Li Junxiao was pushed to stumble, and when he came to his senses, Lu Xiao had already taken Ye Cheng.

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Ye Cheng put his hand down, Lu Xiao was unwilling to touch him with his elbow, bowed his head and said something.

When the literary and art committee member caught up, he saw Li Junxiao stunned and shook his head: “”I said Brother Xiao’s possessiveness is a little too strong, and that’s outrageous.””

She smiled strangely again and said, “It’s a pity that your girlfriend is not here, otherwise she should be very happy.”

“Hey?” Li Junxiao looked confused.

After the meeting, Zhu Yufen asked the monitor to open a corner on the blackboard, which was dedicated to the countdown of the HKCEE.

[** HKCEE is normally taken by students at the end of their five-year secondary school education. The qualification of HKCEE was recognized both locally and internationally. It was considered as the gateway to further studies and career pursuance.]

The class is full of complaints.
Li Junxiao: [Starting the countdown in March ahead of schedule, Aunt Zhu is really unique. 】

Tan Xiaoqi: [ She even had to force the duty student to sweep for five minutes. I have never seen anyone more annoying than her. 】

Zhu Qi: [Help, is she serious when she says that students should be at school at 6: 50? 】

After a week on the job, Ms. Zhu has gained a lot of fame and glory.

Actually, the class didn’t resist her too much. Just because she had bad habits, she compared Class 20 with her own class.

From the average score of the mid-term exam to the hygiene of the area, from the class order ratio to the accuracy rate of each assignment.

The worst thing is Hu Jiawei, who is the leader of Class Twenty,got criticized a lot.

In just one week, he was named and criticized more times than Xu Chao did in one semester.

Hu Jiawei became less talkative and didn’t even go out to move during recess. He buried himself in his seat and studied all day.

Besides him, the second candidate that Zhu Yufen hates most should be Ye Cheng.

Because Ye Cheng can beat everyone in her class, including her beloved math class representative.

The most embarrassing time, she asked Ye Cheng to go up and solve the problem she had talked about in her class.

Ye Cheng has his own solution for math problems. He doesn’t like the conventional method very much. He prefers to use the method that is hard to think of and easy to work out the answer by dividing three by five by two.

This method is affectionately called “Ye Cheng’s problem solving method” by students, which is beyond the textbook.

However, Zhu Yufen does not have such an understanding.

When he wrote down the first line, she chuckled, “It’s wrong, if you don’t know, don’t answer anymore.”

The math class representative in her class is the second in the whole grade.

Then Zhu Yufen seemed to seize the opportunity and said, “Mathematics sometimes needs four or two pounds, but sometimes it is also something deep. Many questions are not as simple as you think. What is the core of the conic section? Just test your formula mastery and calculation ability, don’t be greedy for simplicity, and only waste time in the end. ”

Ye Cheng was in no hurry to explain. After she finished speaking, he politely said, “Teacher, can I continue writing?”

He wrote three lines without waiting for her to nod.

Ye Cheng finished solving.

There is no need for complicated formulas and quantitative calculations at all.

The students started to laugh. Zhu Yufen’s face was red and white.

Ye Cheng dropped the chalk and clapped his hands calmly.

After he came down, Jiang Jin saw Zhu Yufen’s ugly face and whispered, “Brother Cheng, do you know why she is so angry today?”

Zhu Yufen turned her head to write on the blackboard, and Ye Cheng looked puzzled.

“Because the group winner was just informed, the program of our class’s cultural performance won the first prize.” Jiang Jin lowered his voice, “There are three first prizes in the whole grade, but their class didn’t get anything.”

“Before-“Lu Xiao couldn’t resist and laughed.

Jiang Jin secretly poked his thumb: “Brother Cheng, congratulations on your success, and making her angry again.”

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Zhu Yufen looked at them and patted the table: “Don’t whisper in class!”

Jiang Jin shrank back quickly.

On Sunday night, Zhu Yufen temporarily added another week’s test and made a set of papers for them to do.

After writing, it was already 9: 30. He was tired and came home from school.

