Ye Cheng was silent for a moment, then said, “I have seen the hot search.”

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Ye Gaoyang understood and sighed, “I’m fine, I’m in Milan now, and I haven’t found her yet. She must come forward for this matter.”

Ye Cheng called and just wanted to make sure he was safe, and was not very interested in the entanglements of the two people.

“Well, take care of your body.” After speaking, he wanted to hang up the phone.

Ye Gaoyang stopped him and said with guilt in his voice: “This time, you have worked hard with your grandma. I was in a bad mood a few days ago, after this I will take Qiaoqiao back.”

“Xiao Cheng, thank you, Dad is sorry.”

Perhaps after knowing that Ye Qiaoqiao was an abandoned baby, the anger in his heart lessened a little.
Even if they are unfamiliar by blood, it is much more important than Qu Tian’s derailment.

Ye Cheng didn’t speak any more, he just hung up the phone.

When she returned to the ward, she saw Ye Qiaoqiao was drooling while sleeping.

The plump face is rosy and smooth and the chin is round and round, and she really doesn’t look like Qu Tian at all.

Ye Cheng covered her with the quilt, and suddenly felt that she’s a little pitiful.

At the same time, she felt something strange.

If it is true that Qu Tian bought her back in order to tie Ye Gaoyang, then why did she leave?

If she really loved Ye Gaoyang that much, shouldn’t she fly back to repent with tears in her eyes?

If it is said that she is in it for money, it is even more ridiculous, because she is not poor at all.

Ye Cheng frowned and suddenly thought about one thing, could it be the legacy he left by his mother?

In his last life, she took one-tenth of his inheritance, including a house, a car and 1.5 million in cash.

Of course, the letter was not known to exist at the time.
When Qu Tian appeared, it was not long after his mother was diagnosed.

He was puzzled, and finally gave up thinking.

Perhaps after inheriting all the inheritance, the reason can be discovered.

In order to prevent Ye Qiaoqiao from following the news on the hot search, Ye Cheng decided to confiscate her electronics.

But this child can’t live without electronics, so he had to consult with Tan Xiaoqi on WeChat.

Restrain: [Are you there? 】

Tan Xiaoqi: [Yes! What’s up, handsome~]

Restrain: [When you were young, did you particularly like to play outdoor games? 】

Tan Xiaoqi: [Huh? 】

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Ye Cheng thought she didn’t understand what he was thinking, and explained, [“Even little girls like games, so what is suitable to play together.” 】

Tan Xiaoqi reacted: [Oh, she might likes badminton, chinese garter, and throwing silk. 】

Ye Cheng replied and asked again: [Does the little girl like lilies, or Rose? 】

The other end was silent for a while, then replied: [Lily… 】

Tan Xiaoqi once again said: [Brother Cheng, who are you buying flowers for? 】

Ye Cheng didn’t want to talk about Ye Qiaoqiao’s affairs, so he said perfunctorily: [For a sister that I know. 】

“For a sister that I know.”, these words were enough to make Tan Xiaoqi feel like she was hit with thunder.

An ambiguous statement, a scumbag statement, …

Ah, ah, stop, she can’t think too much! How could Ye Cheng be a scumbag? !

But he can also play badminton and chinese garter. Maybe she is still a junior high school student.

She was so upset that she sat in the cinema for ten minutes.

Finally, he couldn’t help but message Lu Xiao.

Tan Xiaoqi: [Brother Xiao! Are you there? Are you there? 】

A minute later, the other side replied: [Do you have something to say? 】

Tan Xiaoqi made a “crying cry” emoji: [The backyard is on fire, and there seems to be an incredible little girl next to Brother Cheng . ]

After another minute, Suspect X: [? 】

Tan Xiaoqi: [He asked me what games girls like to play, and he would buy flowers for that girl. 】

She asked sadly, “Have you ever bought flowers for others?” I don’t think I’ve ever heard him say that. 】

Lu Xiao took a hundred yuan to buy back the old phone, and raised his arms to look for the signal.

After seeing this news, it was like being struck by lightning.

Ye Cheng bought flowers for a girl? ?

The string of reason in his mind snapped, and he felt like his heart had been killed 10,000 times.

Ye Cheng only bought flowers for him on his birthday, but now he is buying flowers for others? !

No matter whether the other party is male or female, Lu Xiao just wanted to fly back to Nandu at this moment and stomped his face on the ground to teach him a lesson.

Fuck it!

Unable to bear it anymore, he rushed out to look for Hu Haiyang, and said decisively, “Teacher, I want to drop out and I don’t want to attend the rest of the classes.”

Hu Haiyang was in the process of approving the composition. Hearing his words, he took a leisurely glance at Lu Xiao: “Okay, let your parents write a statement for you and ask them to call me before tomorrow.”

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Lu Xiao’s arrogance subsided a little, and asked angrily, “Can’t I not call my parents? I can take care of things myself.”
“No, this week, one person asked me to drop out of school. If you all drop out, it would be a mess.” Hu Haiyang said calmly.

Lu Xiao didn’t know what to do, so he just went back to his room in a dejected manner.

The camping is not yet over, and there are still a few days before he can go back to Nandu.

But after receiving the news, he couldn’t even wait for half a day or even half an hour.

Lu Xiao thought to himself, this guy who smacks flowers, has hooked up with the little sister in just a few days, and he has to buy gifts and flowers for his family.

‌While secretly sulking, he opened the browser and searched for Aquarius.

According to the ‌‌ account password that Ye Cheng previously gave him, his ‌‌ birthday is February 14, which is Aquarius.

The browser of the old phone is also very old, and it takes a full minute to open.

