Ye Cheng was petrified and stayed in place.

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After a short silence for a few seconds, a group of people burst into thunderous shouts, almost attracting the head teacher next door.

“Thank you Ye Shen! As expected of you, the Emperor of Europe is here hahaha!” Jiang Jin laughed and threw his phone, proudly saying, “Hey, I’m going to roll a 2, it’s just for fun!”

Zhou Minhao laughed so hard that he thumped the table, never thinking that he would grab the horse like this.

Ye Cheng said decisively with a cold face: “This game doesn’t count, I didn’t want to participate when I came here.”

What a joke, it doesn’t matter if you dance, a woman is needed.

It doesn’t matter he is a woman. If you want to wear women’s clothes, you must be crazy.

Jiang Jin immediately quit: “Brother Cheng, don’t be like this, you are the only one that could do it.”

When the others looked at him, he reacted and waved his hand to explain: “Uh, I mean, I only rolled a 1, don’t get me wrong.”

Zhou Minhao couldn’t help laughing, and deliberately answered, “Besides, there can’t be 0 among us, you can only be a dancer!”

Several boys laughed together.

Ye Cheng said firmly: “Don’t even think about it.”

No matter how hard they pushed him, Ye Cheng still defended his position and stood firm.

So why does he want to play this damn game?

Zhou Minhao was just joking, so he had no choice but to give it up.

Lu Xiao did not say a word, neither following the booing nor showing great anticipation

It wasn’t until everyone went back to study in the afternoon that he gave Ye Cheng a thoughtful look. The tip of his tongue touches the side of the mouth.

The classroom was quiet.

Ye Cheng lowered his head to answer the questions, the tip of the pen rubbed the paper, making a rustling sound.

Whenever he was in a messy mood, he always wrote with extra effort.

Suddenly, a ball of paper hit his table and rolled straight to his hand.

Ye Cheng raised his head, saw Lu Xiao holding his cheeks, and motioned him to look at the piece of paper with his eyes.

He passes a note so tightly, for fear that he can easily open it.

He stretched out the crumpled note with difficulty, and saw a word written on it: [Is the last bet valid, where is my reward for ranking in the top 500? 】

The handwriting was so scrawled that he could barely read it, and it was a handwriting that had been honorably listed on the teacher’s black list.

It turns out that his writing is so ugly, no wonder he will never write as long as he can use a computer.

Ye Cheng grabbed the pen and wrote a sentence, then pushed it directly to him.

Lu Xiao lowered his eyes to look at him, then bent his eyes in satisfaction.
[It works, what do you want? 】

He took the note to his side and covered it with his hands like a thief to prevent others from seeing what he was writing.

Ye Cheng scoffed.

After waiting for a while, another ball was thrown.

Ye Cheng glared at him speechlessly, whether it was annoying or not, he had to open it like this every time.

Lu Xiao blinked at him and couldn’t wait to let him take a quick look.

The note was opened inch by inch, and Lu Xiao stared at his reaction intently.

Ye Cheng kept his head down for five seconds, and then the roots of his ears gradually turned red, and the color spreading little by little.
Then, he flipped the note on the table and made a thud.

Jiang Jin looked back in shock: “What’s the matter? The teacher is here?”

Lu Xiao immediately gave him a kick under the table: “Turn back, the teacher is not here.”

Jiang Jin turned around and continued to play.

Lu Xiao leaned over and said angrily, “How is it? As you said, you can do whatever I want.”

Ye Cheng didn’t want to pay attention to him, and rolled the note into a ball with a cold face.

Lu Xiao bumped against his shoulder, and said with a displeased expression, “Did you see what I wrote?”

Of course he saw it clearly, and it couldn’t be clearer.

Ye Cheng gritted his teeth and said, “You will regret it.”

Lu Xiao’s plan succeeded, and he laughed very hard: “what is there to regret? I will only regret it if I let you go. Do you think I am as easy to fool as they are?”

“I can’t dance.” Ye Cheng made the last struggle.

The smile on Lu Xiao’s lips deepened: ” I will teach you.”

Jiang Jin was very puzzled, why in just one noon, Ye Cheng changed from “don’t let me dance if you want to die” to “I was forced to drive ducks on the shelves for prostitutes”.

Even though his face was as cold as the winter and twelfth lunar month, he followed Lu Xiao.

