Xu Chao did what he said, and immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a red envelope to the two.

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Everyone was drooling with envy, Jiang Jin tried to grab a piece of the pie.

After returning to his seat, Ye Cheng didn’t talk much to Lu Xiao again.

Both of them chatted with the people next to them, occasionally looking at each other and looking away.

This delicate atmosphere continued until the end of the class.

After everyone went home, they reluctantly said goodbye.

Ye Cheng took a taxi home, took a shower and started doing homework.

As they had to take the Hong Kong Certificate of Education examination in the second semester of the second year of senior high school, the associate subject teachers assigned homework like crazy.

[The Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE, 香港中學會考) was a standardised examination between 1974 and 2011 after most local students’ five-year secondary education, conducted by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA)]

During the National Day holiday, the papers were piled up like a hill, and it was impossible to finish the papers without spending five or six hours a day.

He wrote until after twelve o’clock and finished all the geography papers.

After lying down on the bed, Ye Cheng couldn’t sleep.

From the moment he got home, he tried desperately to find something to do for himself, trying to forget some scene in his head.

But once he lay down, those scenes couldn’t help but come to my mind.

He remembered that when he covered Lu Xiao’s eyes, the focus was attracted by the tall nose bridge and thin lips.

It was those two lips that inadvertently brushed against his earlobe.

His ears and neck are the two most sensitive parts of his upper body.
When in bed, Lu Xiao also likes to kiss him the most.

Maybe it’s been too long since he vented, Ye Cheng couldn’t help but feel a little confused, and his head was in a mess.

Lu Xiao is the best at kissing and the best at mouth to mouth, and it makes him dizzy every time.

This is also one of the reasons why Ye Cheng doesn’t believe when he says he has no experience.

This technique can’t be learned without experience.

After thinking about it, he had a reaction, a reaction that a man would have.

But at the same time, he felt a little guilty and could not help covering his eyes with the back of his hand, trying to ease this urge.

He bit his lip and lay down for more than 20 minutes, but the urge still couldn’t go away.

He had to get up and go to the bathroom to take a cold shower.

It was already one o’clock when he lay back on the bed again.

Unable to sleep, Ye Cheng frantically turned on his mobile phone to browse the circle of friends.

As soon as he opened it, he saw a message posted by Lu Xiao five minutes ago.

Suspect X: Damn, insomnia.
The comments of Jiang Jin, appeared very quickly below.

Jiang Jin: What’s the matter, do you miss me?

Suspect X: Go away.

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Ye Cheng, hesitated for a moment, but sent a message to ask: [What’s wrong? ]

It was quiet for a while, soon he receive a reply: [It’s nothing, I had a nightmare. 】

Ye Cheng: 【What nightmare? ]

He waited for a long time, but didn’t receive any message from Lu Xiao, and even thought for a while that the wireless network at home was broken.
It wasn’t until his eyelids started to close that the phone vibrated.

Suspect X: [Go to bed early, good night. 】

Ye Cheng: “…”

His kindness was not rewarded.

He silently turned off the phone and closed his eyes to sleep.

In the dark night, Lu Xiao sat alone by the bed.

There was no light on in the bedroom, only the sound of his slightly heavy breathing could be heard.
After the protagonist of the nightmare finished caring about him, he fell asleep.

After many days, he dreamed of Ye Cheng again for no reason.

The same dream as before.

The same sofa, the same picture.

This time, he saw the tattoo on Ye Cheng’s ankle – forever love.


The seven-day vacation passed by in a flash. On the first day of school, he studied by himself early. It was rare for the class to be full after six o’clock.

“Who can show me the answer to physics?”

“Where is Ye Shen? Where is his English test? I’m going crazy!”

“What time does homework submission close? Is it nine o’clock?”

While copying the homework, the other people is scrambling to answer the answer.

With two dark circles under his eyes, Lu Xiao calmly copied the two-meter-long English test paper.

Jiang Jin turned back with a sad face and said, “Brother Xiao, are you about to finish copying? Give it to me when you’re done.”

Lu Xiao calmly said, “I’m just starting.”
“No, how long will it take?” Jiang Jin almost died “Oh my God, where’s my brother Cheng? I want to ask him to borrow history.”

Lu Xiao didn’t lift his head, and his writing speed was so fast: “Five minutes.”

