Lu Xiao only felt that something exploded in his heart, leaving a residue all over the floor like fireworks.

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Lu Xiao’s heart is pounding uncontrollably.

His thoughts vanished and he has forgotten his own purpose.

The taste of mango in his mouth has not faded, and the sweet ice from his mouth can be tasted, which makes him unable to breathe.

For the first time, he felt that he was trapped.

“You …..” He moved his lips, only to see Ye Cheng staring at him.

When those eyes are staring, he can never think rationally.

Jiang Jin typed back the message in silence: [Congratulations, you guessed right, that milk tea was not given to Brother Xiao by the girl next door. 】

Tan Xiaoqi: [? 】

Jiang Jin: [Brother Cheng ordered it. 】

Tan Xiaoqi: [? ! ! 】

Jiang Jin: [[eating lemon] It’s really sour. 】

Jiang Jin: [Will your boyfriend give you some milk tea during self-study at night? If not, you’ll break up. 】

Li Junxiao’s roar came from the front row: “Jiang Jin, are you trying to provoke our relationship?”

Tan Xiaoqi rushed in from the outside, and Jiang Jin was completely stunned.

Li Junxiao rushed up and picked up Jiang Jin. The noise brought Lu Xiao back from his wandering state.

The classroom was in a mess, and many people gathered around to watch the scene of bustle.

Ten minutes later, the class bell rang.

Ye Cheng shouted,, and let everyone go back to their seats.

Li Junxiao almost had a fight with Jiang Jin, and the man spilled the books on the table. The class discussed it with relish.

Lu Xiao’s mobile phone shook and received a message from Tan Xiaoqi.

[Sorry brother, don’t be angry. I didn’t mean to ask Jiang Jin for those things. I promise I didn’t mean any harm. 】

In order to send her news about Lu Xiao and Ye Cheng. Li Junxiao thought Jiang Jin was trying to break them up.

Tan Xiaoqi was so embarrassed that she grabbed the ground with her toes, she had to bite the bullet and explain it to the Lord.

Lu Xiao was not angry, even a little curious.

Suspect X: [You secretly love Ye Cheng? 】

If she only has a crush on Ye Cheng, will be so concerned about every move.

Tan Xiaoqi was so scared that she almost threw her mobile phone out and typed in a trembling voice: [No, no, absolutely not! 】

Who would break her own favorite cp? Is she crazy?

Suspect X: [So you have a crush on me? 】

Tan Xiaoqi choked: [… my boyfriend and I are very good, and I don’t have a crush on anyone. 】

You don’t have to be narcissistic.

Lu Xiao was dizzy: [So you care about what we do? 】

Tan Xiaoqi lowered her head and banged on the table. Fuck, I can’t. I want to see you fall in love! !

According to Lu Xiao’s character, if he listens to this explanation, she is afraid she won’t be able to finish in No.13 High School.

She tactfully found a reason: [I think you have a good relationship, and you are look good when you are together. 】

Then, for fear of not understanding, she added a dog licker for herself: [I like watching handsome guys [stars], such as you and brother Cheng. 】

When he saw Tan Xiaoqi, Lu Xiao felt a little bit happy.

He wasn’t happy when three thousand votes were given to him as the school grass, but it happened that there was an indescribable joy.

Suspect X: [You mean, we look good together? 】

Tan Xiaoqi thought for a moment, and thought that a good brother could also use the word “good together”, so she affirmed, “Yes, that’s the idea! 】

Lu Xiao picked up his mobile phone, with a faint smile on his mouth.

He buried his head in scribbling on his biology homework for a while, and successfully made a mistake for a whole page. Then he looked at the moon outside the window with a bright face.

Tonight is a full moon, it is very beautiful, the full moonlight sprinkles the silver glow all over the corridor.

Haha, is it possible that even Moonlight thinks they are a good match?

Ye Cheng glanced at Lu Xiao on the podium, and seeing his face full of intoxication, he guessed that it should be good.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and sent a message to Huang Sheng’an from under the desk: [You can pick up girls but when you pick them up, can you come to the school and get them yourself? It almost killed me, you know. 】

Huang Sheng’an: [You can bring the milktea to me after school. 】

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Ye Cheng: [Take your mother and drink it. 】

Huang Sheng’an: [Aren’t you allergic to mango? ! Damn, do you want me to call an ambulance? 】

Ye Cheng sent a message: [I didn’t drink it. 】

He really doesn’t want to annoy the elementary school student for the second time, no, it’s really troublesome.