‌‌After the art committee reported the program list, the news that Class 20 was going to perform a duet dance spread throughout the 13th High School as if it had wings.

In the afternoon, more than a dozen posts on the forum were raised discussing this issue.

Among them, the first one released is already hot, and the title is: [I burst into tears! Xiaocheng CP beauty emperor! ! 】

The landlord was so excited that he couldn’t speak incoherently: Who the hell could have imagined this, I was heartbroken by Sister Ye ‘s indifference two days ago, but today I saw the program list and it broke my defense in an instant!

1L: If you don’t understand, ask, who is Xiaocheng?

2L: Going back to the top, it’s It’s brother Xiao and Sister Ye, Xiao~Cheng~

3L: Ah, ah, ah, the landlord is from class 20! I saw it too, fuck it, pas de deux yyds! !

28L: Sisters, my slogan today is _______

29L: Like there is no tomorrow.

30L: Like there is no tomorrow.

31L:Like there is no tomorrow.

59L: Just curious, Xiaocheng is so sweet, why does the landlord have to be heartbroken?

60L: Hey, because the leaves are beautiful, they will be able to open the door.

61L: Ah, I was in the back, and I just saw Sister YE secretly passing notes to the first brother…

62L: Fuck fuck fuck, really? Get married on the spot, Xiaocheng.

104L: So the question is, who is the female?

105L: Needless to say, our first brother is the most A alpha in the thirteenth high school, no one contends with him!

106L: Support ChengXiao! I want to see the first brother dance the female position!

[The first name in a bl ship is usually the top hence ChengXiao and XiaoCheng is a big deal]

107L: Shut up, this is Xiaocheng Building. ChengXiao get out of the building and make yourself cute.

Due to too many screen refreshes on the homepage in a short period of time, the administrator had to ban new posts. ‌ This building is set as a centralized discussion building.
In the evening, there were more than 600 replies.

The two protagonists didn’t know that they were on fire, so Ye Cheng couldn’t understand why he and Lu Xiao had a meal together and had been greeted by most of the cafeteria people.

No wonder.

Although Lu Xiao boasted about going to Haikou, he promised to teach him within three days.

[Haikou-the capital and most populous city of the Chinese province of Hainan. Haikou city is situated on the northern coast of Hainan, by the mouth of the Nandu River.]

‌The program ‌ needs to pass the preliminary examination of the school, not only need to be able to dance, but they need to dance well.

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Now that he has decided to perform, Ye Cheng doesn’t want to show a perfunctory dance anymore.

The two took advantage of their evening self-study time to find a classroom to dance.

This song used to be a classic on the streets and alleys. As the familiar melody sounded, Ye Cheng followed the video and made a few moves.

He is tall and thin, and his limbs are well-coordinated. He doesn’t have the courage to split, and he has a good taste with a few movements.

Lu Xiao looked at him up and down, crossed his arms and said, “You said you can’t dance?”

Ye Cheng paid attention to his line of sight, and immediately stopped jumping.

“The action is a bit complicated. I’ll ask the music teacher to teach me tomorrow.” He said expressionlessly.

“What, do you think I can’t teach you?” Lu Xiao’s voice was smiling.

All afternoon, the words “bad intentions” were written on his face.

Ye Cheng resisted the urge to punch him, and said coldly, “Don’t go too far.”

Let Lu Xiao teach?

He will teach him how to twist his waist?

Luckily, Lu Xiao didn’t push it too much, he just end the conversation, but unfortunately said,

“Tsk, you missed a good teacher.”

Ye Cheng took a deep breath and squeezed his fist: “Let’s talk about something important first, I can’t dance in women’s clothes, absolutely impossible.”

The only time in his life he wore women’s clothing was on their wedding anniversary.

That day, Lu Xiao prepared a lot of surprises, such as a cruise ship covered with roses, a romantic French meal with fireworks, and a five-carat diamond ring wrapped in ice cream.

After coaxing Ye Cheng into dizziness, he took out the jk from the closet that Ye Cheng didn’t want to recall until now.
[jk- highschool girl uniform]

He doesn’t know if he was obsessed, but he was coerced and lured into wearing that skirt.

Then Lu Xiao changed his face and dragged him to the floor-to-ceiling window for a violent fuck.

