Ye Cheng was greeted by his sudden name and said coldly, “Brother Cheng.”

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“No.” Lu Xiao smiled and refused.

Ye Cheng fixed his essay, glanced at him and said, “I am older than you mentally.”

His birthday is in February, and Lu Xiao’s birthday is in October, he is four months older than him.

But in fact, Ye Cheng’s mental age was more than four months older than his.

However, Lu Xiao insisted on confronting him, making an excuse: “But you are not taller than me, and you look younger than me.”

In terms of height, boys have an obsession that all age groups cannot give up.

Ye Cheng’s mouth was tougher than his: “Don’t be funny, aren’t we all 1.8 meters tall, and we are not tall enough.”

“You’re 1.79.5, I’m 1.85.” Lu Xiao’s smile gradually deepened, reminding him of his height when he was drunk.

He said triumphantly,”you said that, remember?”

Ye Cheng secretly made a mistake, and was caught by this naive ghost. God knows he will bring it up for a long time.

He ignored Lu Xiao, and changed his English text in three parts.

In order to avoid the outrageous gap between the first two articles, he deliberately split the long and difficult sentences, and checked the papers for him along the way.

After all this was done, it was already twelve o’clock.

Lu Xiao changed from sitting to lying down, while staring at him he said, “Is this the reward?”

He looked very well-behaved lying on his arms, his hair exploded a few times, and he looked like a puppy.

Ye Cheng’s heart softened, and he said unconsciously, “Of course not.”

“Huh? Then what is it?” The puppy seemed a little happy, raised his eyes to look at him, and asked expectantly.

Ye Cheng thought about it for a while, took out a red pen from the pencil case, and pulled his hand out from the bottom of his head.

Lu Xiao didn’t know what he was going to do, so he let him squeeze his hand.

Ye Cheng held his index finger and Lu Xiao trembled.

An icy cold touch came from his fingertips, and the tip of the red pen poked his fingers back and forth.

“What are you doing?” Lu Xiao noticed that he was doodling, but he didn’t move at all, so he honestly asked him.

“That’s it, your small reward.” Ye Cheng let go of his hand, with a faint smile on his brows.

Lu Xiao looked down at his fingertips, a cute smiley face was drawn on it, its eyes were two glowing red hearts, very similar to that silly emoji.

His chest was suddenly scratched by a small hook, and his whole body was numb.

Shit, Ye Cheng really knows how to control him.

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It looks like an ordinary little expression, but it makes his mood take off from the flat ground to mid-air, and he can’t even say “childish”.

Ye Cheng lowered his head and drew a drawing on his index finger, then raised his hand and stretched it out in front of him.

“Look, it’s the same style.”

In an instant, Lu Xiao had difficulty breathing.

He also asked him to let live, why was his mind so disturbed.

When he went to bed at night, Lu Xiao had insomnia. This was the Nth time he had slept with Ye Cheng together.

There are two single beds, separated by a certain distance.

The sound of the air conditioner in the room was enough to cover up Ye Cheng’s breathing. But for some reason, Lu Xiao always felt that his panting was right beside his ears.

He can’t sleep, can’t sleep at all.
He had always been a heavy sleeper, but he wanted to get up again and again to see if Ye Cheng had kicked the quilt, or if he had fallen asleep.

Perhaps because of the cold weather, Ye Cheng slept fairly well at night, and the quilt was tightly wrapped.

Even so, Lu Xiao stayed up until three o’clock before falling asleep.

At six o’clock the next morning, he was woken up by the assembly post.

Lu Xiao fell into a daze, thinking that he was at home and wanted to shut up the whistle.

A cold, steamy hand patted his face, “Get up, we’re going to gather.”

In the middle of winter, being touched by something cold just after waking up from sleep is fatal for someone like him who wakes up and bursts the clock.

He opened his eyes with anger on his face, the swear words had reached his lips, but after seeing Ye Cheng’s face, he silently swallowed it back.

Ye Cheng had already washed up and was standing by the bed neatly dressed.

Forget it, what else is there to do besides forbearance? Lu Xiao took off the quilt with a sullen face and went to wash his face.

