“Mr. Lu, Boss Lu?”

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Ye Cheng called out several times, stretched out his hand and waved it twice in front of Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao finally woke up, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, looked at him and covered up: “Cough, um, what did you just said?”

Ye Cheng glanced at him suspiciously, “I asked you on Wednesday. If you are free, to thank you for your care these days, I want to invite you to a meal.”

He wanted to invite Lu Xiao to a meal, which could be regarded as an explanation for Xu Weiqiang.

If they meet again in the future, at least he could have some confidence.

However, Lu Xiao looked at with his mouth opening and closing, and what he heard was probably “I ask you…blablabla…I want to treat you to a meal.”

Oh, have a meal.

Wait, have a meal?

Ye Cheng asked him out for dinner? !

Even if Lu Xiao is single again, he knows that all romances start from eating.

Is he really so direct?

“I…” He hesitated for a moment, and felt that he had to be more restrained, “I may have to check my schedule on Wednesday, and then I will tell you.”

Ye Cheng said indifferently: “It’s fine on Thursday and Friday. Okay , it depends on your arrangement.”

Lu Xiao: “…”

Fuck, it looks like he’s playing for real.

Lu Xiao had never been chased by his peers, and his mind was very confused for a while. He hurriedly said “I’ll think about it” and ran away with the cake.

Ye Cheng looked at his hurried back in confusion, wondering what the hell this guy was doing.

Lu Xiao drove home from the parking lot, and it wasn’t until he opened the door that his heartbeat calmed down.

All the way, he was speculating whether Ye Cheng wanted to chase after him, and how he could refuse so as not to hurt the other party.

Yes, he thinks he is a straight man, and if that’s the case, he shouldn’t give Ye Cheng hope.

When he got home, he paced in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

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After a while, it turned dark outside.

Lu Xiao shook his head.

Well, no matter what he wants to do, he just doesn’t go to the appointment on Wednesday.

But just when he was about to take a shower to calm down, he saw the mango Melaleuca cake on the table – the mango Melaleuca that Ye Cheng bought for him on a special trip.



He struggled silently for a few seconds, and finally picked up his phone and dialed You Xin’s number.

You Xin is his good friend, and his only gay friend.

When he received a call from Lu Xiao, he was flirting with a new boy.

You Xin smiled and answered the phone: “What’s the matter, Brother Lu, aren’t you working overtime in the company today?”

Lu Xiao didn’t go around in circles with him, and simply said, “I have something I want to ask you.” After a pause, he added: “Don’t tell others, especially Zhou Minhao.”

You Xin let go of the boy and became interested: “You actually have a question to ask me, hurry up and let me hear it. ”

Lu Xiao took a deep breath and said, “I have a…gay, who has been nice to me recently. Compliment me in front of others, give me something, and invite me out to dinner, what do you think he meant” ”

Pfft!” You Xin almost choked on his saliva, and said in surprise, “gay, praise you, buy you something, and invite you to dinner? Fuck, it’s fucking obvious that he want to catch you!! Is it 0? How old is he, how good is his figure, is he handsome or not, what are you doing?”

Lu Xiao was blocked by his series of questions, he hesitated: “It should be, I don’t know.”

“But I remember you like girls, You Xin decisively said, “Why don’t you introduce it to me, so water will not flow to outsiders.”

The boy next to him gave him a punch, and he smiled and hugged the boy.

Lu Xiao’s face darkened immediately, “Go away.”

You Xin heard his reaction and said meaningfully: “No, no, no, Brother Lu, do you have feelings for him?”

“How is it possible,” Lu Xiao’s brows tightened, “I think it would be too shameful if I didn’t go.” In an instant, You Xin realized.

The opposite Lu Xiao was still confused, but he immediately grasped the problem.

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Lu Xiao, who doesn’t care about others, when did he take care of other people’s face?

You Xin laughed.

Come on, the reason why this brother called him was because he wanted to make an excuse for himself, but he didn’t have this awareness yet.

After clearing his throat, he asked cooperatively to persuade: “Yes, since he sincerely invite you to dinner, if you don’t go, it will embarrass him. And you don’t know, those 0’s hearts are more delicate, if you don’t go once, he won’t ask you ever again.”

Lu Xiao nervously asked, “Is it true or false?”

You Xin picked up the man’s chin , “Of course it’s true.”

Lu Xiao didn’t say anything. He didn’t even wait for a reply from the other end, so he hung up and dialed Ye Cheng.