That night until the next afternoon, Ye Cheng never left the cruise ship’s room.

Since then, he has had a bone-marrow fear of jk.

The current Lu Xiao is not as perverted as he was after ten years, but he just smacked his lips with a little regret.

“Okay.” He pursed the corners of his mouth and muttered, “Women’s clothes are so pretty.”
Ye Cheng stared at him coldly.

Back home in the evening, Ye Cheng got ready to do homework after taking a bath.

The moment he opened the pencil case, a round paper ball fell out.

Under the light, he looked at the paper ball, his eyes gradually deepened.

The light-white fingers pinched the paper ball, and it slowly unfolded, with two words written on it:
[Dance with me, if you dare to refuse, I will break up with you. 】

The second one seemed to be added in a hurry, afraid that he would be really annoyed:
[As you said, I can ask for anything, you can’t be fool me. ]

The two sentences are naive, like a student getting angry and saying, “If you don’t care, I will ignore you again.”

But with such a mentally retarded words, Ye Cheng’s heart couldn’t be hardened.

He brushed a handful of half-dry hair, feeling a little more subtle.
Ever since he transferred to No. 13 High School, he never thought about what would happen to Lu Xiao.

His only thought is to pull him back from the fall.

Unlike Lu Xiao after many years, now he is rebellious, enthusiastic, sensitive, like a familiar and unfamiliar person.

Ye Cheng didn’t know if he could accept Lu Xiao like this, let alone what to do next.

But there were always moments when he would make a corner of his heart collapse.

It seemed that all the defenses and spikes all over his body were destroyed by this pure blow.

Ye Cheng shook his head, resisting from the bottom of his heart and thinking about it.

The next day’s physical education class, the two took leave with Xu Chao and went to the music teacher to dance.

The music teacher’s name is Meng Qiaoqiao. She is Xu Chao’s niece and the makeup person in charge of this gala.

She has cool short hair, metal earrings hanging from her earlobes, and exaggerated European and American makeup. She is very cool.

After learning about their show, Meng Qiaoqiao showed a meaningful expression.
“It’s very courageous to choose this song.” She opened the video and said pertinently.

Last night, they had a general familiarity with the personal part, but never tried the details.

Ye Cheng made a suggestion with a headache: “Teacher, can you help us with some adaptations, some of the movements are really…”

He coughed and didn’t go on.

In this style of stage for men and women, the dance moves are indulgent and bold, even with a hint of x.

“I don’t think there is any need to change it, that’s how it will explode.” Lu Xiao objected.

Ye Cheng glanced at him, and he closed his mouth immediately.

“Let me show you the dance first. You don’t need to cooperate. Everyone has their own part.”
Meng Qiaoqiao stood in front of the dance mirror and raised her chin.

She stepped, wore ten-centimeter high heels, with a strong aura, and reached out to clap as accompaniment for them.

The two were caught off guard and jumped up quickly.

They were more than one meter apart from each other, as if they were dancing a solo dance.

Every time Lu Xiao passed a few beats, Ye Cheng’s eyes drifted to the mirror’s Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng didn’t pay attention to it at first, but after seeing him feeling uncomfortable, he turned around and glared back.

Lu Xiao looked away and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Meng Qiaoqiao carefully observed their movements, and when she finished dancing, she nodded.

“You don’t need to change it, you guys are very suitable for this song.”

“Lu Xiao has a good foundation and good control. Ye Cheng, you don’t have to be shy, just let go. Your body is quite soft, so it’s actually quite natural to do this kind of dance,” she commented.

“You speak so big, though it’s not like you are the one dancing the women’s step, Ye Cheng slandered.

Meng Qiaoqiao said, “But your cooperation is really bad. You dance like an enemy in a pas de deux.”

She shook her head and said, “your class only has this one show, and you completely lose when you don’t get votes, understand?”

The two nodded with different expressions.

“Come on, let’s start from scratch.” Meng Qiaoqiao simply rolled up her sleeves and said.

From this time on, the two people needed to cooperate.

“One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight… Put your hands on him, that’s not it. Wait, stop.” Meng Qiaoqiao turned off the music.

Lu Xiao’s hand was on Ye Cheng’s arm, and the two of them turned sideways, facing the dance mirror.

Originally, he only covered hir arms with his five fingers, but Meng Qiaoqiao stepped forward and pressed his hand down, and also pushed him from behind.