The morning training was fairly uneventful, and the class didn’t dare to talk to the two of them.

To put it another way, these groups spontaneously formed small groups, and they distanced themselves from each other.

Ye Cheng is accustomed to these things. He has been in the affiliated high school for a long time, and he is very aware that there is a big difference between their No. 13 high school.

Some people like to group together and crowd out those who are “maverick”.
Liang Moyu also obviously chose to follow suit and stopped talking to him.

However, Lu Xiao didn’t care about it. He didn’t plan to make friends with these people at all. He just cared when he could touch Ye Cheng’s hand.

When playing games, or when eating?

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Lu Xiao, who has his brain full of love, is deep in his fantasy, so much that he didn’t notice it when he made a big mistake because of his carelessness.

After the military training in the morning, the English training class officially started in the afternoon.

Hu Haiyang spent the whole morning correcting all their papers.

Before class, Lu Xiao asked Ye Cheng for an unpleasant cup of instant coffee.

The town of Yingcheng doesn’t even have a coffee shop. There are coffee powders that cost a few dollars a pack in convenience stores.

Although he is still sleepy after drinking, it’s better than being so sleepy.

Hu Haiyang came in with the papers. The small classroom was empty and stuffy. He instructed the classmates by the window to open the window.

Then he opened the paper and said: “Before the class, let’s talk about the general situation of this exam paper and the arrangement of this class. I won’t cover the whole of this paper, but pick a few key topics. For other questions, you can ask me after class.”

As soon as he opened his mouth, Ye Cheng felt as if he had returned to the affiliated high school .

The top class and the make-up class are really different, and Lu Xiao couldn’t help but concentrate, because even if he was distracted for a minute, he would not be able to keep up with him.

“This time, there are two full marks for the objective test.” Hu Haiyang said, “One is Ye Cheng and the other is Li Nanke. However, this test is not particularly difficult, and full marks should be obtained.”

There was quite a commotion at the bottom.

“Didn’t you say that Ye Cheng went to No. 13 high School, he still looks very good.”

“Who knows if he has searched for the answer. Last night, he was with that first brother until the end.”

“Li Nanke… This name sounds familiar, is it from No. 1 high School?”

“Probably, it’s the one with the hat in the first row.”

Hu Haiyang continued: “About the article, I will focus on praising one person, Ye Cheng. I will post his article in the group later, and everyone can see that his gap is at the top.”

Everyone, look at each other.

You can search for answers for objective questions, but you can’t find them in texts, especially the third article is Hu Haiyang’s self-proposition.

“His word choice and sentence construction have reached the level of English for postgraduate entrance exams, and his vocabulary is much larger than yours.” Hu Haiyang commented objectively, “You can look at the uncommon words he uses and compare them with one another. Simple sentences and common vocabulary.”

Ye Cheng felt that Hu Haiyang was indeed much sharper than the teacher at No. 13 high School.

He has been doing essays in English for postgraduate entrance exams, so he is not at the same level in English for the college entrance examination.

After complimenting him, his face became splendid.

Hu Haiyang suddenly changed the conversation: “However, I have a question that I want to ask Ye Cheng.”

Ye Cheng raised his head, and everyone looked at him for unknown reasons.

Hu Haiyang raised the other test paper in his hand and said, “You wrote four essays in one night, don’t you feel tired?”

Everyone was stunned.

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“This article contains Lu Xiao’s name, but it’s your handwriting.” Hu Haiyang said, “Do you need to explain something?”

Only then did Lu Xiao remember that he accidentally handed in Ye Cheng’s draft.

Ye Cheng’s handwriting is too recognizable. The beautiful and elegant flower body is the only one in the entire winter camp.

Everyone laughed,

“I told you there is a nest of snakes and rats.”

“They’re still doing scripting. They won’t both be looking for gunmen. They’re one-of-a-kind.”

“It’s hard to say. I heard that the teachers don’t care if you cheated in the exams.”


Just as Ye Cheng was about to stand up, the man next to him moved, got up and said, “Teacher, I don’t mean it, I was lazy yesterday and didn’t write the text.”

