Ye Cheng moved, and he also woke up.

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Hu Haiyang shouted with a loudspeaker: “It’s here, everyone wake up! Wake up!”

The people in the bus woke up one after another, and the scene outside the window had completely changed.

The bus was parked at the long-distance station in the town, and the setting outside looked dilapidated.

When Liang Moyu got off the bus with his suitcase in hand, he almost stepped on the cesspool.

Ye Cheng followed behind him, and gave him a quick hand, so that he didn’t fall to the ground.

“Damn it, what the hell is this place?”

“It smells so bad. Why is there a garbage dump?”

“What about the promised star-rated hotel, ah ah ah! Mom, I want to go home!”

“50,000 yuan to come to a place like this… can I get my money back?”

Everyone complained.

Of course, they were just talking.

Most people come to this winter camp not for classes, but for institutional problems.

The strength of this institution is that they have access to several college entrance examination questions and competition questions.

After everything they said, they still dragged their suitcases resignedly, and followed Hu Haiyang to their residence.

According to the arrangement on the form, they will all stay in the hotel the day before. From the third day, camping activities will be carried out.

Fortunately, the hotel found by the agency is the best one in town. Although it is simple, there is no major problem in hygiene.

Many of these students are pampered at home, and they are not used to all kinds of noises.
Ye Cheng didn’t hear Lu Xiao’s complaint, and thought it was strange.

After all, this winter camp, he was tricked by him to come, but he only said a few words at the beginning, and he never mentioned it again later.

If this were normal, shouldn’t he have exploded long ago?

But Lu Xiao not only didn’t blow up, he also took the initiative to help him carry the suitcase.

His excessive tolerance made Ye Cheng more and more puzzled, why did this person suddenly become so tolerant of him?

Hu Haiyang asked them to familiarize themselves with the environment first. In the afternoon, they changed into military training clothes and went to the downstairs auditorium for a meeting.

The so-called auditorium is actually the canteen of the hotel.

Lu Xiao finally got what he wanted to wear the “couple’s style”, although this “couple’s style” didn’t seem to be particularly good-looking.

He doesn’t know if it was because of financial considerations, or because they couldn’t buy the original version. The camouflage provided by the agency almost showed a fluorescent green, which was scary green.

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When he wore it, it can only be said that he is barely supported by his looks so he doesn’t look stupid.

When the others came out to gather, it was like the scene of a disaster movie, like a refugee from a certain place who went hungry for three days to rob the canteen.

The five classes sat down noisily, and the principal of the institution began to take them to class.
He talked nonsense for half a minute, and went on and on.

Lu Xiao was under the table, pounding Ye Cheng with his ‌hand childishly

The primary school classmates have a fight.

It may have been a long time since he was like this. Sitting side by side and listening to the teacher’s class, he was as excited as a small spring animal.

At first he was fiddling around, but Ye Cheng ignored him.

Later, when he touched the itchy flesh on his waist, Ye Cheng couldn’t help but start fighting back.
Lu Xiao took advantage of the opportunity to squeeze his hand, but he didn’t dare to squeeze it too hard.

Hu Haiyang turned his head and glanced at them, warning them not to move with his eyes, and the instructor in the class also looked at them both.

“Don’t move.” Ye Cheng said angrily.

Lu Xiao’s voice was even smaller than his: “It’s all your fault, you have to move so much.”
Saying that, he looked at Ye Cheng’s face with good intentions, and almost wrote “the villain complained first” on his face.

Ye Cheng bit his lip and pinched his arm: “You did it first.”

Lu Xiao’s sub-plot succeeded, he happily pinched back, and then someone secretly poked under the table and started fighting.

He found something.

In fact, Ye Cheng doesn’t reject the tendency to have physical contact with him and it’s becoming more and more natural. Although he can’t do something out of the ordinary, he still likes this kind of touch.

In the name of fighting he can touch.