“What are you doing so far apart?” She frowned.

Lu Xiao was pushed by her like this, and he stuck close to Ye Cheng.

Through the thin school uniform, Ye Cheng’s back touched a hot chest, vaguely feeling the outline of his strong muscles.

The sunlight outside the window casted on the wooden floor, and the air-conditioning in the dance classroom was very strong. A thin layer of sweat broke out behind him.

The person behind him seemed to be hotter than him, and the sound of his heartbeat rumbled through the white school uniform and rumbled against his eardrums.

Meng Qiaoqiao grabbed Lu Xiao’s chin and said, “You want to smell his neck, do you know what that smell is? What can you smell at a distance of ten centimeters?”

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She looked at the red-faced faces of the two of them, and said with hatred, “I said, can the psychological burden of the two of you not be so heavy? It’s just a dance, not a punishment.”

Lu Xiao had never been manipulated like this by a woman in his life, but he couldn’t resist.

He thought that he could appreciate Ye Cheng’s embarrassed appearance. This person usually pretends to be serious, and it must be fun to see hi, be embarrassed.

Who knew that he also had a bad start, so he put himself into it without fear.

“Understood.” He avoided Meng Qiaoqiao’s hand angrily.

This dance is really comparable to punishment.

Ye Cheng exhaled and adjusted, “Let’s do it all over again.”

‌After practicing one movement five times in a row, the atmosphere eased a little.

The two still didn’t look at each other, and when they put their faces together, they only looked at each other’s hair.

“Stop, stop, stop!” Meng Qiaoqiao pressed pause again, “Pay attention to expression management! Lu Xiao, if you move your gaze up a little, it will turn into rolling your eyes. Is it difficult to look at his neck?”

Lu Xiao’s forehead throbbed with blue veins

He had to look down according to the instructions.

He doesn’t know why but he has grown taller recently. Ye Cheng seemed to be about the same height as him before, but now he can only touch the tip of his nose.

When he lowered his head, he saw the neckline with only two buttons.

The first button on it was empty, it was torn off by him at the bar last time.

From a height, you can see a piece of delicate and fair skin, a deep collarbone, and… two points of pink.

The flash of pink was so abrupt that he was instantly stunned, and Meng Qiaoqiao called him three times without him hearing it.

“Lu Xiao? Lu Xiao!” Meng Qiaoqiao was speechless.

Ye Cheng turned his head to look at him, and then he reacted.

Meng Qiaoqiao raised her eyebrows and said, “You can’t be like this. Today is Thursday, and in three days it is time for the assessment.”

This Sunday, the school will review each program to finalize the final list and rehearse.

There is really not much time left for them to practice.

In order to speed up the process, Meng Qiaoqiao changed her strategy.

She spent a class time carefully digging into the movements of the two of them one by one.
In the end, she explained: “The rest should be run again by yourself. The main problem is tacit understanding. You have to find a feeling as soon as possible.”

After coming out of the dance classroom, the two sat side by side under the shade of a tree.

Facing the dazzling sun, Lu Xiao narrowed his eyes and said, “Three days, it’s so hard.”

Ye Cheng was sweating all over, but his mood was relaxed, ” I know it’s difficult, who asked you to find me as your partner?”

Lu Xiao turned around to face him, he backed up on the side of the road, “When that girl came to beg me, her tears were about to fall on me, so I can’t help but do it.”

The reflections of mottled leaves crossed his cheeks, making him exude a refreshing and energetic smell.

Ye Cheng suddenly realized that no matter what kind of discipline or identity he has, some things never change.

“It’s too late for self-study,” he said. “Let’s go to the dance studio to practice.”

Lu Xiao opened his eyes slightly, his dark pupils shone like obsidian in the sunlight.
“It’s so rare that our school genius will actually skip class one day.” He joked.

“You want to go? Then forget it.”

“I don’t want to.”

During the evening self-study, the two seats in the back row were empty.
Jiang Jin slept in confusion for most of the class, and was woken up by a stone outside the window.

He opened his eyes in a daze, saw a face painted white, and almost fainted from fright.

Taking a closer look, he found that it was Jiang Yirong.

“Come out.” Jiang Yirong shouted loudly.

Jiang Jin was still in shock, so he got out of the back door with a cat on his waist.

