The surrounding atmosphere froze. Jiang Jin, who was unfortunately watching the whole process, felt suffocated.

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The girl on Ye Cheng’s right just raised her head, looked at their hands, and subconsciously covered her mouth to prevent herself from calling out.

The pulse close to the fingertips beat, like sprout bamboo shoots, lightly piercing the soil layer after the rain.

Lu Xiao shook off that hand like an electric shock, glared at him fiercely, and turned around quickly.

Ye Cheng was caught off guard, and his arm almost hit the corner of the table.

He clenched his fists, and Jiang Jin quickly whispered, “The teacher is here.”

The invigilator walked in from the back door with his hands behind his back, and everyone looked down at the exam papers.

Ye Cheng looked at reading comprehension of lengthy sentences, and the more he read, the more restless he became.

Just as the invigilator walked to the front row, a 2B mechanical pencil smashed over.

A thud sounded and it landed on his test paper.

Jiang Jin was scared again, in a panic, he glanced around between two people.

Ye Cheng looked up at the person in front.

The other party didn’t even look back. He sat straight, and his back was slightly tight.

In the next few minutes,Lu Xiao did not sleep, maybe because his sleepiness was driven away.

Although he doesn’t know if he has answered the question seriously, at least he had touched his pen several times.

After the exam in the morning, Li Junxiao, his deskmate, came to have lunch with Ye Cheng, and checked the answers to several questions with him on the way.

There are also a few students in Class 20 who love learning, and Li Junxiao is one of them.

He shook his head in disbelief and said, “Your answer is different from the English class representative, and it may be wrong.”

The rain has stopped and the road to the canteen is crowded with people.

Ye Cheng didn’t care about the matter and said “is that so “, with his hands in his pocket while he went forward.

Li Junxiao looked at him with a little sympathy: “You should have been under a lot of pressure in the affiliated high school before, or you wouldn’t have transferred to our school.”

“Not that bad.” Ye Cheng said quietly.

“Don’t worry too much, even if you are in the bottom of the affiliated high school, you can get into the top 300 when you come here.”

“I hope so.”

Seeing that he pretended not to care, Li Junxiao thought he had touched a sore spot, so he changed the subject and said, “By the way, what’s the matter with you and the first brother? Yesterday he said he didn’t know you, and today he borrowed your pen for the exam. ”

Ye Cheng’s pace slowed down. “How do you know? Aren’t you sitting in the second row?”

Li Junxiao said shyly, “The girl next to you … is my girlfriend.”

Ye Cheng “tsk” in his mind.

It turns out that high school students fall in love at a young age.

Lu Xiao is also like this, which is why he mentioned his “little girlfriends”.

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He curled his lips disdainfully.

The thought hovered for a few seconds, but he couldn’t help but ask, “Does Lu Xiao have a girlfriend?”

Li Junxiao suddenly didn’t seem to expect him to call him by his first name, but he quickly responded, “I don’t think so, but there are quite a few girls chasing him. The class flower of Class 18 also chased him before.”
“Speaking of this,” Li Junxiao looked at him oddly, “what is the relationship between you and that class flower? Why did I hear that you turned Zhou Kai green?”

[Green: When you cheated with someone, since Zhou Kai thought his gf is cheating with Ye Cheng]

Ye Cheng doesn’t know who the class flower is, and his expression is more strange than his: “Who is Zhou Kai?”

Li Junxiao: “…”

His mouth twitched. “That’s the one who knelt for Brother Xiao yesterday. Didn’t he bother you? I heard others say Xiao Ge beat him up because of you. ”

“Oh, it’s him.” Ye Yun said softly, “Lu Xiao didn’t do it. He knelt on his own.”

Li Junxiao looked “I see” and said to him, “But you’d better be careful. That guy is not a patient man. Maybe one day he will stop you.”

He thought about it and kindly suggested, “Why don’t you go with Xiao Ge after school and let him take care of you.”

Ye Cheng’s temple jumped wildly: “You think too much.”

Li Junxiao said solemnly, “Brother Xiao is fierce, but he is still very loyal. Unlike Zhou Kai’s group, he can definitely protect you. ”

Ye Cheng didn’t want to argue with him about this problem, and nodded perfunctorily: “I see.”
When he heard the promise, Li Junxiao was relieved. He seemed really worried that Ye Cheng would be retaliated by Zhou Kai.

