The Fifth Night Part 2

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Joyce did not inquire further. The three of them returned to the room in a flash. She saw two vampire maids spreading out new bed sheets and wondered whether she should tell them not to throw out the old sheets for the time being. She saw the two maids come up to them and whisper:

“Your Highness Joyce, this is the last set of sheets from the tributes. There will be no more sheets to use if these are broken, so…”

They glanced at each other, and then ambiguously glanced at Sean behind her. “Your Highness, don’t be so intense next time.”

Joyce was shocked by their words. By the time she realized what they were saying, they had already left the room with their hands covering their smiles.

“What did they say?”

Her eyes widened and she stared at where they left. Long Aotian looked at Joyce with doubt and asked again, “What did you two do? What’s so intense?”

“…” Joyce had to try really hard to resist the impulse to throw Long Aotian down the stairs.

At this time, a vampire knocked on the door, and Long Aotian walked over. Joyce inadvertently met Sean’s eyes that were staring at her again.

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Joyce swiftly looked away. “What are you looking at?”

Sean shot a faint glance at Long Aotian, who went to open the door. “What do they think we’ve done?”

“…” It was only natural for the maids to think that they had done everything. They might also be thinking that he had been robbed by her coveted charms—which seemed to be a big part of their reasoning.

Joyce avoided his eyes awkwardly. She only dared to complain in her mind.

The servant whispered something into Long Aotian’s ear who in turn nodded at him. He looked up and said, “Your Highness Joyce, I have been negligent these past few days. Your dinner is ready.”

“Dinner?” Joyce froze. “You don’t mean…”

Before she could finish speaking, she saw that the subordinate had already pulled a pale girl into the room.

“Your Highness, please enjoy your dinner.”

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Joyce looked in horror at the little girl who entered and turned her eyes to Sean.

Before she had time to explain anything, the little girl slit a wound open near her neck, and the bright red blood instantly rolled down.

“This is the most delicious one we have in captivity. She’s the one you’ve praised before but haven’t drank yet, Your Highness Joyce,” Long Aotian said respectfully.

The wound on the girl’s neckline was small, and there were only tiny drops of blood falling. However, it was as magical as poppy for Joyce, who had just regained consciousness and had not drank blood for several days.


Joyce covered her lips and tried to restrain her desire for blood again.

This girl’s blood… was truly really sweet.

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But it was not enough.

It seemed like the longer she had not sucked blood, the less self-control she had, and the stronger her perception of blood became.

The girl’s blood dripped from the wound, sliding down along the delicate collarbone…

Joyce covered her lips and whispered, “No… Take her away.”

“Your Highness Joyce…” Long Aotian said in a predicament. “You must have blood. If you do not have it for a long time, then that…”

Before he could finish, Joyce pushed him away and rushed out.

She stumbled all the way to where the rose garden was. The quiet atmosphere made her let out a sigh of relief. She hid quietly under a tree in the rose garden. She anxiously tried to calm herself down, trying to make her reaction to the blood disappear as soon as possible.

But before she could calm down from being assailed by blood, someone pushed aside the bushes and went to her.

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An enchanting sweetness entered her nose. It aroused her originally suppressed desire again. The desire for blood crushed every ounce of reason she had in an instant.

Following her instinct, she lunged at the incoming person and they fell onto the ground. Then, they rolled into the roses together. A thorny rose pierced into the knight’s fingertip, and for a moment, the smell of his seductive blood eroded all her senses. After she pressed his arms down firmly to make sure he was completely under her control, she bared her sharp fangs and was ready to bite his neck—

Just as her fangs were about to penetrate into the intoxicating veins, she was suddenly frozen in place as if a spell had been cast on her. She gradually regained a trace of clearness during the struggle. The man she nearly pierced the throat of was the knight she had brought back.

Joyce struggled to escape, but all her senses were eroded by the strong desire for blood that came wave after wave. She could not break free from between clarity and chaos. The man before her quietly watched her reaction the entire time.

And right now, in Joyce’s eyes, he had become the sweetest dinner in the world that was displayed in front of her…

But she couldn’t eat it.

Amidst her irritation, a trace of grievance gradually emerged. She looked at his white neck that was almost within reach, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva greedily as her eyes filled with tears. In front of the food that she could not get closer to, she stealthily stuck her tongue out and gently licked the sweetness like it was a strawberry cream cake.

Sean, who was calmly watching her every move, completely froze because of her actions.

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