After the meeting, Hu Haiyang and Instructor Liu took them out for military training.
Their class was divided into three classes with a total of twelve people.

There is an open space behind the hotel, and Class 3 occupies a corner of it.

Instructor Liu first asked them to introduce themselves one by one.

When Ye Cheng said his name , a few people looked at him.

Instructor Liu was very tactful. He caught a glimpse of those who were moving and asked, “What, do you know each other?”

The others shook their heads and said, “I don’t know.”

“Then why are you still moving around in the queue?” Instructor Liu lowered his face.

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Everyone stopped doing it.

They came to think that this military training was just a formality, and it was fine to pretend.

When Instructor Liu took Liang Moyu out and asked him to stand in a military position, everyone felt that there was real military training.

Everyone was divided into platoons and stood in military positions. Lu Xiao was behind Ye Cheng, boringly studying the texture of the fabric on his clothes.

Looking at it, he found a small hole in the hem of his clothes.

It seems that he accidentally poked it with a toothpick during a fight under the table just now.

Lu Xiao didn’t hold back, he burst out laughing.

Instructor Liu immediately noticed it and looked at him with a stern face.

“What are you laughing at? Is it funny?” he said sternly.

Lu Xiao restrained his smile and said with a stern face, “Reporting to the instructor, it’s not funny.”

He answered seriously, and the people next to him also burst into laughter.

People laughing one after another successfully angered Instructor Liu.

“You like to laugh so much, don’t you?” he said angrily. “There all the people in the first row, turn back and forth—”

The people in the first row followed the instructions and turned around unevenly.

Ye Cheng happened to have a face-to-face with Lu Xiao, and he was stunned.

Instructor Liu didn’t think it was enough: “The first row, take three steps forward.”
One, two, three, Ye Cheng took three steps forward.

The distance between them was only the size of a fist, and the brim of his hat was almost touching Lu Xiao’s nose.

They looked at each other and quickly looked away from each other.

Instructor Liu said, ” Look the eyes of the person in front, and you are not allowed to laugh at all!”

This trick is too damn vicious, someone will sooner laugh.

Once someone broke the rule, he was punished to the side to do push-ups.

Ye Cheng tried his best not to look into Lu Xiao’s eyes, his shoulders trembling slightly.

He didn’t know how Lu Xiao was feeling, but he really wanted to laugh anyway.

Standing like this face to face, normal people can’t help it.

Unable to lower his head, he stared at his lips.

Lu Xiao’s upper lip is a little thin, his lower lip is a little fuller, the lip line is sharp with a hint of smack, and the corners of his mouth are pursed into a straight line.

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When he was angry, just looking at his chin and lips was quite intimidating; once he laughed, he was very juvenile.

Ye Cheng was so focused, he forgot to laugh for a while.

The brim of his hat blocked his view, he didn’t notice the look Lu Xiao was looking at him, like a hunter watching a prey that was about to enter a cage.

Instructor Liu’s voice came over: “The people who persevere to the end of each group will go under the eaves to rest for five minutes. The one who laughs first, goes over there and will do push-ups.”

Although it is the cold winter and the twelfth lunar month, the sun is still quite big.

Standing for a long time will inevitably make you feel hot and tired, especially their pirated clothes, which are airtight.

Ye Cheng breathed out quietly, a small cloud of fog condensed around his mouth.

Suddenly, the corners of Lu Xiao’s mouth rose, and then he hummed.

Instructor Liu grabbed him and said, “Lu Xiao, go out and do push-ups.”

“Yes, instructor.” Lu Xiao pressed the brim of his hat and walked out of the queue.

Ye Cheng didn’t know why he suddenly laughed. Instructor Liu said to him, “Go and rest for five minutes.”

He walked under the eaves without hesitation, stood with the other winners, picked up the kettle and took a sip of water.

Lu Xiao propped himself on the concrete floor, his long legs were straight, and he easily pressed his shoulders to the bottom.

