The surrounding light was dim, so he couldn’t see what it was.

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He can vaguely see the short sleeves and bow tie, which are exactly the same as the one in the window.

The light matcha color is like a disaster when worn on others, but on him it makes the skin even better.

Lu Xiao’s whole body’s blood rushed to his face in an instant, and his head buzzed.

The earth-shaking earthquake and tsunami set off in his heart, and he couldn’t even utter a word.

Ye Cheng stopped talking, he sat down beside him, staring intently into his eyes.

Lu Xiao’s gaze fell involuntarily, the strange lights were dim, and he couldn’t see anything clearly.

But that didn’t stop him from imagining how straight and slender his legs were, and how they were under the skirt.

He looked at Ye Cheng’s pretty face that it was hard to breathe, and felt an unprecedented urge.

Eager to crush him on the sofa, eager to hold his thin wrist, forcing them to be lifted above their heads.

Desires to do something unbridled, those lips that seem to be kissing very well.

Not only did he think so, he actually did it.

When he came back to his senses, he had already leaned over and pressed Ye Cheng under him.

HIs actions are completely uncontrolled by reason, and every move is like being possessed by a demon.

Lu Xiao’s whole body was on fire, as if he was surrounded by fire.

So hot, so hot.

Ye Cheng made a small sound, he seemed to struggle a few times, and then was pressed back fiercely.

“Seeing how dignified he is, I can’t help but want to bully him.”
“But when I bullied him and he cried, I felt a tingling pain in my heart.”

“After the pain is over, I want to bully again…”

“Am I sick?”

he thought wildly.

When everything was developing out of control, his hand was touching down.

Ring ring-

The alarm rang.

Lu Xiao turned over and wanted to continue.

The phone continued to screech tirelessly in his ear.

Ring ring — ring ring —

After a few minutes, he finally rolled over and sat up and turned off the alarm.


Fuck it!

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This is the angriest he has been his whole life.

It’s really inexplicable!

Lu Xiao was about to get out of bed with an irritated face, but when he moved, he noticed something…

He sat blankly on the bed for a long time, then put his hands around his messy head.

Tan Xiaoqi’s words are still in his ears.

“Then you never dreamed of him? Well, I’m talking about that kind of dream, you know. My boyfriend, bah, ex-boyfriend, said that boys often have those dreams.”

“How is it possible, I never dreamed of it.”

How can it be?
How can it be? !
How can it be……

Lu Xiao collapsed.

Not only because he had such a dream.

More because, his first reaction when he woke up was neither horror nor disgust.

He was actually sorry.

He regrets not being able to remember the touch in his dream, he regrets that the alarm rang, and regrets that the dream is over.

Lu Xiao was struck by a thunderbolt.

——He seemed to be bent, and the lewd elephant wanted his good buddy.

An unknown shame swept through his body, drowning him like a wave in an instant.

God, why is this happening?

The first class bell rang.

Since the morning, the sky has been gloomy, and it looks like it’s going to rain.

Wang Lili walked in with the book in her arms and started giving her lectures as usual.

Ye Cheng glanced at the back row, Lu Xiao’s seat was empty.

He frowned, wondering where this person went.

Halfway through the class, Lu Xiao hurried in through the back door.

Wang Lili was used to it for a long time, and she ignored him and continued to teach the class.

Ye Cheng couldn’t help but look back.

Lu Xiao’s hair was wet, and his hair was lifted up, making him look more and more like a star.

There was a twinkle in the eyes of Ye Cheng, and then he actually avoided it.

Wang Lili glanced at the third row, noticed that people were distracted, and said loudly: “Ye Cheng, please answer. How did the author most probably find his Spanish class at college?”
She is asking a question for practice after class.

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Ye Cheng got up and answered without a gap, “B, interesting.”

Wang Lili nodded and said, “There is a trap in this question, you sit down first and don’t look around. Let’s turn to the front and look at the third paragraph…”

After Ye Cheng sat down, while she was not paying attention, he looked back.

Seeing Lu Xiao’s dark eyes again, he kept looking at him from behind.

Lu Xiao lowered his head, the corners of his mouth pursed into a straight line.

Ye Cheng wondered, what’s wrong with him? Could it be that yesterday’s circle of friends really rubbed people?

After class in the morning, it really started to rain.

Hua Wangchun asked Ye Cheng to go to the Information Building to get the new workbook.
Because he didn’t know the booklet, Ye Cheng was worried that he would not be able to get it, so he went to the back row and asked Lu Xiao, “I’m going to the information building to get something, want to go together?”

Liu Xiao is very active in this kind of thing, and has already volunteered.

But today he didn’t respond, and said in a deep voice, “I’m not going, you can go by yourself.”

Lu Xiao turned his face and didn’t look at him again.

Ye Cheng didn’t know where it was, but he had to go.

The Information Building was a short distance away from the Siyuan Building. Seeing that it was not raining much, he was afraid that it would be inconvenient to hold things with an umbrella, so he ran over quickly.

Fortunately, the new workbook is not very hard to find.

The teacher who helped him find the booklet stretched his waist and said while rummaging, “It’s going to get colder after it rains in autumn and gets cold.”

“Yeah.” Ye Cheng glanced at the ginkgo leaves in the window, which were already turning yellow.
The teacher said, “These are all materials for the exam. You will take the exam in two months, right? How many A’s can you take?”

Ye Cheng smiled modestly.

The teachers of No. 13 highschool are very fond of small talk, especially those who manage information. They stay alone every day and chat hard when they catch a student.

In order to talk to him, the teacher dragged for ten minutes to find all the booklets, and eagerly tied them with ropes for him to hold.

Ye Cheng weighed it twice and sank a little.

He wanted to blame Lu Xiao for not coming with him.