Qiu Lan was already asleep when Ye Cheng went back.

He sat at his desk and spread out his math homework.

Because the weekly test took up the whole night of self-study, the teacher didn’t write much homework.

Zhu Yufen tried so hard, she didn’t know what to do with them and how to help them.

The screen of the mobile phone on the desk keeps lighting up, and there is much less chatting these days. Most of the time, the class is talking about a topic: Zhu Yufenshi.

Xu Yuhuai: [Do you know why Teacher Xu is on vacation?. I really miss him. I dream that he scolds me for being crazy in class. 】

Jiang Jin: [Someone asked Meng Qiaoqiao, she said that his wife is having a second child so he is accompanying her. 】

Tan Xiaoqi: [God, congratulations to Teacher Xu! 】

Yu Kun: [Fuck! Did your parents get a call from school? 】

This one just flashed, and a phone call came in from Ye Cheng’s mobile phone.

While he was sketching, he put his mobile phone to his ear.

“Hello, Dad.”

“Well,” he said, “You are still up.”

Ye Cheng inexplicably said, “I didn’t sleep. It’s late. What can I do for you? ”

Ye Yang usually calls Ye Cheng once in January, which is very fixed and regular, as if he was afraid that one more call would deduct the phone bill for one year.

Ye Yang asked, “Are you still doing your homework?”
“Hmm.” Ye Cheng is more confused. When did he start to care if he is doing his homework?

Ye Yang paused for a moment, feeling awkward.

Ye Cheng didn’t rush him. He waited quietly.

After about half a minute, the other side said, “Little Cheng, have you been mixing up with some people lately? Last time I came home, that drunk person, was it really your classmate? ”

Ye Cheng put down his pen and frowned. “Dad, what do you mean?”

Ye Yang realized that his question was too straightforward, and he coughed: “Your teacher said that you have been with some people who are bad, and dad just wants to care for you, and that’s all.”

He remembered the message in the group chat just now and realize why Ye Yang is calling.

“He is from the school basketball team, he’s mixed-race.” He said.

Ye Yang was puzzled and asked, “What about the drunken man last time?”

Ye Cheng took a deep breath, and his voice was a little tough. “Dad, you saw him wearing the school uniform of No.13 High School.”

Ye Yang was relieved. He was quiet for a moment, and said, “OK, then you study hard. For summer vacation, dad will pick you up from grandma to come here. ”

Ye Cheng was stunned, but he said, “By the way, please help your sister with her summer homework. She only got over 80 points in English this time.”

Ye Yang’s tone is much softer only when he mentions his “sister”.

Ye Cheng interrupted him: “I have a competition class in the summer vacation. I’ll hang up first. Bye.”

He threw his mobile phone aside and didn’t want to say another word.

Every time he softens his words a little, it must be something related to his “sister”.

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In fact, according to Ye Yang’s connections, it is not a problem to find a famous tutor for her, but he decided that the tutor must be Ye Cheng.

Since the second day of junior high school, Ye Cheng has been soft-hearted and promised once, and has been in trouble since then.

He is determined not to go this time, so they shouldn’t even think about it.

Because he was too hesitant before, it would lead to Qu Tian pushing her luck.

Ye Cheng went online for a search and immediately reported to the winter vacation camp.

He gave Ye Yang a screenshot of the bill up to 50,000 yuan.

There was a full silence for ten minutes, and finally a reply was sent “OK, I know”.

Ye Cheng feels good after doing this, but not too good.

He squatted on the table for a while, then got up, picked up his mobile phone and gave the suspect X WeChat.

Restrain yourself: [Do you have any plans for the winter vacation? 】

Lu Xiao replied quickly every time: [No, why? 】

Restrain yourself: [going to the winter camp? 】

Ye Cheng was holding a pillow with his left arm, staring at the rectangular screen.

His eyes bent when he saw the word “OK” appearing on it.

