Moonshine is not far from Shanhai Road, it only takes ten minutes to walk there.

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After night fell, the streets full of traffic during the day completely changed their appearance.

Colorful night lights are lit up on the plane trees standing on both sides, and the whole city is shrouded in a completely different atmosphere from the daytime.

The traffic is bustling and the high-rise buildings are brightly lit. It is worthy of being one of the top ten cities in the country for night scenes.

However, Ye Cheng had no interest in appreciating it at all, and was doing psychological construction for himself along the way:

calm down, be calm later.

But when he walked to the door of the bar, he looked up and saw the familiar light sign, and all his psychological defenses collapsed instantly.

——Moonshine is a gay bar, the place where he and Lu Xiao first met.

After Ye Cheng went to college, same-sex marriage was legalized.

The people around him know his sexuality, and sometimes they will meet at a gay bar to relax.

With a face of his level, as soon as he entered, it was like a lamb entering a wolf’s den.

But he never made an appointment, only drinking and chatting with friends at the booth.

Moonshine has a feature. Before 0:00, it is normal business, and after 0:00, it starts to gather same-sex friends.

Many people don’t know this, and they were shocked when they entered the night show by mistake. That’s how Lu Xiao was tricked by his friends.

He had just returned home that year, surrounded by a group of rich second generations who threw themselves into his favor.

Lu Xiao was wearing a black shirt with a high height, and is like a male model of 1.89 meters tall. When passing through their booths, they are like walking hormones, attracting countless eyes to follow.

Ye Cheng’s little roommate immediately suggested continuing the big adventure game just now. Whoever loses will ask the guy for WeChat.

Amid the chaotic music and crowd, Ye Cheng met his gaze across a few seats.

Lu Xiao’s brows were furrowed, apparently unaware that there was a “midnight show” here.

Ye Cheng laughed and said, “Are you sure you want him? The half-blood next to him looks more reliable.”

” The best bet would be in number 1.”His roommate replied.

They played a round of dice, and they never expected that Ye Cheng would lose.

The roommate looked at him with admiration: “Come on, come on, remember to share if you want!”

With the encouragement of several people, Ye Cheng had to bite the bullet and prepare to

But just when he looked up, Lu Xiao suddenly got up and walked over.

The others let out a frightened gasp, and saw him getting closer and closer, and finally stood in front of Ye Cheng.

“Excuse me, can you add a WeChat?” Lu Xiao took out his phone and said.

His voice was low and magnetic, and half the bar was silent.

Later, Ye Cheng found out that they were also betting at the table that day.

That half-blood was a frequent visitor here, knowing that Ye Cheng never sent WeChat, so he deliberately wanted to play a prank with Lu Xiao.

Lu Xiao couldn’t stand the excitement, so he came over and asked for it on impulse.

As a result, on the second day, the most annoying thing happened to Ye Cheng.

At that time, the dormitory was celebrating his affair, and he also got an offer from Lu’s.

He found out that the person who took the initiative to let him scan the QR code last night has not accepted his friend request.

Ye Cheng was in a speechless mood and got up early to report to Lu’s.

He followed a group of people into the elevator, and the elevator door slowly closed.

Suddenly someone pressed the door, and a familiar figure walked in.

“Mr. Lu is early.” The person who opened the door greeted enthusiastically.

The other people greeted the person who walked in: “Mr. Lu, good morning.” In the narrow space, Ye Cheng raised his head and they stared at each other.

The atmosphere felt awkward.

Seeing this bar again, Ye Cheng’s heart surged with new hatred and old hatred.

Lu Xiao lied to him. In fact, he had been to this bar since high school.

Ye Cheng, who was full of energy and blood, didn’t notice that it was only after eight o’clock, and the “Midnight Show” had not even started.

He took off the school badge and name tag on the school uniform and pushed the door in with anger.

There is no master at this time, the atmosphere is not very high, there is a resident singer on stage performing.

The receptionist came this way.

