Due to the relatively early Chinese New Year this year, the final exam was arranged a few days before the HKCEE.

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This winter vacation should be a busy one, because they won’t be able to rest for a few days, so they will go to winter camp.

Ye Cheng was packing clothes into a suitcase at home, and Gao Qiulan was also packing clothes.

The way the grandparents and grandchildren are packing their luggage together is a bit funny.

Seeing that he brought a lot with him, Gao Qiulan said strangely, “Won’t you only go for three days, why did you bring so much?”

“After I go to Lu Xiao’s house, I will go straight to the winter camp.” Ye Cheng sat on the suitcase and finally closed the lid, “I’m too lazy to come back and collect it again.”

Gao Qiulan instructed him, “You will go to other people’s houses, so don’t cause trouble. I put all the bird’s nests on the table, you remember to bring them to Aunt Meng.”

Ye Cheng nodded: “Don’t worry, grandma. When will my dad pick you up?”

Gao Qiulan looked at the clock: “He said he would arrive at one o’clock. It’s almost three o’clock now, and there is no one to be seen.”

“Let me call him.” Ye Cheng was afraid that she would be worried, so he picked up the phone.

He just called when the doorbell rang outside.

Gao Qiulan hurried over to open the door, the wind and snow came, and Ye Gaoyang was covered in snow.

“Mom, Xiao Cheng.” He took off his coat as he entered the door and greeted the two of them.
Ye Cheng coldly called “Dad”, then turned around to do his own thing.

“Why did you arrive late, is the plane late?” Gao Qiulan asked him.

Ye Gaoyang sighed, as if tired: “No, Qiao Qiao suddenly had a high fever, so I had to change my flight.”

Ye Cheng put away the bird’s nest and put it in a bag.

Gao Qiulan glanced at his back, and did not ask about Qiao Qiao.
She comforted him: “The child is weak, and it is normal to have a fever in the winter.”

Ye Gaoyang shook his head and said, “It would be nice if it was simple. She has been suffering from nosebleeds for a while, and she went to the hospital a few times but they couldn’t find anything wrong.”

“Is she very sick?” Gao Qiulan said, “Then why don’t I go, so as not to cause trouble for you.”

If it wasn’t for Ye Gaoyang’s begging, she wouldn’t want to go to Shengzhou, and now she just happened to find a way.

“‌Ah, Mom, I’ve come all the way back to pick you up.” Ye Gaoyang advised.

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Ye Cheng turned his head and said, “Grandma, you’d better go and see her.”
He actually is quite puzzled. In the past life, Ye Qiao Qiao was as strong as a cow, how could she have become a medicine jar now.

“Xiao Wheng, you would also go to Shengzhou.” Ye Gaoyang took the opportunity to say.

Ye Cheng refused without hesitation: “I’m going out soon, my friends are waiting for me.”

Ye Gaoyang looked at Gao Qiulan in confusion: “‌‌friend? Is Xiao Cheng going out too?”

Gao Qiulan knew that he didn’t want to see Lu Xiao, so she couldn’t say anything.

Ye Cheng pulled the suitcase and walked past him gracefully.

“Goodbye, I wish you all a good time.” Then he slammed the door shut.

It was snowing heavily outside, falling down like a goose feather.

Ye Cheng walked briskly, and when he left the door, he remembered that he forgot to take his umbrella. But he really didn’t want to stay under the same roof as Ye Gaoyang, so he had to bite the bullet and walk into the heavy snow.

He walked in a hurry, and put the hat and scarf in the suitcase.

The strong wind wrapped snowflakes, blew on his cheeks. The biting cold made him shiver. It was as if a basin of ice water had been poured from head to toe.

Damn, this guy Lu Xiao agreed to pick him up, but he didn’t know where he went.

Ye Cheng dragged his suitcase out of the community, only to see a tall figure standing outside the door holding an umbrella.

When Lu Xiao saw him, he ran over immediately.

“Damn it, why don’t you hold an umbrella.” He raised the umbrella above Ye Cheng’s head at a fast speed, and the heat he exhaled condensed into white mist.


Before Ye Cheng could say the words “I didn’t have time”, he was covered with a scarf.

The brown cashmere scarf firmly covered the tip of his nose, and the rushing heat made him reflexively close his eyes, and the whole person relaxed.

The scarf brought Lu Xiao’s body temperature, as well as a faint scent of orange blossom and sandalwood.

“You’re looking for death, right? Did you forget the last time you got a fever in the rain?” Lu Xiao tying up the scarf viciously said. The technique was almost the same as that of Gao Qiulan.

Originally a very fashionable item, when it was on him, he looked like a country man.

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“Cough cough.” Ye Cheng choked.

Lu Xiao immediately seized the opportunity to train him: “Look, now you are coughing.”

“You’re not finished yet,” Ye Cheng pulled his hand away, unable to bear it any longer, “You agreed to pick me up at the door, if it weren’t for you, would I freeze like this?”

Lu Xiao’s voice instantly softened a bit: “I saw your dad walking over, so I found a place to hide.”

Ye Cheng just remembered that there were time bombs at home.

He didn’t want Ye Gaoyang to find a chance to force him, so he pushed Lu Xiao and left quickly.

The second time he came to Lu Xiao’s house, it was much more natural than the first time.

Although it was only for three days, Meng Li invited a Michelin chef to prepare dinner.