“You brat, you’re doing standard push-ups, have you practiced?” Instructor Liu said in front of him.

“Reporting to the instructor, I like sports.”

Ye Cheng was drinking water when Liang Moyu walked over to him.

“Is he and you from the same school?” he asked.

Ye Cheng looked at him, then turned back to look at Lu Xiao: “Well, we are in the same class.”

Liang Moyu said, “He was very nice to you. He laughed deliberately and asked you to rest. However, he didn’t talk to others very much and he looked fierce.”

After he said this, Ye Cheng turned around, and wondered why Lu Xiao didn’t smile at first, but then suddenly laughed.

“He’s a good person.” Ye Cheng and Liang Moyu hadn’t been in contact for a long time, so he didn’t know what to say, so he looked for an adjective vaguely.

After he finished speaking, he remembered that Lu Xiao had said that he didn’t like the good person card.

However, a good person does not necessarily mean a person who is kind, but also means “that is, he has a lot of shortcomings, but in his heart he is also very good.”

He looked at Lu Xiao and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Liang Moyu said in surprise: “I’ve heard of him, although I don’t know what he looks like, but when I hear the word, I have an impression. He is the first brother of No. 13 high School, right?”

The people next to them looked at them curiously.

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Ye Cheng didn’t like the tone in which he mentioned the No. 13 high School.

It’s not that he is sensitive, but that he has more knowledge, and he can tell what other people are thinking based on the tone of their voice.
He can’t be blamed on Liang Moyu. He dares to say that in this winter camp, except for Liang Moyu, everyone’s impression of the No.13 high School will not be that good.

Especially these top students, if they knew that they were training together with the No. 13 high school, it would definitely be as uncomfortable as eating flies.

Before entering the camp, each of them filled out a report, and only Hu Haiyang could see their respective schools.

Out of some concerns, Hu Haiyang also wisely did not let them introduce what school they are from.

Ye Cheng didn’t care too much about Liang Moyu’s behavior of mentioning it, but just nodded.

Liang Moyu calmed down and said with a dry smile, “But according to your grades, you should be the first wherever you go.”

“In other schools I can’t guarantee it, but both the Affiliated high School and the No. 13 high School I can.” Ye Cheng said calmly.

Liang Moyu was immediately stabbed in the sore spot of “Liang 2”, after all only after Ye Cheng left he was able to get the first throne.

Now people deliberately emphasize “affiliated middle school”, and his face turned white visible to the naked eyes.

Ye Cheng has always disdained the intrigue between these so-called academic bullies. In his opinion, it is both naive and low-level.

Without more speculation, Liang Moyu silently walked away.

The training in the afternoon included military postures and formations, and they walked in unison.

Instructor Liu got angry all afternoon. When it was time for dinner, he dragged them out for ten minutes before letting them go to dinner.

Under Hu Haiyang’s recommendation, Instructor Liu was able to find two team leaders, Ye Cheng is one of them. He left the people behind and told them the arrangements for the day.

Lu Xiao waited beside him, kicking stones with his toes in a bored way.

After Ye Cheng finished the small meeting, he went to the cafeteria.
The cafeteria was full of people. They went to the window to order food, and looked around with their plates.

As they passed by the table of the third shift, there was chatter.

“I laughed so hard. The student from No. 13 high School came to train with us. Are they okay?”

“And that Ye Cheng, wasn’t he the top of your school before, why did he transfer to the junkyard?”

“Damn top, I think he’s very close to ‘Smelly Face’, he just likes fooling around, pretending to be a good student.”

All of them turned their backs to Lu Xiao and Ye Cheng, and only Liang Moyu faced them.
He didn’t say a word from beginning to end. After seeing the person, his eyes widened instantly.

A little fat man was talking eloquently when suddenly he was kicked on the stool from behind.
An arrogant voice sounded from behind: “Tell me about it, say it again in front of my face, come on.”

T/N: Why are they looking down on people who want to learn? That’s so low

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