There were more and more people on the street one after another, passing by the door of the store.

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Through the glass, Lu Xiao could see that Ye Cheng was wearing a white sweater, matching grey trousers and sneakers, looking a little more casual.

Lu Xiao measured Tan Mengmeng, a very well-behaved student, with especially big eyes. Wearing a pink suit, she looked somewhat similar to Tan Xiaoqi.

The two of them didn’t look like they were dating, but more like they were going on a field outing or something.

When Ye Cheng twisted to talk to her, her facial expression improved.

Lu Xiao reflexively raised the long menu and covered himself very skillfully.

Jiang Jin asked suspiciously, “Brother Xiao, aren’t we going to greet them?”

Without saying a word, Lu Xiao quickly covered his face with another menu and said, “Shh.”

Jiang Jin: “…”

When those two people entered the door, Lu Xiao put down the menu.

Jiang Jin’s cheeks twitched, and his face was full of question marks: “So…what are we going to do? Sitting here for an hour, isn’t it just to wait for them?”

“Tan Xiaoqi wants to introduce a girlfriend to Ye Cheng.” Lu Xiaoyi said distractedly, looking at her face.

Jiang Jin was puzzled: “Are you breaking the law?”

Lu Xiao glared at him, then continued to stare at the face: “He’s going to take the A university entrance exam, how can he fall in love?”

For a while, Jiang Jin was unable to refute.
If he is going to go to A university… It seems that he really shouldn’t fall in love.
He had no choice but to accompany Lu Xiao to monitor.

In the coffee shop.

Ye Cheng ordered two lattes, then took out the printed materials from the bag and handed them to Tan Mengmeng.

“This is an English competition question over the years, you can pass them all,” he said.
Tan Xiaoqi told him that her sister was going to participate in this year’s English competition, because she knew that he had won the provincial one, so she wanted to ask him for some experience.

The little girl’s attitude is quite sincere, and she is also very polite when inviting him.

Ye Cheng’s essence is to like a person who is diligent and inquisitive. No. 13 High School finally has a person who wants to participate in the competition, and he will help if he can.

“Thank you, senior, you are really kind.” Tan Mengmeng accepted it openly and said, “If I have any questions I don’t understand in the future, can I ask you?”

Ye Cheng took a sip of coffee and said, “You can ask on WeChat, or you can come to see me in class.”

“Okay!” Tan Mengmeng smiled sweetly.

Jiang Jin asked curiously, “Are the scholars even reading books on dates? Why did that girl keep on writing?”

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He half received Lu Xiao’s reply, but when he took a closer look, he saw Lu Xiao gritting his teeth and looking like he was going to rush out at any time.

Jiang Jin: “Brother Xiao…you, are you okay?”

Lu Xiao scooped up a scoop of ice cream and angrily stuffed it into his mouth, trying to cool himself down.

Damn, they’re still laughing, is there such a funny topic?

Aren’t they studying? This affects their study a lot, don’t they know?

In the coffee shop, Tan Mengmeng did a few questions.

Lifting up and chatting with Ye Cheng:”Senior, is that Lu Xiao, the one who danced with you on the evening dinner?”

Ye Cheng was stunned, not knowing why she suddenly mentioned this, he nodded and said, “It’s him.”

Tan Mengmeng laughed: “You should have a good relationship in private, after all, you cooperated so well on stage, and you even won the first prize.”

Ye Cheng blinked, it should be very good, but sometimes he had an intermittent menstrual period.

“What kind of person do you think he is?” Tan Mengmeng asked.

It was not the first time that Ye Cheng had been asked such a question, and involuntarily wanted to laugh.

In the interview with “Top Ten Husbands”, he answered this question like this:
“He is very bold, gentle and considerate; very mature and stable, and occasionally childish; very responsible.”

And now, there was a smile on his lips, and his tone was much lighter.
“He’s very annoying.”

“Small-tempered, childish, blows up at little things, and often sulks.”

