The touch is cold with a very faint aroma of wine.

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It was even softer than expected, as soft as a piece of almond tofu, as if it melted in one’s mouth.

The moment Lu Xiao was kissed, his head went blank, a tiny electric current spread between his lips and teeth, and every cell was too sensitive to be his own.

The kiss lasted for just a few seconds felt like a century had passed for him.

Ye Cheng’s breathing, heartbeat, and breath were all released in a limited amount of time.

Lu Xiao felt that the hand holding his face was getting colder , and it took a while before he realized——

It’s not that his hands are getting cold, it’s that his face is really too hot.

One second, two seconds,

Ye Cheng slowly released him, took a step back and stood up straight.

His chest was slumped in an unsteady manner, and there was a touch of moistness at the end of his eyes.

A sudden departure is just as provocative as a sudden approach. Lu Xiao’s mood was as if he was on a jumping plane, and the moment he left, he suddenly fell from a height.

Up and down.

It scratched the heart and scratched the liver.

He almost couldn’t hold back, he reached out and pulled Ye Cheng back again.

He stretched out his hand an inch, but he was still able to hold back, and repeatedly warned himself not to be reckless.

He would scare him.

Lu Xiao was overwhelmed, and after he let go, he lowered his head, not daring to look at him

He thought in a mess, Shit, Ye Cheng kissed me! What should I do to make him think I’m not a fool who doesn’t understand anything?

I want to confess now, but what should I do if I don’t remember a word…

what to do……

Help, why did he look so calm? !

In fact, Ye Cheng was not as calm as he thought, his clenched palms were already wet with sweat, and his heart was beating fast.

It’s just that he pretended to be more natural.

He lowered his eyes and said first, “We should go back.”

Lu Xiao came to think about something, but was interrupted by him, stood up and stammered, “Ah… ok, ok.”
As soon as he stood up, he realized that his hands and feet were so stiff that he couldn’t even walk.

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After he walked ten meters with his hands and feet, Ye Cheng finally couldn’t stand it any longer, and reminded in a low voice, “Your posture is a bit strange.”

Lu Xiao woke up and wanted to find a crack to crawl in. After a pause, he finally moved his hands and feet over.

The two were side by side on the street, and an awkward and subtle atmosphere quickly swept them.

It seemed that every grass and tree on Shanhai Road froze, and a huge word “embarrassed” was written on the fallen sycamore leaves.

Lu Xiao’s hands were almost crushed by himself, and he was thinking frantically to speak quickly.

You’re have fucking balls! take it easy!

ah ah ah!

He screamed in his head for three minutes, and finally, his heart went wild, he turned around and blocked Ye Cheng on the road.

Ye Cheng was pondering how to speak, but was taken aback by his sudden action, and looked up at him.

Lu Xiao forgot all the words he had memorized. He couldn’t care about the small note in his pocket, he blushed and said stiffly,

“Why did you kiss me just now?”

He was so tense, the tone of his words didn’t seem to be a confession, but a question.

Ye Cheng was also made nervous by him, so he tried his best to remain calm and said, “I want to kiss you because I want to.”

His voice was also a little harsh, and he listened as if he were going to fight at any time.

Lu Xiao’s tone trembling slightly, he summoned his courage and said, “Then I want to kiss you too.”

Ye Cheng’s eyes flickered at him for a moment, then slowly closed the distance.

Lu Xiao’s face was flushed red to the point of dripping blood, and his heart was about to pop out of his mouth.

He closed his eyes…

When the boy closes his eyes, he just wants to kiss him.

Lu Xiao took a deep breath, leaned over little by little, and carefully pecked his lips.

His movements were as light as stroking the soft thorn of a rose, afraid that if he exerted a little force, the tender thorn would feel pain.

It was like Dragonfly touching the water.

When Ye Cheng opened his eyes, he still couldn’t believe it.

He felt that it was over without even touching Lu Xiao’s mouth.

Lu Xiao, who was next to him, was so shy that he curled up, and even quickly moved one meter away from him.

Ye Cheng: “…”

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He thought that even if it wasn’t a tongue kiss, he would still nibble.

Now that he came out like this, it would be impossible for him to fix it.

However, considering the face of the boy in high school, he had to clear his throat and said,

“Let’s go back, grandma and auntie should be waiting.”

After finishing, he wanted to go to ‌‌. But just as he took a step, Lu Xiao hurriedly grabbed his wrist.

“Wait a minute,” Lu Xiao’s eyes flashed a trace of injury, and he looked at him with uncertainty,

“You…you haven’t given me an answer yet.”

He swallowed and said with difficulty: “I like you, what about you, do you like me?”

Ye Cheng’s shyness almost dissipated, and he couldn’t help but think to himself, he really has more ritual than expected.

He already kissed him, so how can he not like Lu Xiao?

He said slightly, “I like you too.”

Lu Xiao’s eyes suddenly fluttered, and he let go of his hand like he was in an electric shock, and asked again, “Then did you agree to be with me?”

The little boy’s sense of insecurity is stronger than his.

Ye Cheng looked at his red face, and couldn’t help pinching it.

