superiority from her IQ made her stand straighter. “Have you ever heard of the saying… ‘the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach’!”




沙雕 (shādiāo) – it’s an internet word that sounds similar to “silly d*ck” in Chinese and refers to laughing at someone’s stupidity Sooo it’s referring to the beauty trick, which is an actual trick by sending a beautiful woman to the enemy to create chaos. Wiki for the different beauty tricks under Beauty Trap

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