Without waiting for him to speak, Ye Cheng said that he had a friend gathering here and asked him to help lead the way.

The crowd around the booth was sparse, and it was estimated that they went to the private room.

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The bartender checked the order and asked if he was with a girl surnamed Jiang.

Ye Cheng nodded coldly, and followed him into the aisle.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the private room, he heard the sound of roaring and deafening music inside.

Ye Cheng pushed the door open without hesitation. The smoky smell made people unable to open their eyes.
The environment in the private room is dim, extravagant and ambiguous, and a group of people are sitting on the sofa while smoking.

He could vaguely tell that the one sitting in the middle was Lu Xiao, with Jiang Jin and Jiang Yirong sitting beside him.

He can’t go to self-study in the evening but he comes to such a place to smoke and drink, and there are a bunch of messy people sitting next to him.

Ye Cheng’s face was terrifying.

He walked over quickly, picked up the wine on the table, raised his hand and splashed Lu Xiao’s face.

There was an uproar in the private room, and the girls covered their mouths and screamed.

The scene was very chaotic.

Lu Xiao condescended to be a wingman for half an hour, and suddenly he was hit by a disaster, and his anger jumped up.

“Fuck, are you fucking courting death?” He didn’t even think about it, stood up, grabbed the man’s collar, and pulled him over across the coffee table.

This time, one of the buttons on Ye Cheng’s neckline collapsed, and it rolled to the ground.

The two were very close in an instant, and the delicate and beautiful face of the young man came into view.

He was caught off guard.

Even if the lights were dim, those indifferent and angry eyes still hit the heart, and the drooping eyelashes trembled slightly, with a slender and delicate feeling of fragility.

For some reason, looking at the tear mole at the corner of his eye, Lu Xiao suddenly felt a sense of deja vu.

This look… he always feels like he has seen it somewhere.

His heart moved suddenly.

Fragmented images flashed before his eyes.

There seemed to be a potential voice telling him that whenever Ye Cheng showed such an expression, he must have done something wrong.

It’s his fault.

He shouldn’t have a cold war with him, he shouldn’t have come to the bar by himself
without saying a word.

This absurd consciousness gradually invaded his mind like a wild horse.

Ye Cheng was ready to fight him long before he came.

He subconsciously clenched his fists, his eyes burning with anger: “Do you know what you are doing?”

He had wanted to beat this bastard for a long time.

Jiang Jin, who was next to him, had already recognized him, and was so startled that he quickly stood up and tried to persuade him not to fight.

Who knows in the next second.

Lu Xiao instinctively let go of his hand to cover his head, and blurted out, “I’m sorry, I was wrong!”

Everyone fell silent and looked at them dumbfounded.

There was a dead silence in the box.

The air froze.

Lu Xiao suddenly realized what he just said.


What’s the matter, what happened to him just now? Why did he do such an outrageous move… For a moment, he felt like he was being controlled by muscle memory.

The subconscious voice told him: It’s right to admit you are wrong.


Lu Xiao felt that the sky was thundering. In his proud seventeen years of life, he never knew how to write the word “cowardly”.

Why did he become like this? !

Twenty minutes later, on Shanhai Road, the cold night wind calmed down the restless mind.

Lu Xiao’s face was blue, and he stubbornly said, “That’s the way it is, what else do you have to say?”

Ye Cheng’s eyes were complicated, and his tone was not that good: “But you shouldn’t come to drink either. Do you always go back on your word?”

“I didn’t drink.”

“Then why do you smell like alcohol?”

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“You spilled it, thank you.”

After Lu Xiao said this, he stopped looking at him, he seemed a little bit wronged.

Ye Cheng choked, and did not speak with a cold face.

Lu Xiao waited in the cool breeze for nearly a minute, but didn’t hear a word from the other party.

He pointed to his soaked T-shirt in disbelief: “You won’t apologize to me?”

He didn’t know if it was because he had been in this high school student’s body for a long time. His emotions are extremely volatile.