‌On the corridor, Jiang Yirong was carrying two cups of milk tea, looking around and asking,

“Where’s Lu Xiao?”

Jiang Jin touched the back of his head, it turned out he wasn’t here to find him.

“He went to the dance classroom with Brother Cheng, saying that they were going to rehearse the show.” He said glumly.

When he saw the milk tea in Jiang Yirong’s hand, Jiang Jin’s expression became even more disappointed.

“Want me to help you?” he asked.
Jiang Yirong shook her head, a little absent-minded: “No need, I’m going to find him, just a little bit to ask him.”

After speaking, she turned and left without any hesitation.

Jiang Jin sighed melancholy.

Jiang Yirong walked from the teaching building to the Art Center, her expression was not very relaxed, as if she was thinking about something while walking down the road.

The dance classroom was on the second floor, and she looked in it one by one with milk tea in her hands.

‌‌In the third room, there was a small voice of conversation.

Just as she was about to knock on the door, she saw the scene in front of her through the crack of the door.

Lu Xiao wrapped one hand around Ye Cheng’s waist and instructed him: “You have to lean back, it’s too stiff. You won’t fall down, I’ll support you.”

“Is that so…” Ye Cheng looked tense and leaned against his chest.

He was so focused on the mirror that his foot slipped and he stepped firmly on Lu Xiao’s foot.

However, Lu Xiao didn’t move at all. Instead, in order to prevent him from falling, the hand on his waist didn’t leave the slightest, so he just let him step on hi,.

Ye Cheng bowed his head, only to realize that the white AJ had been stepped on several times.

He awkwardly got up and apologized: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

Saying that, the other foot stepped on the white AJ again.

Ye Cheng: “…”

Lu Xiao’s eyelids twitched, trying to ignore his favorite shoes, and patiently said:
“Relax, you did a good dance just now.”

Starting from practice tonight, he seems to have adjusted his mentality and has been actively leading Ye Cheng. He has not shown rejection of close contact.
Ye Cheng took a deep breath and planned to dive in seriously.

At this moment, the door of the dance classroom creaked.
When they turned their heads to look, Jiang Yirong quickly stood on her feet and said with a blushing face, “I’m sorry to bother you.”

Ye Cheng quickly separated from Lu Xiao, and Lu Xiao’s hand paused before letting go of him.
“Lu Xiao, I’m looking for you, I just need a little bit of time, if it’s convenient…” Jiang Yirong hesitated to say her intentions.

“No, I’m practicing.” Lu Xiao interrupted her.

Jiang Yirong’s face stiffened.

Ye Cheng wiped his sweat and said, “I’ll go down and buy a bottle of water. Go chat for a while.”
Seeing Jiang Yirong’s expression, she didn’t look like a female in love, and he didn’t mind helping her.

After Ye Cheng left, Jiang Yirong couldn’t help but look back at his back.

Lu Xiao shook his sweaty hair in front of the mirror, and asked casually, “Why are you looking for me?”

Jiang Yirong handed him the milk tea and said, “Here, the succulent grapes you like.”

“Thanks.” Lu Xiao took it and hung it on the handlebar.

Jiang Yirong hesitated for a moment and said, “Actually…it’s nothing, I just wanted to see you.”

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Lu Xiao frowned, looked at her in the mirror and said, “Jiang Yirong, I told you, I don’t want to fall in love.”

“Who wants to say this!” She was anxious and stamped her feet.

Lu Xiao’s voice was a little cold: “Then what are you doing?”

Jiang Yirong bit her lip and could only say, “When I had a family meeting that day, I… could not help but hear you talking to your mother…”

Lu Xiao turned around quickly, causing her to take two steps back.

“What did you hear?” His voice was low, with a hint of chill.

Jiang Yirong turned pale and stammered, “I, I just want to care about you, it doesn’t mean anything else.” Don’t worry, I haven’t heard anything. ”

Lu Xiao’s eyes were a little scary, and he looked at her coolly and said, “No need. If you don’t want to cause trouble, just shut up for me.”

He spoke to girls in such a serious tone.

Jiang Yirong was so frightened that her hand trembled slightly while holding the milk tea.

Just when she thought Lu Xiao was going to beat someone, a clear voice came from the door.

“What’s up?”