At first glance, he saw a keyword: freedom and fraternity.

‌‌The little universe exploded again, and angrily searched more bluntly: Is Aquarius flowery?

Then he searched again: What constellation is the best match for an Aquarius man?

Unfortunately, the answer is Gemini, not Libra.

Little Libra suffered 10,000 damage.

He dropped down on the bed sadly, covering his head with a pillow.

Ye Cheng is a philanthropist.

Ye cheng also has a little flowery heart.

Ye Cheng and ‌ him is not the best match.

Shit, the high school boy’s heart was broken.

Can you hear it? It’s the sound of heartbreak.


When Ye Cheng and Gao Qiulan walked out of the hospital, he sneezed in succession.
Gao Qiulan worried: “Is it a cold? Would you like to buy some cold medicine to take home?”

“No, no.” Ye Cheng sniffed, but didn’t feel any discomfort in his throat.

After returning home, she still frankly told Gao Qiulan about Ye Qiaoqiao’s life experience.

The old woman doesn’t surf the Internet very much, so she doesn’t know that this day has been full of troubles.

After listening to this, Gao Qiulan almost had a heart attack.

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She scolded angrily: “This Qu Tian is really not good! What does she think of a child? She’s a beast!”

Ye Cheng said, “The most innocent person is Ye Qiaoqiao. That person speaks arrogantly. Maybe she stole Qiaoqiao from another house.”

“This kind of person should eat shit for a lifetime!” Gao Qiulan said angrily.

Ye Cheng nodded and said, “If it gets too big, it should attract the attention of the police, and it will definitely be brought to justice.”

“Don’t tell Qiaoqiao about this, she is too young and still sick, so she definitely can’t stand it.”
Gao Qiulan shook her head repeatedly.

Ye Cheng said “um”: “I didn’t plan to tell her, I will go to the hospital to accompany her these few days and rest at home.”

From the first day, he took a few hours to go to the hospital every day, and accompanied Ye Qiaoqiao to play shuttlecock.

When Ye Qiaoqiao’s condition was not at its worst, she was in a happy mood, and the happiest day was when Ye Cheng played with her.

She always felt that his brother’s attitude towards her seemed to have changed a little, but she couldn’t tell where it changed.

Although Ye Cheng wouldn’t still like her, there would be no disgust in her eyes.

The child didn’t understand that it was called “disgust”, but she felt that Ye Cheng made her feel sad before.

After a few days, Lu Xiao returned to the southern capital with the winter camp troops.
After chatting with Tan Xiaoqi that day, he immediately went to Ye Cheng to message him, and the result showed that “the other party has blocked him”.

Lu Xiao smashed the old phone on the spot, and then spent hundreds of dollars to buy a new one.

In the southern capital, if Hu Haiyang hadn’t stopped him, he would have almost jumped off at the station.

After putting everything in the hotel, Tan Xiaoqi sent a message.

[Brother Xiao, I’ve been thinking about it all night. If you want to win by surprise, there is a very good way to win. 】

Suspect ‌X: [What method? 】

Tan Xiaoqi: [That is–make that girl fall in love with you at first sight! 】

Seeing this sentence, Lu Xiao had a feeling that the heavenly spirit cover was lifted and he can finally breathe.

That’s right, that’s right, that’s it!

The best way to block all rivals in love is to make them fall in love with you.

‌ Immediately he opened the suitcase and started to do some back and forth.

Then he made an appointment with a florist and ordered various bouquets of lilies, roses, carnations, and gypsophila.

After ordering, he called the counter lady at Hermès and ordered five bags and six pieces of jewelry.

Jiang Jin said that the woman likes Hermès necklaces, so she should like this set.

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Lu Xiao got dressed and called Ye Cheng before leaving the hotel.

Ye Cheng didn’t block him on the phone: “Hello?”

Lu Xiao’s voice was tinted with grievance: “Why did you block my WeChat messages?”

Ye Cheng did not know the reason, because he forgot about it after he blocked him.

“Ah, don’t think about it, just wait and I’ll pull you back.” He hurriedly responded.
Lu Xiao asked: “Where are you? I’ll look for you.”

Ye Cheng seemed to hear some noise.

He lowered his voice and said, “Have you returned to the Southern Capital?”

“Well, I just got back today.”

“I’m at Nandu Central Hospital.” Ye Cheng said.

Lu Xiao frowned and said, “Hospital? Are you sick?”

There was another noisy voice from the other end, and Ye Cheng said, “It’s not me, I will give you the ward number and hung up first.”

After speaking, he hung up the phone with a snap.

Facing a room full of old ladies, he smiled politely and said, “Auntie, would you like some tea?”

The wards are all relatives and friends from Sichuan, all of whom he has not been in contact with for many years. Everyone is in a group with Gao Qiulan.

Auntie grinned with her missing teeth, and greeted, “I brought tea.”

Ye Cheng bit the bullet and walked over.

There was a lot of noise in the room, they were chatting in slang for a while, and chatting in a language that he didn’t know.

Ye Qiaoqiao shrank into a small ball and sat on the bed.

There was a knock on the door of the ward.

Everyone was quiet for a while, and Gao Qiulan said, “Oh, the nurse should have taken the temperature. Come on in.”

The door was pushed open, and Lu Xiao stuck out his handsome head.

Dressed up wearing a black jacket and black sunglasses, he raised

the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, “Cheng, did you miss me?”

A group of old grandmothers were eating, even forgetting to knock melon seeds.

After looking around, Lu Xiao’s smile gradually froze on his lips.

T/N: Instead of daily chapters, I’ll be posting in bulks then would just vanish for a while. I’m too lazy to schedule my posts so hope you guys don’t mind.

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