He looked at him badly and said, “Why should I apologize? You didn’t tell me the answer when we were in class, why didn’t you apologize?”

If this conversation is overheard by Jiang Jin, it is absolutely reasonable to suspect that these two minds have been squeezed by the door at the same time.

This kind of argumentative speech, he has not heard since elementary school.

But Lu Xiao didn’t think so, and there was even a hint of injury in his dark eyes.

He was silent for a long time, and then suddenly answered the question: “Ye Cheng, did you give your password casually?”

Ye Cheng was stunned by the thoughtless sentence.

After Lu Xiao finished speaking, he turned his head and left without waiting for him to answer.

His back was full of “I’m not happy”, and his hair wet with alcohol was stubbornly curled up.

It’s a little pathetic.

Ye Cheng stood there with a questioning face.

What does this have to do with passwords?

After that day, Lu Xiao obediently came back to class.

But the two of them didn’t talk to anyone, and they even moved a distance of ten centimeters between the desks.

Every night, after arranging the table neatly, the next day they will find that there is tension between the two.

Jiang Jin was the first to notice something was wrong, but he thought the reason for their fight was not serious, so he didn’t take it too seriously.

This situation lasted for three days, and their fight affected everyone—Ye Cheng stopped letting someone copy his homework.

Jiang Jin suddenly felt that the sky was falling, and he couldn’t bear the nightmare of reading ten questions in English, so he dared to send a message to Lu Xiao in the self-study class.

Jiulong Wu Yanzu: [Brother Xiao, why don’t you forgive Brother Cheng, he also has good intentions. 】

Lu Xiao ignored him.

Jiulong Wu Yanzu: [We can’t be too careful, or I’ll set up a line and ask you to have a meal together at noon? 】

Lu Xiao looked down at his phone and was about to type.

Jiulong Wu Yanzu: [In the past few days, he went out to eat with the buddy from the crayfish shop last time, and it happened that everyone knew each other. 】

【How about making an appointment with that store? 】

He waited for five minutes, but Lu Xiao still didn’t answer him.

Jiang Jin couldn’t bear it any longer and typed: [Brother Xiao? 】

As soon as it was sent out, a red exclamation mark popped up in the chat box.

Jiang Jin: “…”

Lu Xiao blocked him.

the same day.

Another hot thread came out on the forum: What is the current situation of Building 1 and Building 2? Fighting again? (No swearing in this post)

Main building: the 1st is not very peaceful these two days. Lao Qi is getting into trouble one after another, and the first brother eats fire. Medicine? He didn’t deliberately find fault with such a trifle before.

1L: I’m listening

2L: thank you for inviting me. Lao Qi made it first. He built it with someone else. Rumor has it that the first brother was having an affair with his deskmate and was educated.

3L: What, what? The first brother’s table mate, wouldn’t it be Ye Cheng?

4L: The comment above is correct.

22L: Hahaha, I’m really convinced by Lao Qi, as expected of the No. 1 idiot in the 13th High School. So is there any evidence? I want to see it too.

23L: He was educated because he had no evidence. He said that Ye Cheng ate Jiang Meimei’s vinegar and rushed into the private room to pour a brother’s wine. Afterwards, the first brother chased him out and coaxed him for a long time.

[*They said Ye Cheng is jealous of sister Jiang ]

24L: Why does it sound a little sweet?

38L: There shouldn’t be too much rhythm in this building. Is there a serious illness? They are two straight men, all right, what kind of love triangle plot.

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39L: I’m the only one who cares about the fact that someone threw wine at the first brother in public, but he didn’t beat that man into the hospital?

40L: Upstairs, I was hammered into the bottom of the pit by this point, and it killed me!

Jiang Jin looked at the reply below, and his heart skipped a beat.

Looking at the interface where Lu Xiao blocked him, he snorted again.

Not right, they are very wrong.

There was no evening self-study on Friday night, and everyone was free to swipe and chat.

Next door, Huang Sheng’an ran to the gate of No. 13 High School after class, waiting for Ye Cheng to finish school.