Obviously, the adjectives in his mouth are not praise, but the smile on his face makes Tan Mengmeng feel that they may have a good relationship.

“Sometimes he’s careless, sometimes he’s meticulous.” Ye Cheng smiled and shook his head, with a helpless look on his face, “It’s a contradiction.”

Tan Mengmeng concluded: “In a way he is not very mature.”

Ye Cheng agreed very much: “He’s really immature.”

“However, immaturity is also an advantage.” He added.

Tan Mengmeng’s expression was incomprehensible.

Because of immaturity, he is commendable.
Because there were no signs of abrasion, he kept his original appearance.

That’s good.

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Lu Xiao looked at his face, and his expression gradually became melancholy.

“Old Jiang.” With this sudden long-lost address, he almost sent Jiang Jin away on the spot.
Whenever he calls people like that, it means something big is going to happen.

“Ah?” Jiang Jin said with a trembling voice.

“Do you think Ye Cheng likes Tan Mengmeng?” Lu Xiao stared at the seat by the window, with a hint of resentment in his eyes.

Jiang Jin said, “Who is Tan Meng… oh, that girl in front of me.”

He looked at Lu Xiao’s face, and thoughtfully said, “He shouldn’t like her. Brother Cheng probably doesn’t like cute ones.”

Lu Xiao’s eyes finally lit up a little, looked at him and said, “Really, then what do you think he likes?”

Jiang Jin swallowed and said, “Maybe… Maybe like, taller, more handsome… Domineering lady? Uh, it’s better to be a little more temperamental.”

“Fuck! That’s right, I think so too.” Lu Xiao slapped the table abruptly.

The shopkeeper was taken aback and thought he was going to fight.

Jiang Jin found his way of thinking, and immediately followed the vine: “‌‌ he’s the kind of person who is good at sports and has a healthy complexion. It’s better not to be too thin, to be stronger, and later like to fight with him. ”

Lu Xiao praised, “Extremely correct.”

“Accompany him to play game face-to-face, accompany him to run and play basketball, and can help him do anything anytime, anywhere.” Jiang Jin boasted with a rainbow fart.

Lu Xiao was almost moved: “You fucking understand, is that Tan Xiaoqi blind? She can’t tell.”
Jiang Jin secretly sighed in relief, finally making this ancestor happy.

When Tan Mengmeng was writing the title, Ye Cheng looked out the window and suddenly saw two very familiar figures.

He was stunned for a moment, and recognized that it was Lu Xiao and Jiang Jin.

Tan Mengmeng pretended to be working hard with a low profile, but in fact she secretly sent a message to Tan Xiaoqi.

[Let’s go, your CP is very in love with each other, I think Brother Cheng may have fallen quite deeply. 】
Tan Xiaoqi: [Yes, yes! Woohoo, I always feel that Brother Xiao loves without realizing it, ‌ he always think of Brother Cheng as well. 】

Tan Mengmeng: [Hey, in fact, I feel that Brother Cheng is self-aware. But it’s strange, he gives a very restrained, very secret feeling, as if there is some secret hidden, I can’t tell. 】

Tan Xiaoqi: [[Screenshot] His WeChat nickname is just called, restraint. 】

Tan Mengmeng: [Hahahaha, it means restraint, don’t fall in love before college? 】

After she finished, the two sisters fell silent at the same time.

Tan Xiaoqi: [Fuck, no, does that really mean that? 】

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Tan Mengmeng: […fuck]

She was concentrating on writing when Ye Cheng suddenly stood up and said, “You do the question yourself first, I’ll go out.”

Tan Mengmeng thought he had noticed something, and the phone almost smashed under her feet, so she hurriedly responded, “Ah, okay, okay, you’re busy, I’ll take care of it myself!”

“Yeah.” Ye Cheng nodded apologetically, then turned and left the coffee shop.

Lu Xiao was in the air at what Jiang Jin said, and noticed that the wind chime at the door of the store rang a few times and someone came in.

“Also, keep talking.” He took a hard bite of the ice cream and felt it was sweet.

