The mother and son looked at each other.

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The interior was very warm, but Meng Li was still wrapped in three layers.

She put on thick fur, and the pink and white fur made her face small and white, giving her the appearance of a sick and weak person.

Lu Xiao cautiously put Ye Cheng down, looked at her, but supported Ye Cheng with his backhand to prevent him from falling unsteadily.

He didn’t let go until Ye Cheng completely landed.

Meng Li’s eyes flickered when she noticed the small movements. It was unheard of for her son to be so meticulous.

“Xiao Xiao, don’t you want to introduce me?” She whispered softly.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xiao’s face didn’t become lighter, instead it became more tense.

He pulled Ye Cheng and behind him, and said stubbornly, “My classmate, he will stay here for the night.”

“What about you, why did you come back earlier?” He subtly brought the topic to the past.
Meng Li consciously patted his temples, although there was no broken hair there, he said softly,

“They said that I’m basically stable and can go back to recuperate for a while.”

When she speaks, her hands are always doing something.

Either she couldn’t help touching his hair, or she rubbed it between her fingers.

Lu Xiao approached and carefully observed her state, with an imperceptible worry on his face, as if he wanted to say something, but he still held back.

Ye Cheng was dumbfounded, and poked his head from behind.

Meng Li’s gaze made him feel a little restless.

When she saw the furry head suddenly popping out from behind, she burst out laughing.

“What is this kid doing? He’s faster when sitting.” She patted the position beside her, and looked at Ye Cheng curiously.

Lu Xiao rarely brings friends home, and the reason is well known to her. After all, having a mother like this at home is quite hard to tell, and she has blamed herself many times for this.

Except for Jiang Jin, Ye Cheng was the first to stay at home overnight.

Lu Xiao opened his mouth and just wanted to say, “Let’s go up first”.

Ye Cheng ran over, and sat on his buttocks.

When he was drunk, his walking posture was not the same as usual, and he was crooked, like a toddler.

Lu Xiao sucked in a cold breath.

“Hey, what a beautiful child,” Meng Li saw at close range, her eyes bright.

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She couldn’t help touching the back of his head and asked in a soft voice, “How old are you? What’s your name?”

Ye Cheng put his hands on his knees, and a red scarf around his neck seemed to be born out of thin air, and replied obediently: “My name is Ye Cheng, the leaves of leaves, the orange of oranges. I’m about seventeen years old, I’ll be eighteen soon.”

Except for his blushing face and illogical speech, he didn’t look like he was so confused that he didn’t even remember how old he was.

Lu Xiao: “…”

Meng Li thought he was talking nonsense, and covered her mouth with a trembling laugh: “Why do you drink like this, Xiao Xiao, you don’t stop it. Xiao Xheng, I’ll ask Mrs. Wang to give you a bowl of sober soup for you later.”

“Thank you, mother-in-law.” Ye Cheng said politely.

In the dialect of Nandu, “mother-in-law” means both “grandmother” and “husband’s mother”.

Obviously, Meng Li thought it was the former.

She smiled until her eyes curled: “I’m not that old yet, you can just call me auntie.”

Ye Cheng nodded sensibly and said, “Thank you, Auntie.”

Meng Li hadn’t felt so happy for a long time. Looking at Ye Cheng’s flushed face, she finally remembered that she seemed to have seen him somewhere.
“Xiao Xiao, Xiao Cheng, is he your deskmate? During the last parent-teacher meeting, didn’t I talk to him?” she asked.

Lu Xiao mocked her and said, “You didn’t say a word to others at that time.”

Meng Li’s memory chain was finally connected, and as if she didn’t hear what he said, he continued: “The one you said is going to go to the winter camp with you.”

Lu Xiao finds fault with every three sentences: “It’s rare that you still remember that I was going to winter camp. I thought that day, you were thinking about how to hang yourself with a hemp rope.”

Meng Li’s face finally sank: “Can you say this in front of outsiders? Do you also think it’s all my fault?”

Her voice became unstable, with a vague excitement.