It seemed that the trick was still effective, the kid was smiling for a whole period of his evening self-study, even though he didn’t know how to laugh.

After school, he even invited Ye Cheng to go out for a barbecue.

Lu Xiao actually has an extreme personality. If he likes someone, he will be right to death, but if he hates someone, he is always wrong.

Radical and enthusiastic, straightforward and single-minded.

Therefore, the goodwill towards Ye Cheng is always revealed, and it is displayed brightly.

On the other hand, Ye Cheng is the exact opposite, it is difficult for outsiders to see whether he likes or hates a person.

After the evening self-study, the sky was covered with dark clouds.

That night, there was heavy rain in Nandu.

Every summer, every city goes through a period of summer, and the rainy season that comes with the high temperature will last for several days.

The rain made the whole classroom wet, and the air was filled with the smell of dirt and grass.

Many people were late for their early self-study studies. Because of the special weather, they didn’t remember that their names were on duty today.

Lu Xiao was also late. When Ye Cheng arrived at school early, he never saw anyone.

Until the bell rang in the first quarter, the place around him was still empty.

Jiang Jin turned his head and said, “What’s the matter with Brother Xiao, did he oversleep? Would you like to make a phone call?”

Just as Ye Cheng was about to pick up the phone, Hua Wangchun came in from behind holding a compass.

Quickly stuffing the phone back under his desk. Jiang Jin immediately turned around and sat down.

Hua Wangchun didn’t pay attention to their small movements, and said loudly: “Everyone, pay attention, the sports meeting originally planned to be held in Zhou is temporarily cancelled. It is estimated that the rain will last for a while, and we will not be able to do it.”

The students responded in disappointment and sat down in class listlessly.

Ye Cheng secretly sent a WeChat message to Lu Xiao asking why he didn’t come to class.

After a long time, there was no reply.

“It is still early in the morning, don’t doze off, turn the book to the place where we discussed last time…”

Hua Wangchun started to lecture, his tone was as hypnotic as the weather.

The teacher noticed the empty seat in the back row, but did not mention Lu Xiao.

He frowned. Could it be that Lu Xiao has taken a leave of absence?

It’s so sudden. Last night, he was still alive and kicking.It was almost ten o’clock and there were some hard English questions.

After lunch, Lu Xiao’s seat was still empty.

Throughout the morning, no teacher asked him why Lu Xiao didn’t come to class, as if they had all ignored this point.

It seems that he is indeed on leave.

Ye Cheng made several calls, but no one answered.

“Maybe something happened at home, so I took the whole day off.” Jiang Jin said, “otherwise Hua Wangchun would have scolded him long ago.”

The phrase “something happened at home” gave Ye Cheng a bad idea.

He looked outside at the pouring rain and didn’t know why Lu Xiao didn’t reply.

After school in the evening, Huang Sheng’an sent a WeChat message asking Ye Cheng to wait for him.

They go the same direction and sometimes they go home together. But because the evening self-study at No. 13 High School finished 20 minutes earlier than that of the Affiliated High School, they can only go home together very occasionally.

The rain at night was a little lighter, and Ye Cheng waited under the streetlamp with an umbrella.

The tall plane trees and the asphalt road cast a row of reflections, like a neat display of majestic imperial guards guarding the sleeping southern capital.

A flash of lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating half of the sky with a click.

The girls on the road exclaimed, a lot of rain splashed on their skirts, and they complained about shrinking under a small umbrella.

“Ye Cheng! I’m here! Huh—” Huang Sheng’an ran over.

He ran very fast as if there was an emergency and got wet all over his body.

“It’s finally over, you waited a long time.”

Reaching out his hand to wipe the rain on his wet head, he gasped for breath.

“It’s okay, I’m not in a hurry.” Ye Cheng said.

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Huang Sheng’an gulped, and Ye Cheng realized that he was a little panicked: “I…I have something important to say, let’s find a place to sit down and talk.”