Jiang Jin was almost at a loss for words, so he could not wait to hug the Mr. Yu’s thigh and begged her to come on: “And… that is, that is, those who love sweets…”

Halfway through he said, after looking at Lu Xiao, he opened his mouth blankly.

Lu Xiao was excited and urged, “Go on, it’s like squeezing toothpaste, what else does Ye Cheng like?”

Jiang Jin was choked, coughed twice, and said weakly, “Hello, Brother Cheng.”

Lu Xiao’s smile froze on his face as he slowly turned around.

Ye Cheng stood behind him and said lightly, “What a coincidence, you are here too.”

Lu Xiao was silent for more than ten seconds, then immediately became surprised: “What a coincidence, do you want to sit down and eat ice cream together?”

He was sitting, Ye Cheng was standing, slightly taller than him, looked at him from the top down and said, “Aren’t you still in a cold war with me before? It’s so good to invite me to eat ice cream ?”

Lu Xiao: “…”

Seeing that he was about to get angry Jiang Jin hurriedly said: “Well, Brother Xiao suddenly wanted to eat this ice cream, so we came to line up. We are all regular customers, right Boss Sun?”

The store manager looked at the only three customers in the store dumbfounded, until they looked over together, only to realize that the “Boss Sun” they are calling was him.

But his surname isn’t Sun either…

He hesitated for a moment.

Ye Cheng didn’t pay much attention to his reaction, and asked Lu Xiao, “Can you go out?”

Lu Xiao hesitated for a few seconds.

“Wherever you want to go, don’t worry about me, I’ll just sit here and eat ice cream.” Jiang Jin immediately waved his hands and said.

Lu Xiao just stood up and said, “Let’s do it.”

Anyway, it’s already like this, can it be more embarrassing?


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Changle Road in early autumn, the sun is shining.

The leaves of the sycamore shine with a layer of gold, so that ordinary leaves become unusual.
There are less cicadas in the air, more chestnut and sweet-scented osmanthus.

Weekends are rest time. Many people go out shopping and eating. The streets are very lively.
The two walked through the crowded sidewalks and traffic lights under the shadow of the plane trees.

Just as Ye Cheng was about to speak, he saw Lu Xiao take the initiative to say,
” I can’t afford it.”

His voice was muffled, as if he had made a mistake.

“I’m in a mess. I’m sorry that my attitude is not very good. I apologize.” He said, “can I take it back when I told you to stay away from me?”

Ye Cheng couldn’t help crying and laughing.

He wants to break up with him, and now he has to take him back, he is really a little kid.

He did not forgive immediately, but instead said coldly: “Can you take back the water that was poured out?”

Lu Xiao was extremely depressed, lowered his eyes and did not speak.
“Why are you such a mess? Tell me.” Ye Cheng glanced at him quietly, fortunately, he was not crying.

Lu Xiao clenched his fist: “Can I not say it?”

Ye Cheng said coldly, “If the apology is not sincere, it’s better not to apologize.”

Lu Xiao took a breath and calmed his emotions before plucking up the courage to say, “Ye Cheng, I think I’m a little abnormal. Sometimes, I want to do that or that kind of thing.”
After he finished speaking, his face was already familiar.

“What? What kind of thing?” The man jumped too fast, and Ye Cheng suddenly followed.
Lu Xiao squeezed out a sentence from between his teeth: “It’s ‘that, kind, thing’, I…had a very strange dream.”

Ye Cheng suddenly realized that, and instantly blushed.

Shit, it turned out to be a spring dream.

It’s no wonder that the peacock has opened the screen recently, and it is irritable.

Ye Cheng never thought that, in addition to solving the problems of learning and morality of young people, now he must also take care of his health.

Really… very ashamed.

He was already starting to regret having this conversation.

But in order to prevent Lu Xiao from collapsing, Ye Cheng could only comfort him: “This… this kind of thing is actually quite normal, I’ve dreamed of it too. You are too stressed, make sure to exercise moderately and change frequently.”

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