Suspect X: [What kind of winter camp, is there a bonfire party and a beautiful woman? 】

Ye Cheng’s eyes are more curved, and he type with one index finger: [None of these, only ten special English teachers of Nandu University. 】

Suspect x: [? ? ? 】

Suspect X: [You tricked me, is it still too late to withdraw? 】

Suspect X: [… Ye Cheng, I suspect that you are deliberately messing with me. 】

Restrain yourself: [[Be brave and timid, not afraid of difficulties]]

Suspect X immediately retaliated with him: [[Don’t get close to Ye Cheng, it will be unfortunate]]

He put his mobile phone upside down on the desktop, and suddenly he felt a lot better.


Self-study the next morning, Lu Xiao arrived at 6: 50 for the first time.

After ignoring the rules set by Zhu Yufen for a week, he went to school before seven o’clock for the first time.

Ye Cheng was doing English competition questions and was smashed by a bag of things.

He looked up and Lu Xiao dropped his schoolbag: “Auntie did more.”

Since the last time he brought a crab powder cage, Ye Cheng felt it was delicious after eating. For several days in a row, his aunt had to “make mistakes” every day to make an extra one.

At the level where she will be dismissed.

Ye Cheng ate too much orange, and felt sick when he smelled the crab. He patted Jiang Jin in front of him and said, “I had breakfast at home. You can have it.”

As soon as Jiang Jingang turned his head, Lu Xiao looked at him coldly.

Just like two ice edges, they pierced his eyes.

“I, I’ve eaten, too. You can eat it yourself.” Jiang Jin swallowed his word and turned back with trepidation.

Finally, Ye Cheng gave Tan Xiaoqi the bag of steamed buns, leaving only soybean milk.

Lu Xiao lost a bag of steamed buns and patted Ye Cheng with his arm. “What the hell is that winter camp you mentioned yesterday?”

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After a night of calm, Ye Cheng felt that he should not be dragged into his misery.
After all, it is estimated that Lu Xiao doesn’t understand the competition in the winter camp.
When he goes there, he can only spend 50,000 yuan to use the air conditioner, which is not worth the cost.

He said casually, “Nothing, don’t go.”

“Who told you I won’t go? You don’t even have my registration link. ” Lu Xiao is dissatisfied.

Ye Cheng looked at him, puzzled: “Don’t you hate English very much? Besides, the competition class is not suitable for you.”

“Oh, so you’re kidding me.” Lu Xiao’s face got cold, and his face changed at a speed comparable to that of Beijing Opera.

Ye Cheng opened his mouth and was about to explain.
The other party grabbed the soybean milk from his desk, angry: “Don’t drink it.”

Ye Cheng: “…” A full face of black lines.

Fuck, he wants to hammer the pupil to death now.

Who understands?

Who understands?

Fight if you want to fight, can you stop being childish?

Who cares about your soybean milk?

Ye Cheng feels that his IQ has been insulted.

In his last life, he was a financial student, whose subordinates would shake three times when they saw him. Now, he is angry with a primary school student.

Lu Xiao waited for a while, but he didn’t coax him. Yu Cheng became even more angry.

“Don’t you have anything to say?”

Ye Cheng didn’t want to talk to him.

“Ye Cheng, do you have any quality? Is it fun to play with others casually? ”

“OK, you are really good, then let’s stop talking.”

Ye Cheng couldn’t bear it. He patted the table and said, “Go! Come along, all right? ”
Lu Xiao pinched the soybean milk bag creaking and sneered, “Who are you fooling if you don’t give me the link?”

Ye Cheng immediately turned on his mobile phone and dropped the link on his face.
Lu Xiao was quiet, put the soybean milk back on his desk again, and studied the link carefully.

Jiang Jin was forced to watch the whole process in pain, and couldn’t stand telling Tan Xiaoqi:

[Can I change seats with you, I don’t want to eat dog food, Brother Xiao’s image is collapsing in my heart now. 】

Tan Xiaoqi: [Woo-hoo, no, and don’t give me news in class all the time. My boyfriend is beginning to doubt me. 】

Jiang Jin: […? 】

Jiang Jin: [I’m tired, his image is destroyed. 】

Before doing morning exercises, representatives of all subjects collected all their homework.
From the morning, Ye Cheng always felt that he had missed something, but he was too busy dealing with the pupils next to him to remember.