Beep, beep.
No one answered.

Lu Xiao started to panic, no, he was really angry?

You Xin has traveled all over the gay circle in the South, and the 0 he has soaked in is not as much as Lu Zhanyang, but atleast half of the people he touched.

What he said, he said, was false.

He noticed the seriousness of the situation, and sent Ye Cheng a WeChat message: [Why don’t you answer the phone? It’s Wednesday, I’ll just go. ]

He babbled, but there was still no movement there.

In the end, Lu Xiao reluctantly threw his phone away and lay down on the bed.

His arrogance was so high, he felt that they were not suitable, and before he rejected him, he was so angry that he didn’t even reply to the news from the company.

When Ye Cheng came out of the bathroom, 12 missed calls and 9 WeChat messages had already been made on the phone.

He opened the messageds to check, and the more he looked, the more outrageous his face became.
Suspect X: [Hey——]
Suspect X: [“Come and call Dad”]

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Suspect X: [Woc, this son is poisonous! ]
Suspect X: [I will call you father for free, are you still angry? ]
Suspect X: [I went there after me, what are you fighting for? ]
Suspect X: [As a leader, I order you to call back, otherwise your salary will be deducted! ]
Suspect X: [Okay, okay, I’m joking, just answer. 】

Ye Cheng couldn’t bear it any longer: [You’re crazy…]

After thinking about it, he deleted it, and patiently replied: [Why? ]

Half a minute later, Lu Xiao’s voice call was over.

While wiping his hair, he turned on the speakerphone and said, “Mr. Lu, is something wrong?”
Lu Xiao’s heart stuttered.

【what? 】

【Is something wrong? 】

This tone of voice seems to be angry.

After all, Ye Cheng was angry because he was hurt by his hesitation, and Lu Xiao had a complicated feeling of pity mixed with guilt.

So, he lowered his voice very rarely, and tried to comfort him as gently as possible: “It’s nothing important, have you seen the message I sent? I’m free on Wednesday night, let’s go to dinner after work.”

Ye Cheng: ” Oh.”

Lu Xiao: “?”

The air was quiet for a while, Ye Cheng wrapped his head with a towel, and said indifferently, “Is there anything else, I’m hanging up.”

At half past ten, his patience was exhausted.

Lu Xiao blinked: “It’s okay…”

Before he could say “la”, he hung up there.

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He froze for two seconds at a loss.

Then, I felt like he can understand.

Ye Cheng’s heart is more delicate, and he can’t relieve his anger for a while, he should be more tolerant, he treats himself like this in his heart.

After making an appointment on Wednesday, Lu Xiao wondered what clothes to wear.   Men love to show off in front of those who like them. In particular, he subconsciously felt that Ye Cheng was out of luck, because You Xin liked his model.

At one o’clock in the middle of the night, Lu Xiao turned the cloakroom upside down.   He sat in a pile of clothes, tried them on one by one, took pictures, and sent them to You Xin to ask him how he was doing.

You Xin had no intention of committing sins, he cheated himself, and he just picked two points with him.

When Ye Cheng arrived at the station, he heard from Tao Juan that Mr. Lu didn’t have a shift today.
He didn’t take it seriously.

After getting off work in the afternoon, I received news from Huang Sheng’an that he was going back abroad tomorrow and asked him to meet up later.

Ye Cheng and him almost grew up together, and after Huang Sheng’an went abroad, they rarely played together.

He sent a message to Lu Xiao, made a temporary appointment tomorrow, and wanted to cancel the dinner.

A few minutes later, Lu Xiao rang a phone call.

“You made an appointment with someone else?” His voice sounded displeased.

Ye Cheng calmly said, “Well, it’s a friend.”

Lu Xiao has lived for more than ten years. This is the first time he has such a bright mind. He asked casually, “That friend who drove a Bentley?”

Ye Cheng was stunned for a while, and it took a long time to realize who he is talking about, and nodded. : “Yes, his name is Huang Sheng’an.”

“Yo, it’s still a childhood sweetheart.” Lu Xiao sneered, “So you would rather cancel our dinner for him?”

Ye Cheng didn’t expect to have such a big reaction because of a meal, he opened his mouth to explain.

Lu Xiao: “Whatever you are doing, don’t do it anymore, I understand. In the future, don’t look for me again, I’m not the type of person who just leaves when called upon. Let’s go our separate ways. Goodbye!”

After finishing, he hung up with a snap.

Ye Cheng: “…”

What is wrong with him?


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