Gao Qiulan bought lobster and beef bones and specially called him over for dinner.

The two first turned to the alley to buy roast duck.

Huang Sheng’an tilted his head to look at Ye Cheng, who was silent all the way, and asked curiously, “What’s wrong with you, the words ‘unhappy’ are written all over your face, who offended you?”

Ye Cheng has been really depressed these days. .

Originally he thought that with his understanding of Lu Xiao, he could easily control the changes of this guy, but instead he put himself in trouble.

After all, he overlooked something.

The twenty-seven-year-old Lu Xiao is still very different from the seventeen-year-old Lu Xiao.

Twenty-seven-year-old Lu Xiao would confess his feelings, while seventeen-year-old Lu Xiao would bury his emotions in his heart.

After all, he is a sensitive boy.

He looked Huang Sheng’an up and down until he got goosebumps.

That’s right, isn’t there a seventeen-year-old high school student here?

“If your friend is suddenly angry and refuses to communicate with you, how should he stop being angry?” he asked seriously.

Huang Sheng’an was shocked by his question, full of youthful pain, and it took him a while to say: “Why is he angry with you?”

Ye Cheng thought about it and said, “It seems that it is because I told others my password, but I don’t seem to have done such a thing.”

Huang Sheng’an was speechless and choked: “The game password? It’s all up to you who could use it, is it your girlfriend?”

“…No.” Ye Cheng had a hard time explaining to him.

They carried roast ducks through the sparsely populated alley, and a few people with cigarettes came across them.

Ye Cheng was thinking about what to say, when he heard a familiar voice.

“I said who walks without looking at the road. It turns out that he is the number one in our grade.”

The poignant tone of that broken gong voice is deeply memorable after hearing it once.

Ye Cheng raised his head and looked at Zhang Qi with a mocking face.

Zhang Qi saw the school uniform on Huang Sheng’an’s body, and pouted, “Why, you haven’t been playing with Lu Xiao recently, but with this little white face?”

Huang Sheng’an only learned about Ye Cheng’s sexual orientation after college, so he didn’t know. So he frowned at him.

Ye Cheng gave him a cold look, and was about to pass him and leave.

Zhang Qi suddenly shrugged his shoulders and bumped into it, and took advantage of the situation to grab the plastic bag he was carrying.

Ye Cheng didn’t expect his sudden action, the bag in his hand flew out, and the roast duck spilled on the ground.

“Oh, sorry, I accidentally bumped into you.” Zhang Qi immediately raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, and said shamelessly.

“Hey, why are you like this? Won’t you apologize!” Huang Shengan was angry.

Ye Cheng stopped him, looked at Zhang Qi and said, “No need to apologize, just buy me a new one.”

Zhang Qi smiled gloomily: “Are you sure you want me to buy you a new one?”

He raised his hand and wanted to pull Ye Cheng’s collar.

Who knew that Ye Cheng’s reaction was faster than him.

He quickly blocked Zhang Qi’s arm with a backhand, took advantage of the situation to cut his arms behind him, and slammed him against the wall.

A series of actions happened in just a few seconds, and no one had time to do anything.

“What’s wrong?” Ye Cheng pressed his shoulders and said coldly.

There was a slight sound as the bones collided.

“Fuck your uncle!” Zhang Qi squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth in pain.
Only then did the few people behind him react, and they all rushed up.

Seeing that their posture was not right, Huang Sheng’an spat immediately, posing for a fight with them.

At this moment, several figures came over from the alley.

Ye Cheng threw Zhang Qi aside and saw the figure of the leader.

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It’s Lu Xiao.

Zhang Qi froze in place, obviously from seeing him too.

After the other people noticed Zhang Qi’s wink, they didn’t dare to move.

“Brother Zhang, what are you doing?” Jiang Jin asked with a sneer, looking at the roast duck that had been spilled all over the floor.

Lu Xiao didn’t look at Ye Cheng, but stood face to face with Zhang Qi.