Facts have proved that Li Junxiao’s worries are not unreasonable.

On the second day after the end of the monthly exam, some people in the melon group said that Zhou Kai found Lao Qi and threatened to teach the newcomers a lesson.

On a Wednesday afternoon, in physical education class,

The teacher organized three classes to do physical exercises together.

This time, the body side is divided into two parts. After running in this class, you can move freely.

Boys have to run 1000 meters, standing on the runway in class, and many girls are watching around.

Li Junxiao stood next to Ye Cheng, posed for the whistle, pointed to the side and said, “Isn’t that Zhou Kai? He was just looking at you.”

“Look.” Ye Cheng didn’t even notice his gaze.

Li Junxiao said, “The one next to him is Ban Hua, who is also looking at you.”

This time, Ye Cheng followed his line of sight, and met Zhou Kai’s murderous gaze, as well as the familiar Qi Liuhai

It’s her, the girl who showed him the way on the first day of school.

Ye Cheng finally recognized his “gossip object”.

As the whistle sounded, people rushed out.

Ye Cheng personally has no interest in fitness, unlike Lu Xiao, who lifts iron all day.

The only sport he likes is long-distance running, which can not only relieve stress, but can also help him think about some work problems while running.

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Contrary to him, Lu Xiao is extremely disgusted with running.

Every time he wants Lu Xiao to accompany him to a fun run, the other party always makes excuses to slip his name.

He either pretends to be busy with work or says that he’s knee hurts.

After the first lap, Ye Cheng ran, surpassing Lu Xiao who ran in front.

If you don’t like it, it doesn’t mean you’re not good at it. Lu Xiao’s running speed and endurance are very good, not to mention the boys’ desire to win or lose regardless of age and stage.

When there is still half a lap left, the sound of the contact between sports shoes and the plastic track goes hand in hand.
Two people reached the finish line at the last moment at the same time, and there was a gasping “fuck” from around them.

The onlookers burst into a small scream .

Ye Cheng adjusts his breathing while looking back, and sees Liu Xiao’s unhappy back.

Ten seconds later, Li Junxiao wheezed and gasped for air and ran to the finish line.

“Holy shit, hoo … why are you running so fast !”

He is propped up on his knees and his chest is heaving violently.

Ye Cheng has no significant change in breathing except that his cheeks are a little red.
He looked at Lu Xiao’s back, frowned and asked, “What happened to him?”

“Who …” Li Junxiao straightened up, saw Lu Xiao walking towards the teacher, and his face was suddenly a little embarrassed. “This … you don’t know, Brother Xiao was a sports committee, and he was always the first before, maybe … this time you’re tied for first place, and his face was a little embarrassed.”

That’s not gonna happen, right?

How childish.

He doesn’t know why, but Ye Cheng wants to laugh a little.

He is used to the vigorous Lu Xiao, the tactful Lu Xiao and the overbearing and enthusiastic Lu Xiao.

But he has never seen such a childish Lu Xiao.

It’s quite interesting.

After the teacher announced the dissolution of the activity, Li Junxiao suggested playing table tennis next.

The table tennis table is near the basketball court. He crosses the basketball court to get the racket from the equipment room, and Ye Cheng stands by and waits.

On the court, a group of boys are playing basketball.
Lu Xiao received the pass, raised his arm and pressed down his wrist, and made a three-pointer accurately.

He is wearing a black headband and wrist guard, and his sweat-drenched hair looked youthful in the sun.

With the leaping action, the white clothes are fluttering.

At the moment when the ball entered the frame, the girls around him cheered excitedly.

Ye Cheng was so absorbed that he didn’t notice that a girl came up to him.


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Qi Liuhai took a bottle of sports drink and said hello with a smile.

Ye Cheng’s eyes turned to her and raised his eyebrows doubtfully.

Qi Liuhai seemed very shy. She bit his lip and said, “My name is Qi Liuhai. I’m sorry about earlier. I apologize for Zhou Kai.”

She handed the drink in her hand: “This is for you.”

Although Ye Cheng has never been with girls, he has come into contact with all kinds of people after work.

He could understand the mind of the little girl in front of him at a glance, and looked at her with a little playfulness.

Seeing that he didn’t answer, Qi Liu unnaturally said, “Well, don’t get me wrong, I have nothing to do with Zhou Kai, I’m just afraid that he will embarrass you.”