There are only McDonald’s open nearby.

So people went to McDonald’s with an umbrella. They ordered two mcflurry oreo, and sat down in front of the window on the second floor.

There was almost no one upstairs, and the temperature of the air conditioner was so low that it gave people goosebumps on their arms.

Ye Cheng stirred his mcflurry with a spoon and said, “Come on, tell me the important thing.”

Since Huang Sheng’an saw him, the worry on his face has not changed.

He put his knuckles to his mouth and frowned as if he hesitated to open his mouth.

After a while, he made up his mind and said, “Ye Cheng, I met my boyfriend last night.”

Ye Cheng was taken aback, and after a few seconds, he realized who it was.

“He is not… Forget it, it’s not important.” He tried to explain himself but he gave up, “Where did you see him?”

It’s important to get down to business first.

Huang Sheng’an calmed his nerves and said solemnly: “Don’t be scared when I tell you… To be honest, I kind of want to persuade you to break up with him, after all, this kind of person is a ticking time bomb, who would have thought that there would be…”

Halfway through, he got stuck. He couldn’t bear to wait any longer.

“Don’t hesitate, what’s wrong?” Ye Cheng frowned.

Huang Sheng’an licked his lips and said, “That’s right, my dad answered a phone call last night and left in a hurry, because there was an emergency. It was already raining at that time, and I was walking in a hurry. He went without his cell phone and umbrella so my mother asked me to chase him out and give it to my father.”

Ye Cheng gradually had an ominous foreboding and said, “Then, what happened?”

“When I got out, I found out that he was gone, so I had to take a taxi to Qingshan.” Huang Sheng’an’s voice was low, as if he was afraid of frightening Ye Cheng, “Just after getting off the taxi to the entrance, in the inpatient department, I saw Lu Xiao entering the building with my dad.”

“The two talked, and my dad kept patting him on the shoulder.”

Ye Cheng’s heart instantly lifted.

Qingshan is a place he knows well.
[**Qingshan is a mental hospital]

Lu Xiao disappeared for a day, and it turned out that he went to the hospital.

Huang Sheng’an observed carefully and said, “To be honest, the person who can call my dad over at that late hour must be a patient who is undergoing treatment, otherwise…”

“Otherwise, the hospital cannot be hired.” Ye Cheng murmured.

No wonder Lu Xiao was so familiar with Hu Jiawei’s situation that he could see that he was mentally abnormal.

His heart was up and down, like messy rain on glass, so wet and cold that he couldn’t breathe.

Huang Sheng’an worried: “This disease is difficult to cure completely, and some people are aggressive when they attack. That Lu Xiao his bad temper is well known in13th High School. Who knows if he will hurt others or not. Ye Cheng, why don’t you break up with him?”

Ye Cheng rubbed his temples and said softly, “We are not together.”

“Really? Don’t lie to me!” Huang Sheng’an’s eyes widened.

Ye Cheng was very confused, and nodded perfunctorily.

Huang Sheng’an finally relaxed. He patted his chest and said, “That’s good, it scared me to death. I thought you were really together, so I hurried over to tell you.”

“My dad hasn’t come home until now. It is estimated that he was consulted by the hospital, and his illness seems to be quite serious.”

The rain outside the window became heavier, washing the glass with a clatter.

Huang Sheng’an was relieved and got up: “That’s alright, let’s go home.”

Ye Cheng stood up with him, but seemed a little absent-minded.

“It’s fortunate that he has nothing to do with you. If you are really together it would be scary if he has a psychotic episode… My dad used to have a patient who stabbed three nurses with a knife…”

Huang Sheng’an whispered in his ear, but didn’t hear a word.

Lu Xiao is mentally ill?

If this is the case, how can he know nothing? He has been with him for more than three years.

But why did he go to Qingshan late at night? and the last time he mentioned Chen Zhen, he also said that he had met him.

After Ye Cheng returned home, Gao Qiulan greeted him.

She took the wet schoolbag and said, “You’re finally back. It’s raining heavily outside, and I’m worried to death. I’m thinking about calling a taxi to pick you up.”

“I didn’t get wet, grandma.” Ye Cheng reassured her.

People are always afraid of their children being hungry and cold.