Ye Cheng stood at the door, holding a bottle of water in his hand.

Lu Xiao raised his head and glanced at him quickly, that look made him stop and stand in place.

He threw down the sentence, “It’s too late, we’ll continue up tomorrow”, and without looking back, he opened the door and left.

Ye Cheng and Jiang Yirong looked at each other.

He cleared his throat and broke the silence: “you confessed?”

Jiang Yirong looked like she wanted to cry without tears, and the milk tea bag in her hand was almost broken.

“No.” She shook her head forcibly, still unable to hide her low mood.

Ye Cheng said, “You guys quarreled?”

Jiang Yirong went over and handed the milk tea to him: “No, this is for you, I wish you all a successful performance.”

“…Thank you.” Ye Cheng had to take it.

Jiang Yirong said: “By the way, I heard that the school will invite the family to come to watch on the day of the performance. Please pay attention to Lu Xiao and accompany him more.”

Ye Cheng was completely confused by what she said.

Jiang Yirong said softly, “I think he likes you a lot, and he should be willing to tell you this.”

Her last sentence was hummed like a mosquito, but Ye Cheng couldn’t hear it clearly: “What?”

“It’s nothing, I’ll go back first.” She lowered her head and hurried away.

Ten minutes later, Ye Cheng took the milk tea and hid in the corner of the back row with Jiang Jin.

After going around in circles, this cup of succulent grapes fell into Jiang Jin’s hands.

Ye Cheng also gave him his cup, and Jiang Jin asked, “Aren’t you going to drink it?”

“I don’t like this, it’s too sweet.” He waved his hand.

Jiang Jin took a big mouthful of grape juice and was very puzzled: “Even if the confession fails, Brother Xiao won’t be so angry, right?”

Ye Cheng shrugged and said, “Who knows, he seems to be in a good mood these days.”
Because he agreed to dance, Lu Xiao has not stopped gloating over the past two days.

“Forget it, I don’t care, anyway, as long as Rongrong doesn’t succeed in her confession, my chance will come.” Jiang Jin said happily, holding the milk tea on his face.

Ye Cheng remembered Jiang Yirong’s last words, the show will indeed invite the performers’ families to participate, and there is no hard requirement to come or not in the end.

For example, he would never let Gao Qiulan come, because he was too embarrassed.
Could it be that Lu Xiao’s reaction just now had something to do with this?


After that day, Lu Xiao’s mood seemed to return to normal.
On Sunday morning, they successfully passed the school inspection.

Although this dance is quite explosive, the only advantage of the 13th High School is that the school leaders are not as rigid as the Affiliated Middle School.

Ye Cheng still remembers that when he was a freshman in high school, he was brushed off for a boy group dance in his class.

After the program list was finalized, No. 13 High School Ye Cheng and Lu Xiao wanted to dance duets, and even the uncle who was watching the door on the opposite side knew.

There was even a group of people in the affiliated middle school who planned to sneak in quietly to see it at night.

Huang Shengan started to bomb Ye Cheng with a bang.

[You want to dance with your boyfriend, like there is no tomorrow? 】

[It’s too exciting, let me slow down. [Sa Beining ventilator]]

[You dance the female position or is it him who dances the female position? 】

RestrainX: [He wears a short skirt and dances in the female position. 】

Huang Sheng’an was stunned.

Restrain: [So poke your eyes, don’t look at him, and he’s not my boyfriend. 】

Huang Sheng’an: […Don’t. 】

Since the Spring Outing, Huang Sheng’an has made Lu Xiao the object of Ye Cheng’s puppy love.

Ye Cheng couldn’t explain clearly, so he simply ignored him. It’s useless to stop him anyway, he will definitely sneak over to watch it, and he will use his phone to record a video.

Under Meng Qiaoqiao’s suggestion, they ordered two costumes, one black and one white.

‌The loose shirt made of silk is a bit sexy in a lazy way, which is very suitable for this show.

The other dancers were members of the dance club recommended by the art troupe, and everyone joined them for the last time before Monday.

Since Monday morning, everyone has been unable to concentrate on reading.

The evening art show has become the most anticipated event this month.

In math class, Xu Chao smashed three people in succession with chalk

He said angrily: “I don’t blame you guys for the difference. Can we start the afternoon class again? One or two are like lost souls!”