If it was normal, Lu Xiao would probably have quarreled with her.

But today Ye Cheng was sitting next to her, and Lu Xiao looked at the blank face, and could only swallow the words that came to his lips.

Meng Li was unrelenting, as if he had touched a switch, she covered her face and choked up.
“You’re just like your father. The old man thinks I think too much and thinks I’m making a fuss. Do you even care about my life or death?!”

Lu Xiao couldn’t make sense with her, so he stepped forward and tried to pull Ye Cheng away.

Meng Li’s shoulders twitched, and suddenly he felt a hand gently caressing his back.
That hand was very soft, and the palm was warm, but not scorching hot.

Like a ‌‌ needle with soothing properties, it is injected into the chest along the spine.

“Auntie, don’t cry.” A clear voice sounded in his ears.

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Meng Li raised his head dazedly, with a few teardrops hanging on his face.

Ye Cheng wiped her face with the back of his hand and wiped away her tears very gently.

This was the first time Meng Li was touched by a stranger like this, and she recoiled back in a conditioned reflex. But the child was not aggressive, which made her gradually let go of her vigilance.

She blinked, holding back her tears, feeling a little ashamed.
Despite his age, he still needs a drunk child to comfort him.

“Auntie didn’t cry.” Meng Li rubbed a couple of times and said apologetically, “I’m sorry to make you laugh.”

Ye Cheng’s thinking remained literal, and she answered her dizzily and seriously, “I didn’t laugh.”
[**Laugh to death because he had seen a joke is what Me Ling meant]

Meng Li was amused again, crying and laughing for a while, and she felt like she had a menstrual disease.

Lu Xiao wanted to go, so he dragged Ye Cheng off the sofa and said to her, “I’ll take you upstairs first, you go to bed earlier.”

Meng Li watched quietly as they turned around, maintaining the posture just now, sitting motionless in the original position.

Lu Xiao walked a few steps, and finally turned around and instructed: “I think about it all day, if you can’t sleep, just take sleeping pills and eat less.”

He then took Ye Cheng away.

Not long after they left, Mrs. Wang walked past the kitchen with a bowl of black things.
“Madam, it’s time to take medicine.”

She put the bowl of things on the table, and took a pill storage box from the cabinet, which contained colorful capsules and white pills.

Meng Li walked slowly to the table, her face turned fierce like a thunderstorm without warning.

She pointed at the medicines and scolded, “What are you giving me? You want to kill me too, don’t you?!”

Her appearance was completely different from the gentle look just now, like a shrew who scolded people at the streets.

But Mrs. Wang wasn’t shocked at all, she pushed the medicine forward with no surprise: “Madam, if you don’t drink it, it will be cold.”

“You guys just want to kill me! If I die, he can marry that bitch and come in!” Meng Li screamed.
She picked up the medicine bowl, exhausted her whole body, and threw it on the fireplace next to her.

Ye Cheng and Lu Xiao walked to the building, and suddenly heard the sound of broken porcelain.

Lu Xiao held her hand tightly and comforted, “Don’t be afraid, it’s alright.”

Ye Cheng reminded in a low voice: “It seems that someone is arguing.”

“Well, there are often quarrels in my family.” Lu Xiao said without expression.

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“…Then aren’t you afraid?”

“I’m not afraid, I’m used to it.”

He wanted to take Ye Cheng to the guest room, but after hesitating for a moment, he brought him into his own room.

Ye Cheng said, “You are so pitiful.”

Lu Xiao thought that he should feel sorry for himself, but he added: “Long-term living with noise will lower your IQ.”

“Shut up. If you thought I wouldn’t beat you just because you drank too much.” Lu Xiao used his hand slightly, pushed him into the room, and slammed the door.

There was no light in the room, Lu Xiao touched the switch with his hand, and heard screams.

“Ah, ah, ah!” Ye Cheng was startled by the sudden darkness and ran around, hitting his head against the door, making a loud noise.