The atmosphere between the two was a bit tense, as if tacit.

Zhang Qi snorted and said sullenly, “It’s nothing, I just accidentally knocked off his roast duck.”

Jiang Jin glanced at Lu Xiao and said, “Oh, we are all classmates, since you knocked it off. just pay for one. Isn’t that right, Brother Cheng?”

He winked at Ye Cheng.

Zhang Qi mocked: “I’ll pay, of course I’ll pay.”

“No need to pay.”

Lu Xiao’s voice sounded, and the surroundings fell silent.

Ye Cheng suddenly looked at him, and the five fingers hanging by his side clenched.

Jiang Jin was even more stunned, and almost wrote “No, you shouldn’t help Zhang Qi” on his face.

Zhang Qi didn’t expect him to say this, and his face was also very excited.

Lu Xiao moved his lips, and the next sentence made him fall into an ice cellar.

“It’s not good to waste food, eat what’s on the ground.”

The air was dead silent again.

Zhang Qi gasped for breath, the anger in his eyes was completely aroused.

Compared with the real school bully, he was humiliated, and he was still a long way off.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Jiang Jin hurriedly said, “Well, Brother Xiao, aren’t you here to buy roast duck? Let’s go quickly, we have to queue…it’s already six o’clock.”

Lu Xiao still watched without moving. Zhang Qi, from Ye Cheng’s point of view, can clearly see his expression.

The eyebrows were pressed down very low, the black eyes flashed with coldness, and the nose was slightly opened, looking angry.

Zhang Qi stared at him for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, “Lu Xiao, don’t be too arrogant.”

He glanced at Ye Cheng again, and turned away angrily.

Lu Xiao didn’t stop him.

After he left, Jiang Jin patted his chest with lingering fears and said, “Brother Xiao, calm down. You two made a promise at the Academic Affairs Office last time, and if you fight again, you will be punished.”
The boy next to them was the captain of the basketball team, a mixed-race boy, persuaded, “That’s right, it’s not worth it for this kind of stinky fish and rotten shrimp, don’t forget what those old men said last time.”

Lu Xiao didn’t say anything, his eyes crossed the roast duck on the ground and fell on Ye Cheng.

He glanced at Ye Cheng, then glanced at Huang Sheng’an beside him, and turned away with a sullen face.

Ye Cheng frowned slightly.

Jiang Jin waved at him and quickly turned to chase after Lu Xiao.
“Brother Xiao, don’t you want to buy roast duck?” The captain of the basketball team smiled at Ye Cheng and followed them away.

Huang Sheng’an shook his head again and again and said: “It’s really bad luck! I didn’t expect the 13th HighSchool to be so messy, tell me why you want to transfer.”

He picked up the roast duck on the ground and threw it into the trash, and said, “The ones just now were from your class. They are quite loyal.”

“Yeah.” Ye Cheng lowered his eyes and responded.

Huang Sheng’an asked him strangely: “Why do I feel that the most handsome guy seems to have a problem with you, are you stealing his position as class grass?”

Ye Cheng was a little down, but his comment almost made him laugh.

“God damn class grass, it’s the school grass.”

Huang Sheng’an came to the interest of gossip: “Tsk, it’s rare that you can admit that someone is more handsome than you. The school grass of No. 13 High School is a bit interesting, his name is What?”

Ye Cheng said, “Lu Xiao, I didn’t admit that he was more handsome than me, just stating the facts.”

Huang Sheng’an was stunned, and his face suddenly became a little weird.
“His name is Lu Xiao?” he asked in disbelief.

“What’s wrong?” Ye Cheng looked at him.

Huang Sheng’an’s mouth twitched: “The person who kicked you out of the team in the game that day, the note you gave him is Lu Xiao.”

Ye Cheng: “?

” Is that him? Why do I think…he’s jealous?”

T/N: Tell me if something is wrong or the translation is low quality. I’ll try my best to fix it. Since I decided not to check the reviews in NU anymore, just tell me in the comments

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