Soft, smooth and tender.

If it were anyone else who pinched Lu Xiao’s face like that, he would immediately kick him three feet away.

But after being pinched by Ye Cheng, his heart was about to overflow, so he obediently let him play with it.

“‌Come on, little boyfriend.”

Ye Cheng didn’t answer his question directly,he threw a word lightly, and headed home.

His words are light and ambiguous, especially the word “small”.

It’s really a “little boyfriend”.

[Xiao means little so double meaning]

Lu Xiao was stunned in place for a second, before hurriedly chasing after him.

“You wait for me!”

On the way home from the hospital, Lu Xiao gradually transformed into one hundred thousand whys.

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He suddenly had so many questions that he wanted to ask Ye Cheng.

“When did you start liking me?”

“What do you like about me?”

“Is there any action you don’t like your boyfriend to do?”

Every question was very difficult to answer, Ye Cheng was distracted while walking, and he didn’t want to answer the latter one.

“This question, I will answer you later.” He found a reason and said perfunctorily.

But Lu Xiao thought he was unhappy, so he quickly apologized: “I’m sorry, but I’m too impatient.”

He had never been in a relationship, but he still said “You can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry”.

In fact, he has more to ask.

For example, do you like your former boyfriend or me more?

For example, if I don’t do well in the college entrance examination, will you still be with me?

But this question was too naive, he was afraid to ask Ye Cheng for fear that he would get really angry.

After the two returned home, they separated as if they were doing their own thing.

Gao Qiulan cooked dumplings for her family to eat. After eating, Meng Li planned to go back and she asked Lu Xiao to say goodbye to Gao Qiulan.

Lu Xiao really didn’t want to. He still had a lot to talk about with Ye Cheng, but he couldn’t find a suitable excuse to stay.
Meng Li went to the car to unload the prepared things. It was a box about one meter five.

Meng Li smiled and said, “I almost forgot, this kid also prepared a New Year’s gift for Xiao Cheng. You can move it directly to Xiao Cheng’s room.”

“Why are you still preparing gifts, my God, it’s so awkward.” Gao Qiulan also smiled.

Meng Li: “They have a good relationship. Look at Xiao Xiao’s unwillingness to go home with me. The last time was when he fell in love with a little girl in elementary school.”

Ye Cheng glanced at Lu Xiao, both of them were silent and allowed the adults to tease them, and then moved the box into the bedroom.

Ye Cheng half-closed the door, and the sound of a car starting came from outside.

“In elementary school you fell in love with a little girl?” Ye Cheng gave him a sidelong glance, parroting his tongue.

Lu Xiao’s face flushed red: “Don’t listen to my mother.”

Of course, Ye Cheng couldn’t be serious with him. He looked at the box and asked curiously,

“What is this?”

“You’ll see after a while.” Lu Xiao.

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The air became quiet, he tugged at the corner of his clothes and said, “Then I’m done.”

A thought broke the ground and made his heart beat very fast.

“Well, be careful on the road.” Ye Cheng looked at him and said.

Lu Xiao hesitated for a moment, as if he wanted to do something, but finally gave up. He waved at him, turned around and walked out.

Ye Cheng didn’t take him to the door, but opened the window and watched him get into the car.

Meng Li waved to him from the back seat, and he smiled and waved his arms in response to her.

The Maybach drove out and slowly disappeared into the night.

Lu Xiao leaned on the seat, feeling very annoyed.
When they parted just now, he had been hesitating whether to kiss Ye Cheng again, but he didn’t have the courage to do it afterward.

After confirming the relationship, he seemed to be more afraid of abruptness than he did.

He was always worried that he would be unhappy by doing so, and that he would feel he was disrespectful to him.

“What’s wrong with you?” Meng Li asked suspiciously when he saw his tangled face.

Lu Xiao concealed: “It’s nothing, the dumplings are too many to eat.”

Meng Li ordered: “Your grandma Gao’s cooking is really delicious. By the way, you should keep the card she gave you, so you won’t lose it.”

Only then did Lu Xiao want to get the card. He took it out and looked at it carefully and said, “You guys really think the same. You give her the card and she also gives the card, but you don’t know how much it will be.”

“It’s definitely not as much as me.” Meng Li said confidently.

Lu Xiao scoffed at her strange comparison, pouted and didn’t answer.

After the guests were all gone, Gao Qiulan went to bed first.

In old age, vigil is a symbolic watch. She instructed Ye Cheng to put the red envelope under the pillow, which is also a New Year’s custom.

Ye Cheng finished taking a shower and started to unpack the box.

If Lu Xiao hadn’t already left, he would really worry about whether the box had a hidden trick or not. It’s so high that he doesn’t know what is inside.

After unpacking, he found that the surface was a bunch of wisteria flowers made of night lights, or it was a night lamp that looked like wisteria flowers, a full one meter high.

It is delicately inlaid with crystals and tassel, which is a bit too girlish, but he likes it very much.

Ye Cheng laboriously carried the bunch of night lights and put them on the bed.

At the flip of a switch, the entire room turned a soft, pale purple.

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