In the first math class, Zhu Yufen came in with a straight face.

She put the lesson plan on the platform and say, “Two people didn’t do the homework in the morning, Hu Jiawei, where are they?”

She looked around, but didn’t see Hu Jiawei’s shadow.

“Now he is late for class. Who saw him this morning?” Zhu Yufen frowned.

The people below shook their heads, and Yu Kun said, “It seems that he didn’t come for self-study in the morning.”

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Zhu Yufen said, “What’s the situation? If you don’t write your homework, you won’t come to class? I’ll call his home later. ”

Ye Cheng suddenly stirred up, remembering the thing he had forgotten.

Zhu Yufen’s eyes turned to him and said, “There is another one who hasn’t done his homework, Ye Cheng.”

Everyone looked back: Ye Cheng didn’t do his math homework, what a shocking accident.
Zhu Yufen crossed her arms. “Last time, I said that all those who didn’t do their homework would go outside to stand for a class, and the class representatives were no exception.”

Ye Cheng had to admit that he was unlucky to stand up. His father suddenly messaged him yesterday and he forgot to do his homework.

When he first arrived at the back door, he saw Lu Xiao.

“Teacher, I haven’t finished writing either.”

When everyone looked back for the second time, Lu Xiao stood, for fear that Zhu Yufen might have missed him.

“I don’t remember you.” Zhu Yufen is confused, looking through the post-it notes on her hand.

Lu Xiao said cleverly, “I didn’t write a ‘ solution’ in the last question.”

The class burst into laughter.

Zhu Yufen was stunned for several seconds before she realized it. Her face flushed with anger.

She pointed to the face: “Get out! Don’t go to class if you don’t want to! Come to my office after class! ”

Lu Xiao strolled out the back door leisurely with his hands in his trouser pockets, and bumped against the shoulder of Ye Cheng, “Ah.”

Zhu Yufen was shaking with anger, and her shrill voice could be heard across two classrooms.

Ye Cheng stood side by side with him against the wall, his head buzzing.

He didn’t do anything out of line when he was a student. Later, after being with Lu Xiao, he only felt crazy every day.

This guy is too rebellious and out of control. You never know what he will do next.

This kind of feeling not only makes people feel out of control, but also feels the excitement that they can’t stop.

It’s like touching something addictive, it’s dangerous, but he can’t stop.

Ye Cheng lowered his voice: “Do you like to fight against her?” Don’t mess with Zhu Yufen. She has a good relationship with the teaching director. Be careful or she will target you. ”

“She wouldn’t dare, unless she doesn’t want to mix up in the society anymore.” Lu Xiao smiled contemptuously.

What Ye Cheng knows about the Lu family according to what the old man told him. In theory, the old man hasn’t returned home yet. Is it possible that he hasn’t had a complete quarrel with Lu Yaoshan yet?

That’s why he is confident.

However, it’s not right. Liu Yaoshan wants him to be dropped out of No.13 High School. Maybe he has already found a private school. How can he help him solve these problems?

Lu Xiao saw his frown, and thought he was still worried. Lu Xiao said, “Hey, I’ve been with you for the punishment. You have to buy me a drink.”

“Alright.” Ye Cheng said, “What do you want to drink? Later I will sneak out to get it.”

Lu Xiao answered with satisfaction and said, “succulent grapes.”

Ye Cheng thought, fuck your succulent grapes, Jiang Yirong invited you, and you dare to drink it again.

He suggested, “Drink white peach fried milk, it’s delicious.”

Lu Xiao never picked sweet ones, and was still immersed in the joy that Ye Cheng would buy him a drink for the first time.

He nodded, with a good face: “You decide.”

Ye Orange is going to sneak to the back door, and ask her classmates to help pass the mobile phone.

When he looked up, he suddenly froze in his original spot.

Lu Xiao asked, “What’s the matter?”

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