Ye Cheng didn’t bother her, “No, you can drink it yourself” he just said casually.

At that time, he saw Lu Xiao stop on the field, he seemed to make eye contact .

Suddenly his mind moved and he asked, “Have you chased Lu Xiao?”

Qi Liuhai didn’t expect him to be so straightforward. She waited for a while and said quietly, “Ah?”

On the court, Lu Xiao patted the basketball one after another.

When the game is over, everyone gathered to regroup.

Jiang Jin noticed the direction he was looking at, and said in surprise, “Wow, that newcomer is too bold to hook up with Qi Liuhai in broad daylight.”

Another person said, “It’s not like you don’t know Qi Liuhai. When She sees a handsome guy, she would chase after them, which means that people like Zhou Kai are fooled by her.”

“That is, before she turned around Brother Xiao, Zhou Kai didn’t even dare to put a fart.I think he just wants to take the new knife and build his own prestige. ”

Jiang Jin opened his eyes wide and shouted, “Fuck, fuck, Zhou Kai has gone by!”

The sound of tapping basketball next to it is a few beats slower.

“Mom, are they going to fight here?”

“Guess who can win?”

“Zhou Kai, with five people.”

“I don’t think the newcomer looks like a vegetarian. I bet on a pack of spicy strips.”

“Then you will lose.”

Ye Cheng looked at a few rascals in front of him, and it was Zhou Kai who blocked him in the toilet that day.

At that time, he was too lazy to deal with high school students, and said bluntly that he didn’t know the “girlfriend” in his mouth.

But Zhou Kai asked him to pay the protection fee, saying that newcomers should behave themselves.

Ye Cheng has figured it out. This idiot just wants to give the warning and point out their position.

However, what a coincidence that day, he bumped his head into Lu Xiao’s gun.

Zhou Kai wasn’t afraid to kneel at all, but he didn’t pay attention to his feet when he ran away, and fell.

After the fall, he got up and ran away like shit.

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Lu Xiao and he are left staring at each other.

Ye Cheng looked at it, and said a sentence of sorry with true feelings.

After all, Lu Xiao was implicated.

Amazingly, Lu Xiao didn’t bother any more,he looked at him for a while with an unlucky face, and then turned and left.

Probably from being caught.

When Qi Liu Hai saw Zhou Kai coming, he made an excuse and ran away.

Zhou Kai suddenly became more angry when she saw her like this.

He looked at Ye Cheng somberly, and said, “You are fucking provoking me. How dare you let her bring you water?”

Ye Cheng stared at him for a few seconds.

His eyes are pale in the sun, and whenever he looks at people with such a deadpan, he always gives others a feeling of a little oppression.

That’s why the employees of Lu’s family trembled at the sight of him.

But in the face of the real big boss Lu Xiao, he was not as afraid of him.

Zhou Kai was a little scared by him, and his heart was full of fire.

Ye said coldly, “How do you want to solve it?”

He didn’t even explain it again, he didn’t evade or take out the teacher to oppress people, and he didn’t beat around the bush.

This way of dealing with things is completely unlike what students in the attached high school can do.

Zhou Kai suddenly had a feeling that he was completely seen through, which made his self-esteem suffer a big blow.

It’s like being pulled off the last fig leaf in front of his younger brother.

Ye Cheng seems to tell him with actions that he doesn’t bother to ask for your little trick, and he is not afraid of getting into trouble, because he can pick you up at any time.

Zhou Kai immediately exploded. He stepped forward and grabbed Ye Cheng by the collar.

“How to solve it? Is it your turn to ask me how to solve it? ”

Ye Cheng looked at him, his eyes flashing.

All of a sudden, a basketball flew over, just right, slamming on the back of Zhou Kai’s head.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Zhou Kai was almost spitting fire. He threw his hand and turned to shout, “Who threw the ball at Lao Tzu? You have no fucking eyes! ”

The basketball bounced on the ground, then it was firmly grasped by a big hand.

Lu Xiao came up with his long legs, he took a few shots with his right hand wearing a wristband, followed by a group of people.

He swept his eyes and raised his chin at Zhou Kai, who was as white as a dead face, and spat out three words, “I threw it.”

T/N: LX unconsciously protecting his wife.

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