And Ye Cheng, who was highly anticipated, was at this moment squatting on the toilet with a bad stomach.

The hallway is eerily quiet today, and no one has time to run out to smoke and go to the toilet.

After he washed his hands and came out, he passed by the smoking settlement.

When he came to the corner, he heard a muffled whimper.

Ye Cheng’s footsteps stopped, and his ears moved.

The voice became clearer and clearer, accompanied by a low growl and the sound of hitting the wall.

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He frowned, thinking that someone was bullying the students, and immediately turned around and walked there.

However, when he walked to the entrance of the corridor, he saw a familiar figure.

It is Hu Jiawei.

He was pounding the wall with his fists as he cried, his face contorted with pain.

Sobbing until his shoulders twitched.

The books in the schoolbag on the ground were scattered all over the place, and a few were torn by violence, and a paper cutter lay beside it.

Coincidentally, Ye Cheng happened to meet his eyes.

Hu Jiawei choked, and before he could take back his tears, he looked at him with blurry eyes.

Ye Cheng had to bite the bullet and say, “…Are you all right?”

Hu Jiawei’s tears welled up again after being asked this.

He took off his glasses, wiped his face, lowered his head and said, “Thank you, I’m fine.”

For some reason, seeing him like this, Ye Cheng suddenly remembered hearing about someone jumping off a building in the 13th High School.

Although it is gossip, it seems to be caused by school violence.

Hu Jiawei usually has no friends in the class, and he doesn’t talk much. He looks a little autistic.

Ye Cheng looked at the paper cutter on the ground, and his heart skipped a beat.

He dismissed the idea of ​​leaving, walked over slowly and said, “Are you in a bad mood? Did someone bully you?”

Maybe it was because he had a good impression of him before, but Hu Jiawei didn’t reject him too much.

Ye Cheng walked in front of him and took the opportunity to kick the paper cutter a little further away.

Hu Jiawei still lowered his head and shook it silently.

“Don’t be afraid, if anyone bullies you, just say, I’ll help…” Ye Cheng paused and chose a more powerful method of persuasion, “I’ll ask Lu Xiao to help you beat him.”

Hu Jiawei sniffed and said: ” Thank you, Ye Cheng. But no one bullies me, it’s my own problem.”

Ye Cheng looked at him and said, “If you want to say it, I promise not to tell anyone.”

This is not the first time he has done this kind of thing. Similar to the work of psychological counseling, when the employees of the company were depressed, he would solve it one-on-one.

Hu Jiawei was silent for a while, and finally relaxed his vigilance.

His voice was muffled: “Mr. Xu talked to me just now, saying that I did badly on the test this time.”

“The results are out?” Ye Cheng asked.

“Hmm.” He nodded.

“My family’s conditions are not good, and my parents worked so hard to support me to study. I feel sorry for them.” Hu Jiawei’s tears came out again, and he quickly wiped it away.

Ye Cheng took out a tissue and handed it to him.

“Although they are poor, they have never neglected me since childhood.” He sobbed,

“No.13 High School is the cheapest high school in the city, but since I came here, my grades have gotten worse and worse. There are not many people in the class. The teacher doesn’t pay much attention to me when I study… Of course, it’s mainly my problem, it’s because I’m too easily influenced.”

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His current deskmate is a boy who plays games in class all day long.

Xu Chao felt that his grades were good when he first came in, so he arranged this person for him.

Ye Cheng patted him on the shoulder: “It’s not your fault, most people are affected by the environment.”

Hu Jiawei sighed in disappointment: “If only I were like you, you are the first here.”

Ye Cheng said: “Who said that, I’m also easily affected. Lu Xiao sleeps every day, which makes me feel sleepy in class.”

Hu Jiawei forced a smile, his expression softened a little.

“By the way,” Ye Cheng asked without a trace, “Zhang Qi, those people, really don’t bother you anymore?”

He knew that the source of many school violence was the cowardice and inability of the victims to speak.

Hearing this, Hu Jiawei’s face changed: “Actually, they haven’t looked for me since the
second year of high school. It used to be…because I was close to Chen Zhen.”

“Who is Chen Zhen?” Ye Cheng asked in confusion.

Hu Jiawei paused and said, “It’s Brother Xiao’s friend, but he changed schools and left.”