She changed from the sickness and laziness she had seen before, her hair was loosely tied up in a bun, and she wore a burgundy dress, looking good.

“Try this beef sashimi, it’s delicious.” Meng Li greeted Ye Cheng and said, “Xiao Xiao always dislikes my cooking, so I had to invite someone to do it.”

Ye Cheng smiled, and Lu Xiao said unhappily, “Can you not call me that?”
Being called “Xiao Xiao” in front of Ye Cheng, he always felt uncomfortable.

Meng Li ignored him and continued: “Xiao X\Cheng, I’m really sorry, I’m going to California tomorrow, but I wanted to entertain you.”

“It’s okay Auntie, I’m the one who bothered you.” Ye Cheng said gently.

Meng Li pursed her lips and smiled: “Aren’t you going to call me mother-in-law this time? The next day after you called me, I hurriedly went to get my skin done.”

Ye Cheng knew she had misunderstood, and his face flushed red: “You…you’re not old, you’re young.”

Meng Li said nonchalantly, “I’m in my forties, so how come I’m not old.”

At this time, Mrs. Wang brought a plate to serve the dishes, and she urged, “Are the quilts in the guest room ready? You can take Xiao Cheng over to take a look at it later. If you are not satisfied, you can change it.”

“It’s ready, ma’am.” Sister Wang said.

Lu Xiao immediately put down his knife and fork and said, “Who said he was going to sleep in the guest room?”

Meng Li reproached: “You two boys aren’t afraid of being crowded if you live in one room.”

Ye Cheng also remembered that last time he complained about his bad sleeping condition, so he nodded.

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“I’m also worried about disturbing Lu Xiao’s rest.”

Lu Xiao was abruptly laughed at by the two of them, and said to Ye Cheng, “Did I say you would disturb me? If you don’t sleep with me, what should I do if I encounter problems?”

“I don’t usually see you love studying so much, but now you’re too excited.” Meng Li interrupted him.

“At night, even if you don’t sleep, Xiao Cheng has to rest.”
Lu Xiao was so angry that he couldn’t eat anymore. When he lost his spoon, he didn’t want to drink the soup.

“‌ Let him take care of himself, we can eat ours.” Meng Li said to Ye Cheng.
Lu Xiao frowned and looked at her, thinking why don’t you go to California now.
He counted the stars and looked forward to the moon and waited until today, so he could sleep with Ye Cheng.

Of course, this “sleep” is simply “sleep”. He even had the projected videos and soda popcorn ready.

He also bought a bunch of small night lights on the Internet, so he could turn off the main lights, and turn on the night lights. The atmosphere in the room was quite romantic.

Even if he doesn’t do anything, staying in the same room with Ye Cheng is enough to make him feel happy and satisfied.

However, half-prepared plans for winter came to nothing.

He angrily poked the steak with his fork, and ate it with a grim face.

When Ye Cheng returned to her room at night, she realized that Lu Xiao was unusually quiet.

He neither sent him WeChat messages nor called him.

He seems to be really angry.

He tossed and turned on the bed in the guest room, but he couldn’t fall asleep in the end.

This kid is too petty, he can be so angry if he doesn’t sleep in the same room as him.

After thinking about it for a long time, Ye Cheng decided to find him.

He opened the door lightly, a few wall lamps were lit in the corridor, and the house was very quiet.

This room was some distance from Lu Xiao’s room. There were too many rooms on the second floor of their house, and it was as big as a maze.

Ye Cheng stood on tiptoe, and tried to find Lu Xiao’s room with his memory.

Just as he passed a room, he suddenly heard a scream coming from inside.

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Because the surroundings were too quiet, this scream was especially obvious, and it was accompanied by the sound of glass smashing.

Ye Cheng was startled, and immediately recognized Meng Li’s voice.

Before he had time to think about it, he quickly knocked on the door and said, “Auntie, are you all right?”

“On what basis can you say that? You tell me to come and go? By virtue of what?!”
The shouting inside was heart-wrenching, with a bang, as if something had fallen.

Ye Cheng couldn’t care less, and immediately went to turn the door lock.

Unexpectedly, the bedroom door was unlocked, and he twisted it open at once.

“Auntie, did something happen…”

Just as he was about to enter the room, the sound fell and a porcelain vase landed right at his feet.

There was a loud bang, and the tiles exploded under his feet, shattering into pieces.

The room was warm, and Ye Cheng only wore a pair of sandals when he came out.

The cracked fragments jumped onto his instep, scratched his fair skin a little, and blood seeped out.

The scene in the bedroom was messy, and the strong scent of perfume penetrated into the nose, making people dizzy.

The bed sheet was torn off on the floor, and there were broken perfume bottles and cosmetics scattered around the bed.

Meng Li was wearing a nightgown, her eyes were so red that blood was almost dripping, her hair was messy and she called on the phone, panting heavily.

Ye Cheng was worried that she would step on the glass, so she cautiously called out, “Auntie?”

Meng Li didn’t react at all, and the hand holding the phone slowly fell, and the other end seemed to hung up.

Ye Cheng stood outside the door for a few seconds, and finally decided to go in and have a look.

Just as he lifted his foot, someone suddenly stretched out a hand and grabbed him, yanking him away from the tiles.

“Be careful.” Lu Xiao’s low voice sounded in his ears.

T/N: I hate cheaters the most, they destroy other people’s lives.

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