Everyone is not afraid of him.

Li Junxiao asked with a smile, “Teacher, what are you most looking forward to in the evening program?”
Xu Chao looked to the back row, Ye Cheng immediately lowered his head, thinking that he couldn’t see me, couldn’t see me.

“Then it has to be—” Xu Chao’s face was like the sky in June, it changed when he said it, his eyes softened by more than an octave, “Our class’s duet.”

The audience burst into laughter, and they all looked back.

Ye Cheng’s face was almost buried in the book, and he didn’t dare to look at Lu Xiao next to him.

It’s really over!

Jiang Jin laughed so loudly that he shouted in the group: [Giggle giggle, the head teacher took the lead in kowtowing to the CP, this is the first time I’ve seen it in my fucking life. 】

Don’t eat fish: [I’m tired of saying the word envy, the last life of being able to drink sugar in the first line is the accumulation of virtue from ancestors. 】

‌Tangguer: [Looking forward to Xiaocheng tonight! I was scolded twice by the teacher, and I died laughing, unable to learn at all. 】

Depressed szd: [Who isn’t…]
At seven o’clock in the evening, the art show started on time.

Since the show “Like there is No Tomorrow” is relatively late, the two do not need to make up in advance.

Jiang Yirong was miserable. Her girl group dance was in third place, and she didn’t even have a chance to eat dinner.

Jiang Jin seized the opportunity and packed a lunch box for the goddess.

Meng Qiaoqiao asked Lu Xiao to go to the dressing room next door first, while she transformed Ye Cheng here.

She deftly shook off the brush, smeared it with powder and began to swipe it on Ye Cheng’s face. As she melted it, she sighed with emotion: “It’s good to have no flaws on your skin, you don’t even need to use concealer, you have to use the whitest shade for the base.”

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She put the sequins under Ye Cheng’s eyes, and then applied a thin layer of lip gloss, and her face makeup was finished.

“Wow, look.” Meng Qiaoqiao raised his head and faced the mirror.

Ye Cheng looked at the face in the mirror, and said calmly, “The teacher worked hard.”

“That’s your reaction?” Meng Qiaoqiao said unwillingly, and then thought, “Okay, after all, you have to be handsome by yourself every day when you look in the mirror, maybe you’re used to it.”

Ye Cheng was amused by her: “It’s the teacher who transformed me well.”

Meng Qiaoqiao got him a heart-shaped bang and said, “You are really suitable for this style. Semi-permanent is recommended.” You have to go to school and say you can’t go too far, or I’ll get you a more sexy one with a white shirt and it would definitely blow up the atmosphere. ”

Ye Cheng said helplessly: “I don’t know if it will blow up or not, maybe the school will blow me up first.”

“Pfft.” Meng Qiaoqiao laughed.

When the makeup was almost done, there was a knock on the door.
“Please come in.” Meng Qiaoqiao was busy playing with his hair and said loudly.

The door of the dressing room was pushed open, and Ye Cheng saw Lu Xiao in a black shirt from the mirror.

His neckline is half-open, and the fringe drapes down his chest. He wears black pants and high-top boots.

The hairstyle was specially blown, and it looked messy, but it showed a rebellious temperament; His hair was pulled up, revealing the sharp and delicate eyebrows.

From head to toe, everything exudes a sultry scent.

He only needs to stand there, and you will automatically attract the attention of the people around you.

Meng Qiaoqiao involuntarily froze when she saw him.

Lu Xiao passed her and put a paper bag on the dressing table.

“Didn’t you just say you were sleepy? I ordered a cup of coffee.” He put his hands in his pockets and stood beside him watching Meng Qiaoqiao put on makeup.

From the moment he entered the door, his eyes never left the person in the mirror.

Ye Cheng opened the bag, and there was a cup of latte, flavored with bitter orange.

“Thanks.” He smiled and took a sip from the straw.

The cold and mellow liquid, mixed with the rich bitter orange fragrance, flowed down the
esophagus, and the whole person was instantly sober.

Meng Qiaoqiao put down the spray and instructed, “Let it dry for a few minutes, and don’t touch it with your hands. I’ll go backstage first to see if there is anything to touch up, you guys pay attention.

Ye Cheng nodded and watched her leave.

Lu Xiao pulled the stool over, sat down on his right, and whistled, “You are beautiful, Brother Cheng.”