There was a loud roar of thunder outside, like thousands of troops crossing the border, rolling down from the roof with a rumble.

The rain was heavier than before, and the flowers and plants on the terrace were blowing crookedly.

Gao Qiulan has planted many jasmines, gulis and begonias, all of which are easily damaged by storms.

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The grandmother and grandson worked together to bring in those delicate flowers.

Seeing that Gao Qiulan was wet, Ye Cheng urged her to take a shower and change her clothes.

Although she is still healthy, she is old, and it is best to avoid getting sick.

Gao Qiulan instructed: “I made ginger soup, remember to drink it. You have to drink it even if you don’t like it.”

“Okay, I will. Go take a shower, don’t catch a cold.” Ye Cheng pushed her into the bedroom.

He went to the kitchen, lifted the lid of the pot and poured out some ginger soup.

Gao Qiulan knew that he hated the taste of ginger, so she specially put lemon and brown sugar in it, so the spiciness of ginger has been diluted a lot.

After he had a drink, Ye Cheng suddenly remembered some small things.

Once, he had a severe fever, which was lingering for several days. He didn’t get better, and taking medicine didn’t help at all.

Lu Xiao heard the local method from somewhere, so he cooked a pot of ginger soup for him.

Their kitchen is very different from the kitchen of his current house. Gao Qiulan is very interested in cooking. The cabinets and counters are painted in vibrant avocado green, and the small painted tiles on the floor look very warm.

While their men’s kitchens don’t necessarily open fire more than three times a year.

Everyone is a young master whose ten fingers do not touch the sun, and no one is willing to touch those few square meters of land.

Every time Gao Qiulan came, she had to fill their refrigerators with her own hands, for fear that her grandson would not survive.

They go out all day long for delicacies from mountains and seas, Japanese and French food, but they rarely eat three meals a day at home.

They are also used to this kind of life, so there has never been any disagreement.

Until that day, when Lu Xiao cooked for him, he boiled a pot of ginger soup that made Ye Cheng want to vomit up to this day.

In the beginning, Ye Cheng refused to drink, he was wrapped in a blanket and covering his nose

Later, Lu Xiao became angry, he drank the ginger soup, and poured it to him mouth to mouth.

After drinking it by yourself, you will know how hard it is to drink.

Ye Cheng’s hot tears flowed down, his face was pale with a morbid flush, and he complained of abusing herself with tears in his eyes.

Lu Xiao repented in an instant, feeling remorseful.

After that, he started to study how to make the food that can easily be swallowed.

After a few months, their friends have started wondering how he can cook.

Ye Cheng leaned against the Nakajima platform, the ginger soup in his hand exuded the soft aroma of lemon.

The thunder outside the house was deafening, and the storm swept through the city, as if the world would end in the next second.

He stood there for a while, got up and put the cup into the sink.

Afterwards, he dug out her phone from his schoolbag and found the largest umbrella.

“Grandma, I’ll go out for a while, I’ll be back soon.” He shouted to the bedroom. Ye Cheng opened his umbrella recklessly, he lowered his head and rushed into the heavy rain.

The subway in Nandu stopped operating at 11 o’clock. Ye Cheng ran in the rain. When he arrived at the subway station, his back was already wet.

The Jidian subway station was almost empty, and when he entered the station right at the security check, his face was surprisingly calm, but his heartbeat was a mess.

Ye Cheng sat in the unoccupied seat and soon received a call from Gao Qiulan.
“Hey, grandma.” He flicked the water droplets on his arm and tried to find some tissue to wipe, but realized he was in a hurry, and didn’t bring anything except his mobile phone.

“Where have you been? You kid, it’s raining heavily and you’re running outside!” Gao Qiulan said anxiously.

Ye Cheng lied: “My classmate asks me for help with something, you go to bed first, I’ll be back before twelve o’clock.”

It takes about an hour to take the subway from the city to Qingshan.

But after the train passes, the subway should be out of service, so he can only take a taxi back.

Gao Qiulan couldn’t resist, and said, “Be careful and send a message to grandma when you get there. You are all students but they still call so late.”

Ye Cheng listened to her nagging for a while, and somehow coaxed her to sleep.