Ye Cheng remembered what Jiang Jin had said before, and it turned out to be him.

Hu Jiawei said: “Because of Chen Zhen, Brother Xiao covered me in the first year of high school. You don’t have to worry, I’m really grateful.”

Ye Cheng comforted him for a long time, and Hu Jiawei’s condition improved a little, so he went back to the classroom with him.

As soon as they entered the door on the front foot, Xu Chao came on the back.

He appeared at the back door with a dignified expression, and almost scared Jiang Jin to death.

A few people in the back row hurriedly covered the homework they were copying and pretended to start their morning reading.

However, Xu Chao didn’t pay attention to them at all, he walked straight to the podium, and said solemnly,

“What else are you reading, put all the books down.”

The people in the back began to whisper.
“It’s over, looking at Teacher Xu’s face, it is estimated that our class is at the bottom of the rank again.”

“Then what should we do, this time there is really going to be a parent-teacher meeting.”

“Have you heard that someone in our class didn’t write a word of math.”

“Isn’t it, who is it? I’m pretending anyway…”

Xu Chao glanced around the class sharply, and called out, “Hu Jiawei, take the vacation homework.”

After he finished speaking, he received a call and walked over outside the classroom.

Ye Cheng followed his line of sight and saw Hu Jiawei walking to the front of the class

Everyone was whispering, and no one paid any attention to him.

“Damn it, I haven’t finished copying it yet!”

“Help, I didn’t write a big history topic, the old nun will scold me, she’s too scary!”

“What the hell, Teacher Xu, you are so cruel! ”

Hu Jiawei stood with his hands down at a loss, his voice was like a mosquito humming: “Everyone, hand in your homework.”

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No one could hear him through the commotion in the class.

His face flushed red.

Ye Cheng looked at him.

Then he picked up his math paper, walked to the last row and said, “Lu Xiao, please help me with the math homework for the first and second groups.”

His voice was not too loud or too small, just above the noise.

Everyone was quiet, and Lu Xiao’s expression stiffened a little.

Three seconds later, he resignedly dropped the pen and got up to collect the homework.

Several other class representatives saw Ye Cheng taking the lead, and they all stood up to help collect the papers.

Hu Jiawei breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Ye Cheng gratefully.

Lu Xiao stood in the aisle with a blank face and said, “Hand in your homework.”

Jiang Jin whispered in horror, “Brother Xiao, have you finished copying?”

“I didn’t write a word.” He said angrily.

Jiang Jin was about to burst into tears. He pressed down on the test paper and said, “Give me another five minutes! I haven’t answered the questions with a lot of points, and Teacher Xu will slap me!”

Lu Xiao said coldly, “Three, two, one. .”

Jiang Jin’s face was ashen, and he could only let him take the test paper away.

Because Lu Xiao’s face was blank, no one dared to delay.

Finally, when everything was collected, he slapped a stack of test papers in front of Ye Cheng.

The other class representatives were still dawdling. Everyone was trying their best to delay the time.

Xu Chao waited impatiently, and said to Hu Jiawei in a loud voice: “After you have collected everything, bring it to the office. I’ll give you ten minutes.”
Hu Jiawei responded repeatedly.

As soon as he left, Lu Xiao gritted his teeth next to Ye Cheng and said, “You are really good, I can only submit a blank paper.”

Because Xu Chao is a math teacher, most of the first things that everyone fills in are math, only he hasn’t filled a word.

Ye Cheng curled the corners of his lips and turned the corners of the stack of test papers calmly.

After a few seconds, he took out the blank paper and pushed it to the person next to him.

“Ten minutes, hurry up.”

He lowered his voice deliberately when he spoke.

Lu Xiao’s eyes instantly darkened, and he said with interest, “Abusing your authority, class representative.”

Ye Cheng squinted at him, “Why, you don’t need it?”

After that, he was about to take the paper back.

Lu Xiao hurriedly reached out his hand to stop it, and placed it on the back of his hand impartially.

The warm fingertips gently brushed the skin, mixed with the thin calluses left by playing basketball all year round,it felt like an ant crawling over.

Ye Cheng shrank back secretly, but he was held down and his palms slammed against the cool paper.

“It’s necessary.” Lu Xiao’s voice was a little hoarse while staring at him.

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