Every time he called Brother Cheng, he was either teasing or making love.

But this time, it was Ye Cheng who made a mistake. He simply thought that he was beautiful, and he couldn’t move away from his beauty.

Lu Xiao’s language has always been a drag, and he couldn’t find any suitable adjectives for a while.

He only felt that Ye Cheng’s whole body was shiny.

His hair was covered with bright silver powder, his eyes were covered with bright rhinestones, and his clothes were covered with bright glitter.

It’s so fucking good.

Lu Xiao couldn’t help but touch his hands, he brushed his hair, and dipped his hands with silver powder.

“Hey! You can’t touch it.” Ye Cheng was anxious and hurriedly stopped him.

Lu Xiao smiled wickedly and stretched out his claws again, Ye Cheng didn’t dare to move his head in a big way, and waved his arm to him.

Unbiased, his fingertips just caught on his eyebrows.

“Fuck, you murdered my brows!” Lu Xiao cried out in pain, covering his eyebrows.
Ye Cheng retracted his hand and saw that the pulp of his finger was pitch black: “…”

Lu Xiao stared at those jet-black fingers for two seconds, then shouted angrily, “You made me lose my eyebrows!”

Five minutes later, Ye Cheng came back out of breath.

“The makeup artists are busy, and no one is free.” He embarrassedly said.

Lu Xiao sat on the chair and was sulking.

One of his eyebrows had been wiped off, which was rather comical.

In order to fit today’s eyebrow shape, the makeup artist specially trimmed off part of his original eyebrows.

Ye Cheng is running out of time, and there were only three shows left before them.

He swallowed and said actively, “How about I try to paint for you?”

Lu Xiao looked with a stinky face: “Can you do it?”

“I’ve never eaten pork but I’ve seen pigs run. Just follow the drawing and you’ll be fine.” Ye Cheng didn’t give him a chance to object, and took out a pen from his cosmetic bag.

He was about to get started and pulled out a pen, but found that the tip of the pen was too thin.
“I got it wrong, it seems to be a liner.” He put it back and rummaged again.

Lu Xiao: “…Can you be more unreliable?”

After some searching, Ye Cheng finally found the eyebrow pencil.

He spun out the tip of the pen, leaned over and said, “Don’t move, I’m afraid my hands will shake.”

The knife was already on his neck, so Lu Xiao could only let him slaughter him.

Ye Cheng made a gesture and found that something was not going well, so he gently hooked his chin and said, “Raise your face a little bit.”

With his long and slender index finger raising his jaw, Lu Xiao felt as if he was being molested.

He raised his eyes and looked at the person in front of him, the pair of light brown crystal beads were close at hand, and the eyelashes were also stained with silver powder.

fluttering, with the master’s breathing inciting and trembling, like a fragile cicada’s wings.

Damn, it really makes people think.

He thought about it in a mess.

Lu Xiao’s legs were open, and Ye Cheng bent down and stood between his legs in order to draw in his eyebrows.

While drawing, he felt that it was still awkward, so he bent his knees and knelt on one leg on Lu Xiao’s chair.

In an instant, Lu Xiao’s breathing stopped.

The knee in the middle of the leg was only a few millimeters away from him, and the fabric of the trouser legs was almost touching his crotch.

At that moment, the pores all over his body were about to burst open.

“Ye Cheng!”
Unable to bear it any longer, Lu Xiao grabbed the wrist of his pen and moved it away from his face.

The wrist was held in the palm of his hand, and he easily wrapped it.

Ye Cheng originally focused on drawing his eyebrows, for fear of making a mistake.

With such a sudden movement, the eyebrow pencil almost brushed Lu Xiao’s cheek.

In fright, he let out an exclamation and fell forward unsteadily.

It was too late, the tip of their noses were about to touch, Ye Cheng hurriedly put his hand on Lu Xiao’s shoulder.

Lu Xiao was also shocked and froze in place without the ability to speak.

With a click, the door unlocked.

“Ye Cheng, when is your show…”

Huang Sheng’an’s voice stopped abruptly.

After a while, he stumbled and said, “No, no… You should continue!”

T/N: OMG this chapter is so long I nearly gave up and split it in two. Still if you notice any mistake tell me in the comments, I’m reading all of your comments and it makes me happy.

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