After thinking about it, he still sent a message to Lu Xiao.

【? 】

There was still no reply.

Ye Cheng’s hands gradually tightened, and nervousness spread.

It’s rare for him to act impulsively, but at this moment he just wants to confirm if Lu Xiao is fine.

Fifty minutes later, a gentle female voice sounded: “We have arrived at the station ahead, Qingshan Station, please get ready to get off. You can transfer to Line 1 or Line 4 at this station…”

When Ye Cheng came to Qingshan for the first time, he never thought that he would go to the hospital after getting off the subway.

Unexpectedly, when he opened the AutoNavi map, he found out that Qingshan Hospital is five kilometers away from the subway station.

He tried to call a Taxi, but after waiting for more than ten minutes, the app did not respond.

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Not being able to get a taxi on a rainy day should be the most unfortunate thing except for not getting seasonings in your noodle pack.

Other than that, the signal is extremely poor.

He finally understood why Lu Xiao didn’t reply to the messages. It was very difficult to open the page, and with his temper he could smash the phone.

He didn’t want to wait any longer, so he had to face the rainstorm and follow the navigation while walking.

After taking a few steps, the shoes on his feet were filled with water.

Why on earth did you come to such a hellhole on the spur of the moment… He thought to himself with clenched teeth.

By the time he arrived at Qingshan Hospital, Ye Cheng had already been poured into chicken soup.

The rain was so heavy that the umbrella didn’t work at all, and it blew over several times in the middle.

The automatic door slammed open and the oncoming air-conditioning almost made him faint.

The lights in the inpatient department were dim, the duty room was open, and no one was in it.

He waited for a few minutes, but still didn’t see the person on duty.

The end of the aisle was pitch black, with only the words “safe passage” lit up in green.
It seems that there is no second person in the entire hospital except for him.

Ye Cheng usually looks quite daring, but he has a bad hobby, that is, watching horror movies.
Especially in places such as hospitals, dormitories, elevators, etc., so when he lived in the college dorms, he must have someone outside to accompany him even when he takes a shower.

For this reason, Lu Xiao laughed at him several times.

There was no movement in the aisle, but it seemed even more frightening.

Ye Cheng’’s mind couldn’t help but start to see some paintings.

Fuck it, really fuck it.

Ye Cheng had already recovered from his impulsiveness. He scolded Lu Xiao for more than ten minutes on the way. After a while, all the worries in his heart disappeared.

He just hopes—let’s get a living person.

Finally, after shouting “Is anyone there?” three times in a weak voice, he couldn’t hold it anymore.
There are eight floors in the inpatient department. Who the heck knows where Lu Xiao is?

Ye Cheng decided to give Huang Sheng’an a call to ask his Dad. Although that would make Huang Sheng’an more suspicious of their relationship, there was no way out.

Just as he took out his mobile phone and was about to make a call, he suddenly heard a strange noise from the front corridor.

Thin and sharp, like a baby’s cry.

Ye Cheng was completely scared. He screamed, turned around and ran outside.

The moment the door automatically opened, he slammed into a person.

He buried his head and rushed out, his head slammed into the man and staggered.

Before the man could stand firm, he took the lead to support his shoulders to avoid falling over because of the force.

“Quick, run!” Ye Cheng raised his head tremblingly, wanting to ask the brother to escape with him.

After seeing the face in front of him, he was stunned.

Lu Xiao lowered his head to examine, his shock was no less.

“How did you get here?” Looking up and down Ye Cheng, he seemed to be shocked by his appearance.

The voice echoed in the corridor behind him again,

Ye Cheng decisively fell into his arms and hugged him tightly.

“Help! There are ghosts!”

Lu Xiao froze in place.

T/N: Guys if anyone is interested in being an editor for this novel tell me. I need someone with a lot of free time to edit since I want to update this novel a lot. So someone who could do daily updates with me. Please only apply if you are willing and can take on the workload.

Compensation of being an editor:

-You would get a money but not super big  [required: Paypal acc]

-you can read advance chapters

-credited work

Editor Req:

-Can directly apply edits without asking me, unless the sentence is super confusing.

-lot of free time to edit

-can do daily updates with me

Thank you for reading, I hope someone would apply so the release would be of greater quality.

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