Ye Cheng was slightly stunned. This was the first time he heard Lu Xiao apologize to the teacher.

Hu Haiyang raised his hand to stop the discussion.

“It’s not just your problem. It’s a matter of bravely admitting mistakes. But I also want to say to Ye Cheng, I hope you can help your classmates in the right way.” Hu Haiyang said.

“I understand, teacher.” Ye Cheng also stood up and said.

Hu Haiyang didn’t embarrass them too much, he waved his hand warmly: “Okay, sit down, let’s start the class.”

After the two sat down, Lu Xiao looked like he was hesitating to say something, but in the end he didn’t say anything.

After class, Hu Haiyang left two sets of papers and an extra essay, just like yesterday.

This time, Lu Xiao didn’t ask Ye Cheng to help him.

He sat quietly in the back row and wrote with his head sullen. When he came across a word he didn’t know, he would turn to the dictionary.

When he finished writing an article and raised his head, the seats in front were completely empty, and Ye Cheng sat next to him and did math.

“I haven’t finished writing yet, why don’t you go back first.” Lu Xiao said.

Ye Cheng yawned slightly and said casually, “I’ll wait for you.”

Lu Xiao’s voice was very low: “Don’t wait for me to finish everything.”

Although Ye Cheng was sleepy, he was keenly aware of the lowness in his words.

“What’s the matter, why are you saying that?” He immediately looked at the other party and asked.

Lu Xiao stared at the paper and said stubbornly, “It’s nothing.”

Ye Cheng gradually woke up, took the pen from his hand, asked him to face him, and asked seriously, “What happened?”

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He looked at Lu Xiao intently, the sincerity in his expression made Lu Xiao not want to run away.

He gritted his teeth, but still said what was in his heart: “I always need you to stop and wait for me. It’s like this in study, and it’s like this in life. If it’s not because of me, you would get along very well with everyone.”

Lu Xiao’s words were already euphemistic, but Ye Cheng still understood his thoughts in seconds.

——He is so familiar with this kind of Lu Xiao. At the age of 27, he thinks almost exactly the

He felt that he was not good enough, which dragged him down.

Ye Cheng is actually quite aware of his mentality, especially since all of their companies have masters and doctorates. Being in this environment for a long time, it is inevitable that there will be pressure.

At this time, he would kiss Lu Xiao on the face. Tell him with various practical actions that you are very important to me, and there is no one like you.

But now he certainly can’t do that.

He thought for a moment and asked, “Do you really think so?”

Lu Xiao thought he would comfort him, but he didn’t expect such a question, and stared at him, not knowing what to say.

Ye Cheng said, “But I think so too. I feel that sometimes I need you to stop and wait for me.”

“Ah?” Lu Xiao was stunned.

Ye Cheng said lightly, “What makes you think that if I didn’t have you, I would have gotten along with them?”

Lu Xiao doesn’t care.

“Do you know why I transferred from the Affiliated High School? I was there but I hardly had any friends I could talk to.” Ye Cheng said.

Lu Xiao was surprised. In his impression, Ye Cheng should be sweet, and the whole school was scrambling to make him a friend.

But what he found was not the real, seventeen-year-old Ye Cheng.

At the age of seventeen, he was withdrawn and not sociable. There are indeed many who want him to be friends, but he does not cherish or accept these friendships.

It was not until he entered university and entered society that this situation gradually changed.

When he saw Lu Xiao for the first time he was jealous, it was not that he coveted his handsome appearance, but that he had such a group of real friends.

Ye Cheng supported himself and said, “I’m pretty weird, I’m… um, other friends can’t stand me.”

“No, even if you are very arrogant, I can stand it.” Lu Xiao immediately refuted him.

Ye Cheng smiled and said, “You count as one, Huang Shengan counts as one, and the little black charcoal I met when I was a child counts as one.”

“What little black charcoal?” Lu Xiao looked at him and asked suspiciously.

Ye Cheng said: “It’s just a small neighbor from the past. He is the darkest among the children in the whole community. He will come to play with me. If he doesn’t see me he would roam around to look for me.”

Lu Xiao opened his mouth and was really stunned.

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