Lu Xiao hurriedly turned on the light and reached out to catch him: “Fuck, what are you running around for! Did you bump into something? Let me see.”

Looking atYe Cheng’s head, sure enough, there was a red block on his white forehead.

“I thought… this is the ancestral hall.” Ye Cheng’s eyes were panicked, and he turned his head to look at the surrounding environment uneasily.

Lu Xiao was so displeased that he laughed, “I don’t have an ancestral hall in my house, but my grandfather’s house has one.”

Ye Cheng ignored his explanation and said to himself, “If you make a mistake, you will be imprisoned in the ancestral hall and kneel down at night.”

“How do you know the rules of our house?” Lu Xiao raised his eyebrows in surprise, “Wait, I think your thinking is quite clear, are you drunk or not?”

Ye Cheng murmured: “Kneel at night, kneel at night…”

“Okay, I know you’re drunk.” Lu Xiao was speechless.

He placed Ye Cheng on the bed, bent his waist and rubbed his forehead, looked into his eyes and said, “Can you stay in this room by yourself for ten minutes? I’ll just take a shower. .”

Ye Cheng nodded simply, although he still looked like she had no bones and could barely sit still.

Lu Xiaosong sighed, feeling that he looked rather sleepy, he should have fallen asleep while sitting.

He pointed to the doorway in the corner of the room: “In the room, there is an English dictionary you like. If you are bored, you can go to memorize the words.”

Ye Cheng blinked and looked at ‌, his light brown eyes were crystal clear, and he nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice.

Lu Xiao squinted his eyes, straightened up, took off his coat and went to take a shower.

He didn’t drink much at night, and his mind was very clear at this time.

When he mistakenly thought that Ye Cheng invited him alone, he was distracted.
He always feels that he can’t be abrupt to that person currently on his bed.

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In Lu Xiao’s limited knowledge system, Ye Cheng always reminds him of this sentence.

——It can be seen from a distance but not to be played with.

Just like the model described in “Ai Lian Shuo”, it looks so indifferent and so expensive.

Never someone you can touch casually.

The wrong call Ye Cheng accidentally made today was his distant relative.

He opened an entertainment company and the little stars under his hands were not clear.

Lu Zhanyang is only a few years older than him, so he has a lot of fun with young people like him, and prefers little boys who have just grown up.
‌In his circle, men and women are not taboo, but at the same time they have deep-rooted prejudice against homosexuality.

They always feel that the same sex is just for fun, and in the end, they have to find a woman of the right match to marry and have children.

The cold water poured over his head, making Lu Xiao’s mind more calm.

He increasingly felt that Ye Cheng was different from those people. Even if Lu Zhanyang had been brainwashed a hundred times, he wouldn’t be the same .

‌‌‌While thinking wildly, the bathroom door was suddenly pushed open.

Lu Xiao abruptly opened his eyes and looked past through the transparent frosted shower glass.

Ye Cheng lazily leaned against the door and said angrily, “Lu Xiao, I want to take a shower too.”

This fright was too ferocious, Lu Xiao’s hand trembled and touched the switch, and the hot water was so hot that he cried out.

“You, how did you get in?” Even when he spoke, his voice was broken.

He rushed to reach for the bath towel hanging on the wall, the shower fell and smashed on his head, making a bang.

Lu Xiao covered his head and didn’t move.

Through the frosted glass, Ye Cheng couldn’t see , only heard the chaos inside.

Feeling as if he did something wrong, he asked cautiously, “Can’t I?”

Doesn’t this person like to pull him to take a bath, doesn’t this person like to press him ‌ into the bathtub, let him sit on him and move by himself.

“No, of course not! You go first, go!” Lu Xiao hurriedly covered himself with a bath towel, almost on the verge of collapse.

Ye Cheng reluctantly said, “Okay,” and then turned around indifferently and went away.

Lu Xiao leaned against the slippery wall washed by the water, his heartbeat was so loud that he suspected that he should call an ambulance.

No, no, no one would die suddenly because of a rapid heart rate, right?

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