There was a fine mist of rain and fog in the sky, and there was an abandoned parking lot under the information building.

Ye Cheng passed by holding the material and smelled the smell of smoke.

He has always been sensitive to this kind of smell, so he followed it.

He saw a few boys smoking there, with their cuffs rolled up to their shoulders, looking like gangsters in the street.

The group of boys also saw him, and one of them said something to the other with a cigarette, and then they walked towards him together.

“Hey, classmate, wait a minute.” He shouted with a cigarette.

Ye Cheng stopped and looked at them strangely.

The boy said, “Are you Ye Cheng from Class 20?”

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“Yeah.” Ye Cheng was uncomfortable with the smoke in his hand, and said coldly, “What?”
The boy didn’t expect him to be so drawn, so he glanced at him again and asked, “Do you know Lu Xiao?”
Ye Cheng had a bad forecast and said vigilantly, “I know.”

The boy took a heavy puff of cigarettes and exhaled a cloud of mist: “He slapped my sister. You asked him to wait for us at the back door tonight. Even if he is first brother, you can’t make my sister feel wronged.”

“Your sister… Who is it?” Ye Cheng frowned.
The boy said, “Li Jiaojiao from the fifth class of senior high school.”

Ye Cheng: “Oh, never heard of her.”

His tone was flat, but the boy felt that he was being despised, and immediately said unwillingly, “She’s the fifth class girl! How could you have never heard of it?”

Ye Cheng was too lazy to break up with this mentally retarded person, so he turned around and walked away.

He had to go back quickly to distribute the exercise book before the lunch break.

The boy was in a hurry, so he rushed up and grabbed his arm.

Ye Cheng had just stepped into the light rain and was caught off guard by him.
He couldn’t hold it firmly in his hand, and the exercise book fell to the ground with a snap.

Although it was tied with rope, the ground was wet and muddy, and the mud splashed on the booklet instantly.

“What are you doing?” Ye Cheng raised his head and glared at him.
The boy didn’t expect it to fall to the ground. His expression was a little embarrassed, and he said stubbornly: “…you dropped it yourself, it’s none of my business.”

The two were in a stalemate when a figure walked quickly in the rain.

Lu Xiao almost rushed up, raised his hand and punched the boy directly.
He punched so fast and violently that the boy didn’t have time to dodge.
With a bang, he covered his eyes and fell to the ground.

Ye Cheng was stunned, not even knowing when he appeared.

“Fuck! Lu Xiao?”

When the others saw their own people being beaten up, and it was the person they were looking for, they all rushed up and started to fight.

Lu Xiao kicked a person in the abdomen, and directly kicked the person who came up into the rain.

“Ah!!!” The man let out a scream.

“Fuck it all up! Surround him!” The one who had dragged Ye Cheng before, lay on the ground and yelled angrily.

Ye Cheng didn’t have time to think, so he rushed forward and followed him and started fighting.

He originally wanted to explain, but now it seems completely unnecessary.

In the chaos, someone took the opportunity to punch him and hit him on the shoulder.

Ye Cheng made a “hiss” and turned around wanting to fight back.

Before he could make a move, Lu Xiao pushed him away with red eyes, pressed the man under him with his backhand, and greeted him with punch after punch.

There was a lot of crying in the parking lot.

Lu Xiao’s fighting style has always been characterized by ferocity and speed.

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Those who had confronted him head-on were too afraid to do it again.

Within a few minutes, a bunch of people were already lying on the ground, and all of them could not get up.

He stepped on the leg of the boy who knocked Ye Cheng’s material off, and the man howled as if he was a pig being killed.

Lu Xiao lifted his chin, and his voice was so cold that it almost froze: “Try touching him again, and I’ll let you be carried out of No.13 highschool.”

The boy shouted in pain and wriggled on the ground.

Lu Xiao unhappily released his foot, picked up the messy material from the mud with one hand, “Let’s go.”

Ye Cheng silently followed.

They quickly walked out of the information building, he thought about it, can’t he just go back like this.

He reached out and pulled the corner of Lu Xiao’s shirt and said, “Wait a minute.”

Lu Xiao seemed to have been electrocuted, he bounced off immediately, and quickly took a step back.

He didn’t know why he was suddenly mad.
“This set of materials is all wet, we have to go back and get a new one,” he explained.
The exercise book was messed up with mud and water, and Hua Wangchun would definitely scold them when they took it back.

Lu Xiao stretched out his hand, handed him the booklet and said, “Go on your own, I’m going back.”

“What’s wrong with you?” Ye Cheng finally got fed up with him, “You accompany me, immediately.”

Lu Xiao kept silent, picked up the exercise book, and walked behind him with his head down.

After walking a few steps, he finally couldn’t help but say, “Don’t ask me to accompany you for everything from now on.”

Ye Cheng paused and turned to look at him.

Lu Xiao didn’t even look at him, looked at the mud pits that the raindrops had smashed into the road, and said, “Don’t get too close to me, don’t be nice to me.”

Ye Cheng’s left eyelid jumped, “have you got your period?”

“…No.” Lu Xiao actually answered him seriously.

“I will abide by the agreement and study hard, I will quit smoking and drinking, I will not skip classes and fight less.”

Ye Cheng: “?”

“It’s you who shouldn’t don’t do this anymore, I’m afraid I won’t be able to control myself.”

The two stood in the rain. Although the rain was small, it made their hair wet.

The surrounding is filled with a faint mist, hazy and ambiguous.

Ye Cheng stood there and looked at him incomprehensibly: “What do you mean?”

Lu Xiao grabbed his neck, but didn’t dare to look at him.

“Speak, what do you mean?” Ye Cheng panicked.

Lu Xiao stretched out his hand, put the exercise book in his arms, and said with determination,

“I’m not going with you.”

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